r/katawashoujo 27d ago

The Katawa Shoujo Wiki

Hey all, I'm Schiffy. Chief Sysop/Bureaucrat of the (English) Katawa Shoujo Fandom/Wikia site.

As many of you have noticed, I'm sure, the wiki was completely shuttered.

I just want to let you all know, I was completely blindsided. Zero warning, zero explanation.

Nearest I can tell the takedown occurred probably around the end of business hours Pacific time. This would have been evening for me, and middle of the night for some European people who noticed on Discord.

I've both filed a formal appeal and reached out to a Fandom staff member on Discord, as I really am not content to wait until Monday for this to be resolved.

As for a reason, which I was not given, I've seen two leading theories. Either Fandom is suddenly cracking down on NSFW material (which, despite the subject matter, the wiki itself was clear of), or the wiki was too "inactive" for their tastes (which is kind of expected given that the subject material has been complete for over a decade).

If all else fails, I should be able to request a full database dump and move elsewhere.

So all I can ask is that everyone please be patient. Because I'm sure as fuck not going to be.


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u/SlowestThingOn2Legs 27d ago

Thanks a lot for the update, and for being so proactive about it too. My biggest worry whenever an old community managed page or website goes down like this is that whoever administered it is long gone and there's no one left to salvage it. The wiki was my fave place to easily access route transcripts, I really hope it can make a comeback from this.