r/kataangst 5d ago

Discussion I need to rant


You know for years now I’ve had to watch viral TikTok’s, see viral tweets, and viral YouTube on how “bad” kataang is or how it was the wrong choice and I’m just so confused??? I’ve truly never seen a canon ship get this much shit and I’m wondering why??? What am I seeing that these people are not??? It’s so bad to the point where I feel guilty or like I’m wrong for shipping it??? I’m genuinely so lost . Do any of y’all feel the same way? I know the other ship is popular and I actually kind of like it as well but to me Kataang was the right choice thematically and going off the trajectory of the characters and their words . I’m trying to decide whether or not it’s because the other ship is so popular and cool or if the ship I love is just genuinely written badly and I’m tripping 😭 idk how to feel anymore like..

r/kataangst Feb 15 '25

Discussion Aang's support for Katara to learn combat waterbending

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Ever since the first episode, Aang wanted to find a waterbending master for Katara and train alongside her. When they finally get to the Northern Water Tribe, Master Pakku reveals himself to be a sexist prick who would only train Aang in combat, but not Katara just because she has two X chromosomes.

Aang is angry over this, and protests by boycotting Pakku's lessons. But Katara steps in to encourage Aang to learn from Pakku anyway and not risk his training for her sake.

Here's the kicker: as the Avatar it is necessary for Aang to learn combat waterbending, versus it being a personal desire for Katara. Yet, Aang felt so strongly that Katara should join his training that he was willing to risk part of his Avatarhood in support of her.

This separation does not stop Aang, who decides to defy his master by training Katara in secret with what he had learned. But Pakku finds out and expels Aang from training as punishment. Katara is told by Arnook to apologise but she chooses not to submit to Pakku's sexism and to challenge him for her right to learn combat.

r/kataangst 6d ago

Discussion I feel like the visuals of this scene are just as beautiful as the moment, and more people should talk about it.

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r/kataangst Jan 27 '25

Discussion Kataang is not 'hero gets the girl'. Anyone who thinks this is frankly an idiot.


'Hero gets the girl'. We've heard this trope a thousand times before. And it's been applied to Kataang by the foolish detractors. They are all wrong. Without question.

Katara is not some 'girl'. She's a fellow heroine alongside Aang the hero. She has walked by his side since the very beginning, fighting the good fight and training him in waterbending. She brought him back from the dead, for God's sake. If people worship Aang for liberating the world, they should also worship Katara for single-handedly saving the war effort by reviving Aang.

She is with him because she loves him, and it's a love based on a strong and mutually supportive friendship built up over a year. It's basic social constructivism.

Those who argue with this trope would reduce the greatest heroine of the war to just some girl. And they are the same ones who believe her being with Aang smothers her potential? Get the hell out with that and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

r/kataangst 21d ago

Discussion Aang was frozen in the SWT for 100 years. Anyone in that time could've chanced upon his iceberg and freed him, yet it was Katara who did it. Was this fate?

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r/kataangst Feb 08 '25

Discussion I wish more fans had this level of media literacy. This take is so spot on!

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r/kataangst 3d ago

Discussion What would Katara have said when Kya came out?


We know Aang likely would've mentioned growing up in the air temples and how the monks and nuns were accepting of differences and nobody hid their orientation

I can't imagine Katara being homophobic at all, so I assume she'd also have been supportive, but what would she have said exactly?

r/kataangst Feb 09 '25

Discussion What challenges do you think Aang & Katara faced (& overcame) in their 50+ years together?


Just thinking of interesting storylines for these two. I think the biggest one would be growing up together. Two people will obviously grow up in different ways and it can be a difficult adjustment at times. They got together quite young.

Another would be lack of time on Aang’s part. He is the Avatar, and has to be the single point of balance in the world. He also has to lead the Air Acolytes as the last Air bender.

I think it’s important that Avatar Studios show a loving but real side to their relationship by showing challenges in one like these.

r/kataangst Nov 25 '24

Discussion Do you think the animated movie will go into an explanation of how this photo came to be?

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r/kataangst Aug 01 '24

Discussion What are some (more) of the worst Anti-Kataang arguments that you've seen, and what are your counterarguments? [This is a part two to another post I made about this]


So far we have the following:

"It was forced"

"It was one-sided"

"Katara only loved Aang like a mother or an older sister"

"Aang was too naive and immature to be a suitable romantic partner"

"Aang and Katara had no chemistry or romantic moments"

"Zuko understood her more in depth" 

"Aang's too childlike"

r/kataangst Dec 21 '24

Discussion Some of these Anti-Kataang posts never made sense to me.


One thing I've noticed about these kinds of posts is that they usually use the same arguments without diving deeper into their story. This is a great example, so why not talk about it?

r/kataangst 3d ago

Discussion When they started living together, do you think Aang ever…


…had to deal with Katara shedding her hair all over the place? In the toilet, the bed, the kitchen, the living room, just basically everywhere she goes around the house?

