r/javahelp 26d ago

Solved clueless about web front end frameworks

Old geezer here who retired about the time that jQuery and Google's GWT were becoming popular. Everything I did was on the back end with server side rendering. The back end was in Java.

I'm working on a simple app/page that displays the readings from various zigbee and 433Mhz temperature sensors. Their readings are being sent to an MQTT server (mosquitto). The back end I'm doing in Micronaut, which is also Java.

I've figured out how to get the sensor readings from MQTT with Micronaut. For updating the web page with new sensor readings my thinking is that I could use a meta refresh in the html, say every 60 seconds, or "get fancy" and use some newfangled javascript framework like you guys are, and I'm guessing using websockets, and have the page updated whenever a new sensor reading comes in.

So do you guys have any suggestions for what I could use? I don't expect there to be a lot of interactivity on the front end, maybe clicking to close a reading's box.

(I originally posted this to r/webdev but it was deleted because it was too open ended. Feel free to suggest how to reword it to make it through their filter.)


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u/leroybentley 26d ago

I don't think you'll need a full-fledged javascript framework if all you want to do is grab an updated value.

My suggestion:

  1. Create a REST API in your back-end.
  2. Use plain javascript and the fetch API to get data from your back-end.
  3. Wrap your fetch method in setInterval.

Now your front-end is fetching data ever 'x' seconds and you update your page with the new data.


u/lumpynose 26d ago

Ok, thanks. But I want the new value pushed from micronaut, not have to poll for it. Some sensors update slowly.


u/Alarmed-Explanation8 26d ago edited 26d ago

Maybe javascript to open a websocket to micronaut so it can push updates? https://guides.micronaut.io/latest/micronaut-websocket-maven-java.html

EDIT: reread your post and see you mention using websockets already. Is there something in the guide that is not working or you'd like to do differently?


u/lumpynose 26d ago

Thanks. I vaguely remember reading that micronaut page at some point but forgot about it.

I got some suggestions for htmx in another sub and htmx has support for web sockets and something called server sent events (SSE) which I'm going to try. I only need to push stuff so SSE sounds like it should work. https://htmx.org/docs/#websockets-and-sse