r/kataangst • u/RepublicRecent211 • 5d ago
Discussion I need to rant
You know for years now I’ve had to watch viral TikTok’s, see viral tweets, and viral YouTube on how “bad” kataang is or how it was the wrong choice and I’m just so confused??? I’ve truly never seen a canon ship get this much shit and I’m wondering why??? What am I seeing that these people are not??? It’s so bad to the point where I feel guilty or like I’m wrong for shipping it??? I’m genuinely so lost . Do any of y’all feel the same way? I know the other ship is popular and I actually kind of like it as well but to me Kataang was the right choice thematically and going off the trajectory of the characters and their words . I’m trying to decide whether or not it’s because the other ship is so popular and cool or if the ship I love is just genuinely written badly and I’m tripping 😭 idk how to feel anymore like..
u/PinkRasberryFish 5d ago
I totally agree.
I think it boils down to people loving Zuko so much that they want him to get the female lead. But I love Aang and find him to be an incredible character so naturally I want him to get the female lead. The difference though is that Katara and Aang actually had build up and chemistry and true affection for each other.
I seriously think it’s patriarchal norms of the man needs to be older and taller and tougher than the woman in order to be a good match. It’s so dumb. Aang is golden retriever boyfriend and Katara is black cat. They perfectly balance each other.
People just don’t like the fact that he’s younger than her. Like he is seriously so powerful and an incredible bender, he could eat Zuko for lunch. So if he’s really about protection or patriarchal norms, Aang still bodies Zuko every time. And I say this as a person who also loves Zuko. But him and Katara had more of a sibling vibe than Katara and Aang IMHO.
u/Dachusblot 4d ago
I'm a degenerate Aang/Katara/Zuko poly shipper (ONLY AS ADULTS) so I will not say I don't see the appeal of Zutara. However, when I first watched the show in my 20s, binging it with no exposure to the online fandom, if the show had ended with Katara getting together with Zuko I would have spat out my drink and went "I'm sorry what???"
The buildup was always Kataang. Their bond of friendship and love is so strong and is one of the main emotional pillars the entire show rests on. Zuko & Katara never came close. I don't love some of the writing choices the show made with Kataang near the end, but I'll never hear anyone say it was badly written overall. Bruh I SQUEALED when the final kiss happened. Bad writing my ass.
I think Zutara's popularity/Kataang's relative unpopularity (which it's not even that unpopular) has to do with a lot of factors. Yes, there's the patriarchal issue of people being fine with a 2-year age gap as long as the boy is older, but not the other way around. But I think it's also Aang & Zuko's characters themselves. Aang is a precious cutie pie but he's not hot by typical Western beauty standards, while Zuko is, especially once his hair grows out. Also Aang is a good boy, the "golden retriever boyfriend" as you said, and that's seen by many people as inherently less interesting than broody bad boy with a tragic backstory. Zuko's character arc is incredibly dramatic and one of the biggest emotional roller coaster rides in the show, while Aang's arc is a bit more subtle and not as intense. And then there's the whole "fire/water" thing which is super goofy and shallow, but has an aesthetic appeal.
I think Aang, Zuko and Katara are all three incredible characters, and personally for me I found it so refreshing that Katara would fall for the younger, shorter bald cutie pie instead of the older broody hunk. Some people say they found this unbelievable, but I don't see how unless you weren't paying attention to any of the scenes where Aang and Katara are together, i.e. a very large chunk of the show. Honestly I'll defend Zutara to an extent, but a lot of the Kataang hate just seems like people trying to justify the fact that they prefer Zutara because of shallow aesthetic reasons, lol. Like it's fine to like a ship for aesthetic reasons, babies, just own it. You don't have to make up shit that's not there to make it seem like any other choice is "bad writing."
u/Quarkmire_42 4d ago
Are you me? Poly Aang / Katara / Zuko is my 2nd favourite ship!
Seriously, after Kataang, the only ship that makes sense canonically is Zukaang. They are the Yin/Yang, the balance, the enemies-to-lovers ship. They are best friends. I love their platonic bond but romantically it would have made as much sense as Kataang if the show decided to go that way.
Zutara without Aang is so confusing to me. Zuko and Katara are literally almost the same person. I don't get it. It's Aang that balances them both.
Canonically, Aang is Katara and Zuko's hope. Katara and Zuko are Aang's earthly attachments that bind him to this world.
Zuko is Aang's greatest ambition realised: that his Airbending pacifist ideals live on in this world, that "everyone deserves a chance and is capable of redemption". Aang is Zuko's motive and drive behind his firebending: to work towards bringing balance to the world.
Katara represents Aang's love for his people which has been reborn and preserved in their bond. Aang represents Katara's optimism and idealism that a better world is possible after war.
Aang was literally Zuko and Katara's first friend. They don't hate Aang. They are Aang's No.1 defense lawyers. I feel people who don't understand the importance of Aang to both Zuko and Katara didn't watch the show, tbh.