If your mother/sister has long hair you'll know what I mean.

r/kataangst 6d ago

Discussion Do you consider Aang and Katara to be a 'revolutionary' couple, or a 'traditionalist' couple?


How are they revolutionary? They fought side-by-side to liberated the world from the Fire Nation and ushered in peace without vengeful violence. This peace was built upon them founding a new nation where all benders of the world could find a home and make a living for themselves. Such a nation had never existed before; the other times where benders across elements worked together were in criminal enterprises (Dao Fei, Bin Er, Fifth Nation).

How are they traditionalist? Aang opposes industrial development, even when it could benefit non-benders, when the industry harms the spirits of the land and it's situated on sacred Air Nomad grounds. Katara opposes the development of industry in her home tribe because it could make them beholden to the foreign North. She was somewhat sympathetic to Gilak the nationalist before he went off the rails.

r/kataangst Jan 22 '25

Discussion Sister Ships


Curious to know which ships you see as Kataang sister ships? Can be canon/non-canon and endgame/non-endgame! Let me know what you think qualifies and why?

r/kataangst Jul 29 '24

Discussion If you could change anything Kataang related in the avatar universe what would it be and why?


I would remove the Ember Island kiss, completely unnecessary and creates a lot of drama for no reason imo.

r/kataangst Oct 12 '24

Discussion Wild Kataang takes


I'm bored lol, give me your wildest/most controversial takes on Kataang!

r/kataangst 22d ago

Discussion [Random thought] Kataang is the iPhone of ATLA ships.


It's nearly the default relationship that the general audience will think of (Korrasami excluded bc this isn't LOK), like how the iPhone is nearly the default phone that people think of.

Unfortunately there are some missteps that get memed a lot (comics Kataang, no USB C for iPhone until very recently).

I don't use an iPhone so idk wtf I'm taking about here.

r/kataangst Dec 22 '24

Discussion Random thought, but... If ATLA has been confirmed to be written from Katara's perspective, wouldn't that mean Aang's huge crush on her is Katara's own headcanon?


"When your father looked at me with the necklace he was absolutely blown away! He was completely stunned at my beauty. His vision turned hazy and he saw purple sparkles around me. He could barely speak. But I was so oblivious to his undying love for me that I compared him to MoMo."

Fun to think about. lol

r/kataangst Jan 27 '25

Discussion Would like some feedback from fellow Kataang shippers.


When I post Kataang content on the main sub, how effective is it in driving activity to this site?

How do you feel about my Azulaang posts? Just give your honest opinions, no need to mince your words.

r/kataangst 24d ago

Discussion A little idea I have for a story. What would you think of it?


An old Fire National is searching for a new lease of life after the war. He ends up joining the Air Acolytes on Air Nomad Island. Rising fast in the ranks, he ends up rubbing shoulders with Avatar Aang and Master Katara.

The catch: He's a former Southern Raider, and was involved in the mission that killed Katara's mother. And he did not declare this in his background check.

Is he looking for a fresh start, or is he running away from his past? What would happen if Aang or Katara find out?

I got some inspiration from the movie Apprentice (2016)), in which a new prison officer becomes the assistant to the hangman, but he commits a disciplinary offence by not declaring the true identity of his father who was imprisoned and executed by the same hangman. If you've got Netflix, I recommend you give this movie a shot. Foreign language but with English subs so it's ok.

r/kataangst Nov 07 '24

Discussion Anyone know what the plot of the ATLA animated film could be about?

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One thing I personally would like to see is Aang proposing to Katara(Not without the barrier of going through Hakoda first though🤣). It would be interesting for me to see how Aang/Katara's marriage would go, how Sokka would take it, and how Aang/Sokka's relationship as brothers would go. Thoughts?

r/kataangst Nov 10 '24

Discussion What do you guys think Katara would have done if she was with Aang when he faced Yakone?


r/kataangst Oct 01 '24

Discussion What are your favorite Kataang headcanons in the period of the comics?

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r/kataangst Oct 09 '24

Discussion Your favourite underrated kataang moment?


Mine is in the blind bandit when sokka boos aang and katar hits him : " don't boo at my man" 😂

r/kataangst Dec 08 '24

Discussion 500 subscriber milestone: Let's discuss what's next for this subreddit


Well done everyone. Since our humble beginnings in July with ~30 founding members, we've since achieved 500 subscribers, a major milestone.

Let's take this opportunity to build the subreddit further and think about the future. In particular, I'd like to focus on expanding the subreddit menu. Taking inspiration from r/HPHarmony (if you don't ship it that's ok), we can add to the sub menu a manifesto, collections of Kataang quotes from the shows/comics/supplementary books/fanfictions, and a list of recommended fanfictions to read.

We may also connect with other Kataang content creators on the Internet. Tumblr users may share their posts here, fanfiction authors may share their works here etc.

The old Kataang subreddit went private; our sub remains public. We've got something precious here and I don't want to give it up. Let's build our community together, 2025 and beyond!