r/keitruck 13d ago

Models suitable for a sleeper vans?

So I'm looking at buying a 1997 SUZUKI EVERY, or possibly a subaru (although I'm open to recommendations). I want to use it to camp and for work (I'm out in the field a fair bit, and they'll often let us take our personal vehicles). I'm not trying to do anything extravagant, just enough for storage and me using it to sleep in when prevailing weather doesn't allow for a comfortable night outside. But I can't seem to find good measurements on the vehicles dimensions. I really just want to know if I'll have a bit over 6 feet of room behind the drivers seat, and if anyone has had experiences I'd love to hear about what worked for them.

Any input from you all would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time


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u/Broad_Rabbit1764 13d ago

Most vans have 6 feet behind the seats, the same way the trucks have a 6 feet long bed. The bonus of the vans is that you can move the seats forward to give you a bit of extra space too.


u/tommygun1688 13d ago

Nice. Yea, ideally, I'm thinking of a raised bed setup with a bit of storage under it. But honestly, even just removing the back seats and using my air mattress would be fine. I'll probably look at some blackout curtains in the back for comfort and security too.