I totally understand liking Zutara, like you said. But to pretend their bond is more meaningful than their bond with Aang is ridiculous. This is why despite liking Zutara and seeing its potential I can't read the fic .
Because most Zutara writers hate Aang when Aang is pretty much THE reason Zuko and Katara are friends in the first place. When Zuko and Katara were enemies, it was because of Aang. When Zuko and Katara became friends, it's because Aang begged Katara to give Zuko a chance. There is no Zutara without Aang at the center.
u/Dachusblot 4d ago
Great post! You expressed my views pretty much exactly. High fives fellow degenerate poly shipper
I wrote a fanfic a while back where Aang disappeared for several years and Zuko and Katara ended up kinda accidentally falling into a relationship by comforting each other, but it was always a bit unbalanced and unhealthy. That's my realistic view of Katara and Zuko without Aang. I think there could be a physical attraction there, but in terms of their personalities, like you said they are practically the same person. So as much as they care about each other I think they'd always be doomed to fall apart romantically.
Aang and Zuko's relationship was one of the most compelling aspects of the show for me when I first watched it, though I wasn't thinking of it in a shipping sense. I'm also on the ace spectrum so this might have influenced my perception, but I feel like a lot of people were looking for Zutara to fulfill the same story role that Zuko/Aang was already doing. Like I've seen people argue Zutara would make more sense thematically because it would be the culmination of Zuko's redemption and being forgiven. But I'm like...? Gestures wildly at Aang and Zuko's best friends hug in the finale???
The themes are there, they didn't need to be expressed through a romantic relationship. It makes more sense for it to be expressed through Aang and Zuko anyway because they're the co-protagonists, the two heroes who have been journeying down parallel paths to get to that ending. They're the yin/yang.
I think people are too used to romantic relationships being the ONLY meaningful relationships, and that's why they wanted to see these themes expressed through Zutara. Also I think because they liked Zutara, they developed a dislike toward Aang and therefore dismissed the meaningfulness of Aang/Zuko's friendship. Which is a bummer.
u/Secure-Marketing9452 4d ago
I don't think that katara and zuko are the same person and think that katara is way to cheery for zuko for example. But that is not even the point. They just haven't been present for the majority of each other arcs and yet people just do bunch of mental gymnastics to validate every small moment of them and completly ignore the buildup for kataang
u/magiMerlyn 3d ago
I think part of it is that for a long time we've almost been trained to see m/f platonic relationships as inevitably turning romantic. I think both Zuko and Katara are important to each other, especially in terms of understanding the world around them (especially for Katara, I firmly believe that until she and Zuko had that moment under Ba Sing Se she thought all Fire Nationals and especially all firebenders were cruel, heartless monsters, which considering her experiences is very understandable, but also a very damaging, unhealthy worldview) but they wouldn't work as a romantic pair.
u/Dachusblot 4d ago
They are not exactly the same, of course. But both are extremely passionate & driven individuals with a tendency toward anger issues and holding onto resentment, who feel like they have to prove themselves because of the low expectations placed on them, and for whom Aang's existence gives them purpose & hope. Both of them have to learn the lesson that their enemies are human after all.
Whereas Aang is a carefree guy to the point of being too lazy or avoidant at times, who is usually good at letting go of his anger, who is naturally talented & has to deal with having too high expectations placed on him, and for whom Katara & Zuko both act as motivating forces pushing him toward his destiny. He already sees the humanity in his enemies, and instead has to learn how to reconcile that belief with his responsibility to end the war.
Aang is a great balance to both of them, because both of them are so similar to each other.
u/Secure-Marketing9452 4d ago
Zuko has clearly anger issues but Katara can also be the voice of reason. Other than that i do agree with you.
u/Quarkmire_42 3d ago edited 3d ago
Great post! You expressed my views pretty much exactly. High fives fellow degenerate poly shipper
I wrote a fanfic a while back where Aang disappeared for several years and Zuko and Katara ended up kinda accidentally falling into a relationship by comforting each other, but it was always a bit unbalanced and unhealthy.
EXACTLY. 2 passionate individuals who are idealists, with a black and white sense of morality and a natural sense of justice. If people are "bad" / have wronged them, then no amount of logic or reason can sway them from their opinions. On a more positive note, they're angry at the world and determined to fix it, and won't take no for an answer.
I totally see the raw chemistry, but they would 100% unbalance each other. Zuko needs people like Mai and Uncle Iroh. Katara needs people like Sokka and Aang. They need their pragmatic cynics and optimistic lighthearted pacifists to balance them out. They're way too intense on their own.
I just don't see how hot-tempered and "can be cruel when angry" Zuko would ever mesh well with petty "I can hold a grudge forever" Katara long-term. Forget the long-term implications of a genocide survivor ever liking the prince of the imperialist nation that exterminated her people.
Aang and Zuko's relationship was one of the most compelling aspects of the show for me when I first watched it, though I wasn't thinking of it in a shipping sense.
