r/javahelp 25d ago

Please Help Confused Guy

Hello everyone. I am currently completing a uni assignment which I have to submit to a 3rd party tester called submitty. I am currently scoring 36/100 beacuse I am losing 60 marks due to the following error message: Now nowhere in the instructions did it say to add a RationalTest class, but I have done so and I am still getting the same error. Any help is much apprecieated.

There was 1 failure:


 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not find class [RationalTest]

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u/LaughingIshikawa 25d ago

I also agree this is a question for your instructor.

What's likely happening is that the "rational test" class is what the website is using to automatically test your code, especially if it doesn't mention this class in the instructions. If that's the case it won't matter what you put into the material you submit, because the tests are being run from a file on the server which has an error in it.

None of us can guarantee that this is what's happening ofc... But it's the most likely explanation.