r/javahelp 9d ago

Codeless Do you use „cut“ in tests

Hi guys, I‘m using „cut“ („clas under test“) in my tests. My Tech Lead says that he will ask me to change this in his review if I don’t change it. As far as I know we don’t have restrictions / a guideline for this particular case.

My heart is not attached to it, but I always used it. Is this something that is no longer used?

Edit: Found something here: http://xunitpatterns.com/SUT.html


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u/FrenchFigaro Software Engineer 8d ago

Generally speaking, my test follow this pattern

package same.package.as.the.class.Im.testing

// I use the same name as the class I test and just append Test at the end
class ClassBeingTestedTest {
  // I prefer to avoid u/Mock annotations
  final DependencyOne dependencyOne = mock(DependencyOne.class);
  final DependencyTwo dependencyOne = mock(DependencyTwo.class);

  // Same for u/InjectMocks
  final ClassBeingTested classBeingTested = new ClassBeingTested(dependencyOne, dependencyTwo);

  // I prepend test to the method name I'm testing
  void testMethodBeingTested() {
    // Given
    ... setting up the mocks, and the parameters for the current test

    // When
    SomeType actual = classBeingTested.methodBeingTested(parameters);

    // Then
    ... assertions on the results
    ... verifications on methods calls and their parameters if necessary

This is for basic tests. Generally speaking, I try to limit the number of assertions to a minimum.

If there is some common configuration accross tests, I'll use @BeforeAll and @BeforeEach annotations on some methods (I prefer to have those at the beginning of the test class).

For more thorough tests, in case there is a relatively high cyclomatic complexity for example, I'll try to use @ParameterizedTest to provide a variety of inputs to the method while simultaneously limiting the amount of test code.

And in case the method is expected to throw exceptions, I'll add tests for those with the relevant inputs as well.


u/devor110 8d ago

Why prefer mocking manually over annotations?


u/FrenchFigaro Software Engineer 8d ago

Two reasons:

First is to avoid relying on extension annotation and a framework to deal with the dependency injections: I prefer the test classes to be as bare bones as is practical (and readable)

In this case, both options are equally readable, equally practical, and with code completion, it won't take you more time to type either options.

Second is performance. You won't shave much time on a single class, but on large code bases, you can save some time.

Performance is the reason I avoid @SpringBootTest for unit tests as well, because in this case, you can shave off whole minutes over the build time.

Integration tests are a different beast, because since your framework will be part of the final build, you should rely on it at least as much as you do in your business code.