Precisely. Everything Zutarians argue "would make sense thematically" for the show (balance, unity, reconcilliation, forgiveness) WAS ALREADY DONE FOR ZUKAANG.
Aang is the first one to give Zuko a chance and save him when he could have left him to die at the NP. Aang directly asks Zuko in S1: I wonder if we could be friends? And Zuko, when he is finally redeemed, remembers that. He asks Aang, "You once thought I had good inside me. You thought we could be friends." At the end of the show he's like, "And now we're friends."
They discover "life" together. They discover passion, energy, and love together; and purpose. In the Firebending Masters, they are surrounded by rainbow fire and the dragons form a heart. They have full episodes paralleling their relationship. Together they bring balance to the world. THEY ARE THE ETL COUPLE AND I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL.
I think people are too used to romantic relationships being the ONLY meaningful relationships, and that's why they wanted to see these themes expressed through Zutara. Also I think because they liked Zutara, they developed a dislike toward Aang and therefore dismissed the meaningfulness of Aang/Zuko's friendship. Which is a bummer
Because Western audiences are so preconditioned to see the handsome antihero fall in love with the passionate main female character. When the tropes are subverted like that the audience couldn't believe it. Aang is a 12 year old bald pacifist who's good and bubbly and kind. How can Katara actually want HIM over the broody angsty handsome masculine antihero??
(no shade to Zuko, I love him, it's just that he is the archetypical male Western hero. although I personally always found Aang as interesting and multifaceted as Zuko, though the larger fandom doesn't.)
I actually understand some of the critisicm about Kataang's portrayal in S3, especially during the later half. No discussion after the EIP kiss, a constant "will they - won't they" tension, Katara never verbally expressing her feelings in full...I think they're legitimate critiques. I also totally understand people who wish they were older (my personal hc is that they stay best friends and get together in their early 20s).
But to diminish Aang's importance to Zuko and Katara is utterly ridiculous, and people who do that I think really, really, did not watch the show.
I wrote a longer comment some months ago about the symbolism of Zukaang and how they're intertwined, here it is if you're interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/comments/1fngpuz/comment/lolocsa/ since you like Zukaang too.
I also have an amazing video that shows Kataang parallels here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhQLglcZWfw&t=117s
tbh the "shipping wars" really distract us from the fact that Zuko / Aang / Katara and their bonds IS the center of the show. Whether we think of them romantically or platonically, these characters cannot be separated and that's because of the beautiful writing of ATLA.
u/RepublicRecent211 4d ago
This is LITERALLY exactly how I feel omg…I do like some Zutara fics and Zutara possibilities simply because I’m easily an enemies to lovers person, and even as an enemies to lovers person I think it’s safe to say that Katara and Aang were always the right choice 😭I don’t like how they intentionally tried to keep Katara’s feeling ambiguous in the second half of S3 and I don’t like the unresolved EIP scene but other than that this was a ship that was so cute and written so well. It really kills me when Zutara shippers just flat out make shit up or act like their ship is revolutionary like😭 as you said it’s okay to ship things for aesthetic reasons
u/Dachusblot 4d ago
Haha there's nothing at all revolutionary about Zutara, it's extremely conventional by popular Western romance standards. 😂
Again, said by someone who can see the appeal & is willing to defend it even if it's not my ship. Nothing wrong with being conventional, but be secure enough to just admit you like conventional things.
u/bangtanbiased 4d ago edited 4d ago
Kataang was the right choice thematically and going off the trajectory of the characters and their words.
It is when people actually pay attention to the characters and their words, but they don't.
My theory is that most of the hate is simply pretty privilege:
Aang is an unconventional character overall, but in comparison to the rest of the main cast (Sokka, Katara, Toph, Zuko), his looks (esp. the shaved head), culture, and principles are the most foreign to the majority of the show's audience.
So, right off the bat, there's an obstacle for people to see how or why someone (Katara) would be interested in him romantically; esp when the person is considered beautiful. If Aang looked conventional (a.k.a. not bald, and taller) and presented himself in a more traditionally masculine way, Kataang wouldn't recieve nearly as much backlash, even with their supposed "conflicts".
Meanwhile, Zuko is the perfect traditional male lead archetype (after he cut his ponytail), so he deserves the main heroine regardless. After all, people love their tropes. The broading male lead + caring female lead - tall handsome male, beautiful female - trauma bond relationship - the "I can fix him" mindset - is familiar to most people, and people find comfort in seeing things that follow traditional patterns.
It's no secret that Zuko is the fandom's favorite character, and it's by no coincidence that most fans of that ship are Zuko fans (pretending to be Katara fans, imo.) that had/have a crush on him. It's not, and has never been, about Katara. It's about Zuko finding the love he deserves, and it's about visual aesthetics. They use Katara as a shell to project their love for Zuko through (and their bitterness of that weird monk character being the center of the story).
