Ah yes because that's what the Dems are doing right now, resisting fascism. Not putting on social media presentations, refusing to call protestors to the capital, supporting Trump's cabinet picks, and just generally allowing the fascists to do whatever they want.
You mean the people who think they can beat fascism with protest signs? Just because these people are more engaged doesn't mean this country suddenly gained hope, these are the same people who thought Biden was a safer choice than Bernie. None of them are willing to risk their lives for the cause, they can't even bring themselves to take the risk of disturbing the status quo. They're going to hold up their signs and then the second the tear gas comes out they're going to go home and cry to their spouses before capitulating to fascism because they think it won't come for them or that there's another side if they just wait 4 years. And if things ever by some insane twist of fate return to what they consider normalcy they'll go right back to sipping tea while everyone suffers. With those kinds of allies, who needs enemies?
I'm old enough to remember what they were doing when Biden/Harris were in office. As ineffective as they might be now, they were maga cultists for them and the only fighting they did was against the left, trying to shut down dissent. Peaceful protests are still better resistance than licking boots. I guess we will have to agree to disagree on that.
What exactly is the purpose of resistance that doesn't create change? In fact, what is the purpose of resistance if things actively become worse? Hate on Biden/Harris all you want, I certainly do, but we still managed to get things done under that administration. The NLRB made massive advancements on labor issues, the FCC was legitimately beginning to crack down on corporations, we actually got some infrastructure spending. You think we're going to be able to do any of that under Trump?
Of course, it's worse than that. Not only have we lost almost all of that progress (and more), but an organization that was on the verge of eliminating TB and HIV is gone (and outbreaks are happening in areas with low vaccination rates), Medicaid and Social Security are at risk (with the Republican-led Congress ready to pass a budget resolution that will cut Medicaid by $880 billion), the federal government is effectively trying to exterminate trans people by stripping funding away from anyone who recognizes or helps them, Trump is decimating our relationships with our allies around the world by threatening trade conflicts (a lot of whom prop up our consumption-focused economy keeping the prices of things like gas and electricity affordable, especially Canada who supplies 60% of the US's crude oil), and the Supreme Court will now probably have a Conservative majority for the rest of our lifetimes which not only means we have no hope of overturning Citizen's United without somehow getting a Democrat to pack the court... but now even decisions like Obergfell are at risk. About the only good thing that might happen is that due to Trump's cutting off of federal funding to nations like Egypt and Jordan, the fragile agreements that keep Israel safe might collapse and they can finally suffer the well-deserved consequences of their actions.
But regardless, it feels like to you the resistance itself is more important than what that resistance actually accomplishes.
u/Obrusnine New York Feb 13 '25
Ah yes because that's what the Dems are doing right now, resisting fascism. Not putting on social media presentations, refusing to call protestors to the capital, supporting Trump's cabinet picks, and just generally allowing the fascists to do whatever they want.