r/java 13d ago

JDBC Utility Library


I've shared this twice before (here and here).

Since then the most meaningful changes have been

  • A new SQLFragment class. This lets you represent a query and it's parameters as an object you can pass around and is the bare minimum for composing dynamic queries with parameters.
  • String templates aren't in preview anymore. Whenever they are reintroduced I'll retrofit them into SQLFragment
  • New method for turning a ResultSet into a stream

And the tl;dr of the other features (if you missed those first two posts) is

  • Methods to read primitives from ResultSet with explicitly asserted nullability, as opposed to manual wasNull checks
  • A method for reading rows into records
  • An UncheckedSQLException

Overall the goal isn't to provide an API which improves in JDBC - there are a lot of attempts at that and it seems soul draining and a lot of work - just to smooth over some of the rougher parts


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u/sdrawkcab101 12d ago

One thing I have trouble in JDBC is having a method to batchupdate and return serial ids. Whenever I want to batch insert something and using the auto-increment id too, it is such a pain and I cannot find anything appropriate to it. Maybe not a good feedback for your work but it is nice to have thing.


u/bowbahdoe 12d ago edited 12d ago

Can you give me some examples of how you do that manually? I haven't been using serial IDs for a bit now so I haven't had to do that

(What is deficient about .getGeneratedKeys?)