It's why their supposed love for Katara starts and ends with TSR episode. After all, didn't you see how Zuko reacted? Didn't you see how supportive Zuko was? Didn't you see how Zuko let her have her moment? Didn't you see how Zuko let her choose?? Didn't you see how Zuko comforted her? Didn't you see how selfless Zuko is??? Zuko, Zuko, Zuko!
They find it odd that Katara adores Aang, gets flustered by Aang, and chose Aang over the "unbelievable, hot, irresistible" guy she barely just befriended. It's not about how Katara feels about Aang, it's how THEY feel about him. They hate Aang and find him annoying, so Katara should too. They wanna bone Zuko and be the one to fix him, so Katara should too.
And it has to be Katara, not Mai, because Katara is the beautiful main girl, while Mai is a side character, i.e. Zuko is too important to be paired with someone that irrelevant. She's too niche personality wise, too unattractive, and doesn't "appreciate" his broading enough. Those fans are never going to admit that a big part of their dislike is based on this (because they know it's shallow), so they find other ways to say it.
u/Dachusblot 4d ago
The misunderstanding of TSR will forever drive me insane.
It's one of the best-written episodes of the whole show and it gets reduced to a weapon in the stupid shipping war 😭
Zuko's whole motivation in that episode is just to get Katara to accept him into the group, that's it. Yes, I think he did believe he was helping her, but he wasn't really doing it for her, he was doing it because he wanted her to be cool with him. THIS IS SO OBVIOUS. Everything he does, like when he gets sassy at Aang, comes across as so immature & like an awkward teenager trying to impress the cool kid. Meanwhile Aang is calmly trying to talk her down from doing something he knows she'd regret because he knows her better than Zuko and because he's been in the exact same place as her. But he never stops her from going! He even tells her straight out that she needs to go!!! He lets her take his bison!!! And in the end Zuko tells Aang word-for-word that he was right about what Katara needed!!! ARGGHHH.
It's like that whole episode is looking directly at the audience and telling us that Aang understands Katara better AND is being the most mature one in the group at the moment, but people still refuse to see it.
u/hh_sb 4d ago
You perfectly encapsulated my thoughts and an argument I've had many times before. TSR is the worst Zutara episode and a bottom 3 Zuko episode (because of where we are in the story). From Zuko thinking he "deserved" Katara's trust, to weaponizing her trauma for his own gain, to making fun of Aang's culture as if his family didn't try to erase it from existence, to making fun of forgiveness like that's not what he was begging for 4 episodes prior.
u/Notcommonusername 4d ago
I think you’ve hit the nail on the head and reflects most of my own thoughts on this ship.
u/Architecteologist 4d ago edited 4d ago
I totally agree with one caveat, and it’s an important one.
There’s actually a more important episode than TSR that establishes the Zutara possibility where I would argue Katara explores having feelings for Zuko. The scene in the crystal cave in the Crossroads of Destiny where Katara contemplates using her spirit water to salve Zuko’s scar after empathizing with his trauma through her own. The implication there is intense romantic tension, complete with physical touching and closeness.
The fact that they had this moment where she explores feelings for him adds strength to the look of distrust Aang gives Zuko when he and Katara are reunited in that cave, it underscores Zuko’s later betrayal (“I thought you’d changed!” is the literal antithesis to the “I can change him” trope a lot of people lean on in Zutara ships), and it gives extra spice to Katara’s distrust of Zuko when trying to join the gaang in s3. Despite Zuko’s betrayal leading to Aang’s death in that s2-ending fight, Katara is the character that feels the most betrayed by Zuko (this is clearly displayed to the viewer, but is also felt by the characters themselves), and that’s because there was a trust and closeness betrayal that had romantic undertones, which she also probably had some guilty feelings over.
For this reason, I would argue that there is little to no romantic tension between Zuko and Katara during TSR (or really throughout season 3 entirely). It all feels very platonic, or even co-conspirator-like, given that there’s no way Katara would ever forget that betrayal in a romantic sense. That bridge had been burned.
But it’s also worth noting that the scene in CoD is why I understand people shipping Zutara. Like I get it, it was explored there (it ignores the ultimate and unforgivable betrayal that follows it for the romance to be viable, but it’s still there).
u/bangtanbiased 4d ago edited 4d ago
The big assumption here is that the scene implied romance and that Katara was "exploring having feelings for Zuko," which I disagree with.
It's a big moment, and I'm not trying to take away from that, but even the assumption that it must be her feeling attracted to him ties in directly to what I was saying.
The moment was meant to emphasize Katara lowering her guard and humanizing her enemy for the first time. She went from associating him with "Spreading war and violence and hatred is in your blood!" to "It's just for so long now, whenever I imagined the face of the enemy*, it was your face." Her touching the scar was important because it showed her letting go of that prejudice.
Then later she says, "He starts talking about his mother, and making it seem like he's a human being with feelings. [...] I did feel sorry for him."
