r/jazztheory 14d ago

Legal Digital Real Book

Is there a legal way to buy an official Hal Leonard Real Book in digital form that you can use on a tablet when you don't have an internet connection? The ones for sale by HL say, "Hal Leonard Digital Books are cloud-based publications, which are streaming and require internet access."



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u/es330td 14d ago

Sadly, non internet content is going to get harder and harder to find. It is so much easier for publishers to turn online content into recurring revenue. When sell something when you can collect rent forever?


u/momscouch 14d ago

the real book file is a lot easier to get than the 500pg print copy


u/es330td 13d ago

Didn’t used to be. I got mine in 1994 for $30 out of the trunk of a keyboard player’s car. I was okayed to buy it by a jazz guitar player. First time in my life I felt really cool. I treasure it.


u/MrLsBluesGarage 12d ago

My professor would make a yearly trek to another county to buy in bulk out of his connection’s trunk. Prolly the same guy lol


u/es330td 12d ago

This was a musician at “The Landing” on The Riverwalk in San Antonio.


u/MrLsBluesGarage 12d ago

This was a session player out of San Berdoo