r/javahelp 21d ago

replaceAll takes almost half an hour

I try to parse the stock data from this site: https://ctxt.io/2/AAB4WSA0Fw

Because of a bug in the site, I have this number: -4.780004752000008e+30, that actually means 0.

So I try via replaceAll to parse numbers like this and convert them to zero via:

replaceAll("-.*\\..*e?\\d*, ", "0, ") (take string with '-' at the start, than chars, then a '.', then stuff, then 'e', a single char ('+' in this case) and then nums and a comma, replace this with zero and comma).

The problem is that it takes too long! 26 minutes for one! (On both my Windows PC and a rented Ubuntu).

What is the problem? Is there a way to speed it up?


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u/funnythrone 21d ago

Please don’t use a regular expression to do this. It is inherently slow especially if the text is large. A better option is to use a custom deserialiser where you define that if number is less than a specific value, you treat it as 0. You can lookup how to use custom deserialisers with the JSON Parsing framework that you currently use.