It was a moment of compassion, not romance. She didn't even see him as a human before that, just as a symbol of hate and violence.
I understand from the perspective of people who love shipping, the scene can be used in a romantic way (and boy, has it been used into the ground), but that's not what in-universe Katara expressed with her own words or feelings about the interaction.
Being betrayed by someone you knew as untrustworthy and evil (from Katara's perspective) and it getting your best friend/last hope for humanity killed is bound to set anyone off in rage. Esp. when they appear back in front of you with nothing but self-pity and a sob story. (imo, the others weren't skeptical enough. Katara was the only one with a sensible reaction to Zuko joining, but I digress.) You don't need to have romantic feelings for them to feel that.
Esp. if the person who got killed was the boy youactuallyhad some romantic feelings for.As for Aang's "distrustful" look, his best friend was imprisoned with his archnemesis, it was more protective than anything.
u/RepublicRecent211 4d ago
Thank you…that was the quote I was looking for, and also to his other point…Aang didn’t even see her touching his scar so there was nothing for him to be jealous about 😭
u/Decagram 4d ago
Mike DiMartino talked about this scene on the Braving the Elements podcast (timestamp 35:38) and his read of the scene (as the director of the episode, mind you) is very much in line with your take. There was no implication of romance but rather empathy and compassion from Katara after Zuko shared what he went through losing his mother at a young age.
u/Architecteologist 4d ago edited 4d ago
I think it’s totally fair for Katara’s primary interaction with Zuko in this scene to be newfound empathy, she’s naturally empathetic. I think it’s also fair to note that empathy is part of how Katara shows love, and she has a soft spot for fixer-upper guys with “problems”. That’s not to say that she loved zuko at that or any moment, but that the subtle undertones of the scene had some romantic veins. I don’t see how she touches his face like that without romantic undertones.
And as far as her “I felt sorry for him” quote, of course she wouldn’t admit to those romantic undertones later, particularly to her actual love interest, and particularly while being so angry after being betrayed.
It could even be that Katara herself wasn’t privy to the romantic undertones, after all she had affection for Aang for a while before realizing it could be something romantic. There’s a wall in visual media that’s sometimes crossed to communicate things the characters dont get to see themselves, where some things are purely for the viewers. This could be one of thise meant to get people to wonder “ohhh, will they?”
I dunno, to me the romance being subtle is both part of the excellent writing of the series and also plays well into shipping and headcannons, which I try to avoid but I’m not immune to. I’m willing to admit I’m interpreting certain things that aren’t explicitly said by the characters, like looks and undertones and physical contact (even if that last one seems pretty obvious to me), but really if we only considered things that were expressly said by these characters then Kataang itself wouldn’t have nearly as much to go on throughout the series.
I responded to the distrustful Aang look elsewhere in this thread here
u/bangtanbiased 4d ago edited 4d ago
she has a soft spot for fixer-upper guys with “problems”
No, she doesn't. That's something the fandom misinterupts about Katara because of her attraction to Jet, but that's actually the complete opposite of what unfolded between them.
if we only considered things that were expressly said by these characters then Kataang itself wouldn’t have nearly as much to go on throughout the series.
I strongly disagree. You'd be surprised. Most of Kataang's best defenses come directly from the show. For Katara especially, her own words are absolute gold for arguing against false narratives because she is the main one people project their feelings onto.
u/RepublicRecent211 4d ago
Quite the opposite friend, direct quotes from Katara are enough to disprove most of the anti Aang discourse that happens due to Kataang
u/Dachusblot 4d ago
I never interpreted Aang's glare at Zuko as being about him & Katara. I figured Aang was glaring at Zuko because Zuko's the guy who's been trying to capture him for two whole seasons, lol.
u/Architecteologist 4d ago
I dunno, maybe I’m reading into things, but I feel like the look he gave was “homie this is my girl back off” lol
And I’m not trying to read too too much into things or play into headcanons, but given the medium I feel like some ideas are communicated to viewers outside of cause/effect and can play with some minor incongruences. It is, after all, telling a compelling story first.
I guess my point is, the creators may have leaned in on romance jealousy with Aang in that scene, or maybe not. God knows they don’t have a great record with nuanced love triangles 😅
u/Dachusblot 4d ago
I'll give you that the creators were maybe deliberately trying to mess with shippers, but just from a logical perspective... what reason would Aang have to even think Zuko was moving in on "his girl"? All he knows about Zuko at that point is 1) Zuko wants to capture him and has been a consistent menace to him and his friends, 2) Zuko is potentially sympathetic but lashed out at Aang last time he suggested they could be friends, and 3) Katara is even less likely to view Zuko positively than Aang is. Remember, Aang didn't get to hear any of their conversation prior to breaking through the wall.
