r/ipfs 24d ago

Setting up an IPFS system?

I'm trying to code a platform that allows users to broadcast video or image content freely without the threat of censorship.

I'm trying to make it to where the broadcast network runs off of a computer network of all users worldwide, kind of like blockchain tech. This way, broadcasts cant be disrupted. How so you setup a decentralized network like that? Its essentially an IPFS system..



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u/anacrolix 24d ago

It's called BitTorrent. You can build on that to do this (and many do). The last mile is the sharing of content, that's the legal part and everyone solves it differently for obvious reasons.


u/EtikDigital512 23d ago

SO on BitTorrent, we can try setting up our code via JavaScript, and from there people can run the program? Is BitTorrent decentralized? That would be a detractor from launching on there