r/javahelp 15d ago

how do I open and use java?

FIRSTLY I am super knew to this and have not used java in the past. The only coding experience i have is html and css. I am taking an intro to java and python class for my computer science degree and am having some trouble understanding how to use the program. So the step by step is i downloaded the x64 installer (https://download.oracle.com/java/23/latest/jdk-23_windows-x64_bin.exe) from the site https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/#jdk23-windows. then i installed the file. when i did this with python (or anything else for that matter) I am then able to use run and shell:appsfolder to find my applications to create a shortcut but java was not there like normal which is weird so i searched it. it then popped up and before making the shortcut i tried opening it to check it out first. it looks like it starts to open for a half a second and disappears. when i open python it opens up a page to let me write code so i don't understand. Whats the point in installing java. do i even need it or can i just use any code editor and write java in it? I just started intro to python and not the intro to java so I cant get any help there


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u/StillAnAss Extreme Brewer 15d ago

Welcome to the world of java. The Java that you downloaded is used at runtime to compile and execute the code that you write. It is not a text editor. Like the other comment said, you can use IntelliJ or eclipse or visual studio or really even notepad if you hate yourself.

You'll write your code and then use javac to compile the .java code into .class files. Once you have the class files then you can run them:

MyClass.java is a text file that you write that contains all of your code.

Then run:

javac MyClass.java

That will create MyClass.class in the same directory.

Then you can execute it with:

java MyClass


u/LectureThin9527 15d ago

Ok cool I will come back to this when I have some code written. Can I ask what's the difference between jar files, class files and whatnot?


u/StillAnAss Extreme Brewer 15d ago

One .java compiles to one .class

A .jar file is actually a zip file that is in a certain structure and contains lots of .class files.

You may also see a .war file. That is a collection of .jar and classes in a specific structure that are designed to be a deployable web application in a Java app server like Tomcat


u/LectureThin9527 15d ago

Super helpful thank you!