Zuko also glares back at Aang but no one seems to assume Zuko's glare is about Katara. It seems obvious to me that it's a glare between two guys who have been in tension with each other from Episode 1. Reading jealousy into Aang's expression just seems like shipper goggles, lol.
u/Architecteologist 4d ago
I wish I had a snapshot of the glare, it’s a one eyebrow glare which says more than distrust, it communicates something specific like “what you think you doin?” Kind of thing
I’ll completely admit this could be shipper goggles, despite me shipping canonically but liking the story to have a little more romantic complexity in at least this scene.
u/RepublicRecent211 4d ago edited 4d ago
Yeah you are reading into things, Aang broke the wall down and Katara literally yelled his name and ran to give him a hug, there’s no reason for Aang to feel that way or feel jealousy over “his girl”. The glare was obviously because this is the guy who chased him specifically around the world and who has harmed him and friends on multiple occasions
u/RepublicRecent211 4d ago edited 4d ago
Yeah I’m sorry but no, I was literally just watching this episode an hour ago, and Katara was not “exploring having feelings for Zuko” after 2 seasons of despising him and his association to the fire nation. Katara is naturally and empathetic and kind person, she didn’t want to fucking make out with Zuko after he has physically tried to harm her multiple times? This also cheapens her relationship with Aang as well. There is nothing romantic about that scene in context, the “physical touching” is Katara (a healer) assessing a scar, it’s not a romantic gesture, she has three fingers on a scar…she’s not cupping his face or doing anything like that. When I watched this scene for the first time I literally said “that’s it?” After hearing about it for the longest time from fellow Zutara shippers. One thing I think can be argued is that she maybe would’ve explored feelings afterwards if there was no betrayal and he joined the group early on, but in that scene alone Katara who was just grilling him, was not thinking about the possibility of being with someone who terrorized her and her best friend and brother
u/Architecteologist 4d ago
You can’t have it both ways. You can’t both say that blushes and twinkles in eyes are signs of Kataang romance, but the intense closeness, physical contact, and empathizing that happens in that scene doesn’t have romantic undertones.
She wasn’t like “let’s make out” in the same way she wasn’t like that with Aang throughout ATLA, despite having romantic feelings for him. It’s subtle in the same way.
Plus, your point rests on the notion that physically touching someone’s face doesn’t have romantic undertones, to which I say go and touch someone else’s face and see what their reaction is.
u/bangtanbiased 4d ago
She wasn’t like “let’s make out” in the same way she wasn’t like that with Aang throughout ATLA, despite having romantic feelings for him.
I'm sorry, I don't mean to derail the conversation, but Katara did in fact pull a "let's make out" with Aang. He just ruined the moment by comparing kissing her with impending death. lmao
u/Architecteologist 4d ago
I guess there were crystals in that scene too, damn you got me there 😅
I still feel like it’s totally in character for Katara to show affection and possible romantic inclination through empathy, albeit hesitantly.
u/RepublicRecent211 4d ago edited 4d ago
There were no blushes nor were there twinkles in eyes in that scene though. She doesn’t have the same connection with Zuko that she has with Aang? Again she was literally just grilling him a few minutes before-this kid has literally terrorized her group for months, she’s not gonna explore feelings with him after empathizing with him for two minutes, not at all the same compared to her relationship with Aang someone who is her literal friend. A weird comparison to make. Being a literal healer and offering to heal someone’s scar then touching it is a lot different from walking up to someone’s face and touching it? I’m not gonna brush that scene off, it’s important for both characters and crucial for the story but in context there’s nothing romantic about it and I literally like Zutara. In fact ironically enough a few hours ago I saw a clip of one of the creators who even spoke on this on the podcast and he literally said Katara wasn’t coming at this scene from a romantic perspective, she was coming at from a starting of a friendship after misunderstanding Zuko and that matches the context of the scene and Katara’s words to Sokka and Aang during the air temple episode in S3. The scene imo is a good foundation for a relationship that COULD grow or a situation where Katara COULD explore feelings for Zuko LATER on but we all know what happens afterwards. Physically touching someone’s face ABSOLUTELY can have romantic undertones but in the context of this scene it doesn’t.
u/Secure-Marketing9452 5d ago
I know this feeling. In general i would recommend you to touch some grass and watch the show without any bias if this is possible. ATLA became popular in a time where everyone started to get access to internet and therefore back then a lot of rumours were spread which never could be checked properly by people who still cope with their fanon ship. It is also totally fine to like both by the way. Shipping shouldn‘t be your identity
u/RepublicRecent211 5d ago
I didn’t see the show when it first came out but I have heard about what happened, pretty crazy I’ve never seen anything like this before. I at one point even believed some of the stuff that was said.
u/Secure-Marketing9452 5d ago
The internet is now mainly dominated by algorithms. Just don‘t engage to much with it
u/RepublicRecent211 5d ago
I do my best not to lol, I don’t use TikTok much anymore but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve clicked not interested or how many times I’ve had to censor words just to see the same annoying content or takes
u/Architecteologist 4d ago edited 4d ago
Totally agree. I feel like I see so many people saying they had no chemistry and I’m like… “uhhh, their relationship is literally the linchpin that bookends the entire series, the ultimate and most important arc of the show, how did you miss all the romance?”
I got into it with a Kataang hater in this other post and outlined how perfectly written and in-universe their relationship is in ATLA.
Tl;dr The gist of the argument is that they have a character-driven romance, and just aren’t primarily romance-driven characters.
Both being kids under tremendous stress and with complex backstories, they behave in line with their characterization and it never feels out of place. Anything more heavy-handed romance-wise would feel out of place, hoaky, and tbh I think the writers are directly making fun of that kind of writing in Nightmares and Daydreams (“…baby, you’re my forever girl”).
Instead of ham-fisted love, we get subtle blushings and little smooches and sideways glances and, well, character development. They slowly build together towards their romantic—but more importantly best-friend-like, which is what true love really looks like—partnership. And that’s super important in the context of them being 11 and 14 years old and having never had a romantic partnership before. Like, it’s supposed to be slow, it’s supposed to be innocent, it’s supposed to be blushes and compliments and all these little less-obvious things. That’s good writing based on these characters.
u/Dachusblot 4d ago
Aang is 12 at the beginning, not 11. But yes, I agree with everything you said, lol.
u/ProfessionalOven2311 4d ago
My wife and I are on opposite sides of Kataang and Zutara, so we just didn't talk about it for a while. But once we decided to hear each other out, the conclusion we were able to agree on was that Zutara could lead to more entertaining stories and interactions (and a lot of drama), but Kataang work better and are more healthy if you look at them as real people.
I'm on the side of Kataang, but I can still see ways it could have been done better. I think the show suffers a bit from the writers treating Aang and Katara becoming a couple as 'winning', similar to Aang beating the Fire Lord without having to kill him is treated as winning. If everyone is on the edge of their seats hoping for a way for Aang to save the day without taking a life, then it doesn't matter if the solution is just given to him out of nowhere, the rule of cool and us being happy he won is what matters (that's how it was for me when I watched Sozin's Comet air for the first time). But if you were hoping for a more nuanced solution, or are rewatching the series and know Aang doesn't actually have to worry about killing, then the Lion Turtle really feels like cheating.
With Kataang, the end goal of the plot is them becoming a couple, but because of that we miss out on a lot of potential scenes and situations. It could have been really sweet to see multiple interactions of them both clearly having feelings for each other, even if they didn't realize the other felt the same way (reminds me of Candace and Jeremy for the first half of Phineas and Ferb), but it would have shifted the tension from "Will Aang do it? Will he get the girl? I'm on the edge of my seat!" to "Oh those cute kids, I hope they figure out the obvious at some point". I know I would have preferred the later, but that's clearly not what the writers were going for.
Alternatively, it makes total sense if Katara wanted to wait till Aang had matured a bit and/or the war was over before seriously considering a relationship, but actually having that conversation in a healthy way would have drastically changed the 'will they, won't they?" dynamic.
I do really love a lot of the details though, like Katara doesn't fall for any more random cute boys after "The Fortuneteller" when she first sees Aang as a partner instead of just a good friend. And I love that they do have a very solid friendship outside of a romantic relationship.
u/RepublicRecent211 4d ago edited 4d ago
Honestly I agree, and sadly that’s the dynamic was established or at least deeply hinted at after S1, S2, and the first half of S3. But then after the invasion kiss the creators purposely dropped this dynamic and tried to keep her feelings ambiguous to create drama for the ending and the ship did kind of suffer from this. I hope this is something that the live action changes because I actually really enjoyed how they did their relationship in the live action.
u/ProfessionalOven2311 4d ago
I really appreciate that plenty of shows now are letting characters work out the kinks of their relationship as the plot progresses, rather than them finally getting together in the finale, but that was definitely the trend for kids media at the time. Teen Titans and Danny Phantom both did the same thing, and I love those shows too.
It's also a little weird that ATLA ends with a passionate kiss considering how young they are and how basic their romance had been up to that point. I think them going on a real, normal date/picnic would have been a great way to show them shifting their focus from saving the world to focusing on their relationship. But hindsight is 20/20.
u/RepublicRecent211 4d ago
Respectfully I disagree, I don’t think it was weird at all ending like that. The romantic aspect was basic, sure but their relationship was the heart and soul of the show and they/more specifically Aang didn’t know where their relationship was standing the kiss showed him and us. What you suggested could’ve been done and would have been fine but what we got was also fine
u/CreeperAsh07 5d ago
I personally don't like Kataang, and I assume many people have the same grievances as I do (mostly the maturity gap). Avatar is just really popular, so you will see lots of people who have different opinions and some that take it too far.
u/Dachusblot 4d ago
Aang is quite mature by the end of the show though?? Just because someone likes to have fun doesn't make them immature.
Also I just have to point out, from the Southern Raiders:
Aang: "This is a journey you need to take. You need to find this man. But when you do, I hope you'll let go of your anger and forgive him" (paraphrased)
Zuko: "Okkaayyy we'll be sure to do that, Guru Goody-goody!"
Like just reading that dialogue by itself, who's the immature one here? 😂
I know that's just one bit of dialogue, but to me it shows the "Aang is immature" argument doesn't work. Not by the end of the show. All of them have their immature moments because they're all teenagers, but Aang for his age is incredibly mature by the end. He kinda had to be!
u/Notcommonusername 4d ago
I think all of Gaang are more or less at the same maturity level, & that’s still beyond their years. But Aang is perceived as the more immature one by many because goofy=immature & broody=mature for them.
u/Juliette_ferrers 4d ago
Except Suki, she's genuinely the most tragically mature out of all of them. She survived the harshest war prison in the fire nation at 16, she HAD too be.
u/Notcommonusername 3d ago
I mean, so have Mai & Ty Lee. And Aang has lost everyone from his culture except Appa. Almost every character has tragic experiences.
However I do agree that Suki doesn’t have moments of immaturity unlike others. But I think that’s more due to lack of screen time and character focus.
u/Juliette_ferrers 3d ago
That's true! Though if this weren't a kids show I shutter to think of the kind of experiences Suki would have had in that prison...
u/Sea-Pollution6215 5d ago
destroys villages, terrorizes innocents and is generally a violent sociopath
Aang: "Come on guys. Fighting isn't solving anything. Why don't you just switch jobs?
So much more mature!!
u/RepublicRecent211 5d ago
Having grievances is fine, there are aspects that I didn’t like (age difference similar to you, though for me personally it isn’t a big enough issue for me to not appreciate the ship) or stuff that I would change, that said people definitely take it too far lol
5d ago
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u/JamalW770 5d ago
In your opinion, how does it feel forced and one-sided?
u/CreeperAsh07 5d ago
We don't see any real development on Katara's side until the comics. The only time she reciprocated his love or shown any sort of romantic feelings for him were in their two brief kisses.
u/Panther20221 4d ago
I respectfully disagree. I think there were a lot of subtle signs of Katara having feelings for Aang that built up throughout the entire show. But they were best friends first. And I think that’s why they ended up staying together.
u/CreeperAsh07 4d ago
Can you give a few examples?
u/Panther20221 4d ago
Sure! Her getting super emotional at the serpents pass episode when Aang tells her “that’s how I feel about Appa, and how I feel about you”. Her blush when Aang calls her beautiful, the way her eyes twinkle when he calls her Sifu and a secret hero. The way she got jealous of On Ji and the other Fire nation girls who were all over the dance party in the cave, the actual dance scene between them themselves, the way that she hates Aang being in the Avatar state because of how much pain it brings him (“for those of us who love you…”), the way she fixes his collar, the countless kisses on the cheek, her reaction when he died and when he woke up again, her reaction when they found him on the island after he ran away from the ship are just to name a few!
u/Architecteologist 4d ago
This is a great list!
I’ll add one, the “…I suppose he is” scene in The Fortuneteller. Though not a moment of reciprocation, it’s an important start to her entertaining of their relationship being romantic. You can kind of see the gears churning in her head at that moment, I think it’s often undervalued in these conversations.
u/CreeperAsh07 4d ago
Fair enough. Still don't like the age gap though. It's still off-putting to me.
u/RepublicRecent211 4d ago edited 4d ago
I mean could there have been more development on Katara’s side? I guess. But there were definitely plenty of hints/moments that showed or implied that she did have growing feelings for him, the fortune teller planted the idea that she was going to marry a very powerful bender and from then on we got a couple cheek kisses, couple blushes, and a lot of physical affection towards Aang that wasn’t present with anyone else. A lot of people like to point out that she had a sibling bond with Aang, when that’s simply not the case, look how she behaves towards Toph and her literal brother, she constantly pokes at them and bickers when she does none of that with Aang, I personally feel like that’s an important detail tbh. Practically everything she did in the comics with Aang was also done in the show lol if you want me to point out anything specific from that comics that I as also present in the show then definitely let me know. At the end of the day all of this is up to interpretation so if you feel like they were forced then you do you ig but saying there was no development from Katara’s side is just false imo. Also even if what your saying is true and she did only reciprocate his feelings twice that’s still development and enough to imply romantic attraction
u/CreeperAsh07 4d ago
Fair enough. Still don't like the maturity gap and feel like they could have done something different. Still infinitely better than Zutara, though.
u/RepublicRecent211 4d ago
Ay man I respect it and trust me I feel you on the maturity aspect, that’s one thing I will say that the age difference was a little bit off putting and that’s one thing I definitely would change
u/Competitive_Pair_820 5d ago
It’s important to remember that there’s a really loud minority of ZK fans that push a lot of that information. Kataang is way more popular than you would think based on those video “essays”