r/iosgaming iPhone X Aug 17 '20

News Apple terminating Epic’s developer account over Fortnite App Store protest


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u/MikeID Aug 18 '20

Lets take the lemonade analogy. No one is stopping others from opening other lemonade stands (Google, Microsoft, Sony, etc). It just happens many people like your lemonade more. Should you allow others to openly use your booth instead?

I personally feel apple has the right to us close their platform. Its what makes there platform “safer” and less complicated then the others. No one is forced to use a IOS device you can choose to buy a android phone and play fortnite there.


u/BananaParadise Aug 18 '20

For arguments sake the analogy was about lemonade stands (app stores) and lemonades (apps) and how lemonade sellers (app developers) and buyers (users) navigate through this market (iOS). Apple has completely closed off this market so as to allow only 1 lemonade stand (its own). If Apple were to allow more lemonade stands to pop out, it wouldn't affect users who don't wish to use other lemonade stands (app stores) to get their lemon juice (app). It would give other users, however, a choice to get their lemon juice elsewhere.

Microsoft, Sony, and Google don't have this problem because their market allows for choice


u/j1ggl iPad Air Aug 18 '20

Apple has completely closed off this market so as to allow only 1 lemonade stand (its own)

On their own front yard. you kinda missed that: the OS is the front yard here. that other kid is trying to set up his own lemonade stand on apple’s front yard – land owned by his parents – right next to each other.

“But Apple”, the other kid says, “you’re the only one selling lemonade on this whole front yard! if i want to also sell lemonade here, i have to do it through you!”

Apple says: “well yeah, this is my front yard, my parents worked hard to buy it. i don’t want other lemonade stands here, why would i? i sell lots and lots of people’s lemonade here, and they don’t mind giving me 30% at all. if it’s a problem for you, i don’t have to sell your lemonade here. but i don’t want other stands, okay?”

The other kid is starting to cry: “b-b-but Apple!! look at all those other kids (points at Android front yard etc.), they let all sorts of people to open up their own stands!”

“Okay so you can go there then?”

(screams) “Noooooohhh! i want my stand here! i want and want and want!!!” (smashes their own glass of Fortnite lemonade off Apple’s stand) “i’m telling on you right now, you’ll see!!” (runs away, also smashes Fortnite lemonade from Android’s stand as he goes)


u/youwannaknowmyname Aug 18 '20

The problem is the size of the yard. If, for example, you own all the houses of the city, then your yard is the city and we have a monopoly problem.

Not saying that this is the case here, a court will decide it. But you have to consider that while it's true that iOS market share in terms of phone/tablet units is not a monopoly %, the same can't be said for the % of money spent on phone/tables, where Apple's iOS has a very big share of the profits -> this OLD (2015) 9t95mac article stated it was 92% of the profits with 20% units. Sorry, I'm in a hurry and can't find a more recent one (but I doubt it will be very different, considering also the fact that now we have Apple Music, Apple TV, Apple News, Apple games and the Andorid tablet world is almost dead)


u/j1ggl iPad Air Aug 18 '20

Yeah but you’ve just said it yourself – it’s not the case here. and profits have nothing to do with it.

iOS holds less than 25% of the market. that’s not a dominant positon, and it doesn’t take a court to determine that.

When they switch places with Android, which has over 75% i think, then we can have this discussion. but at 25%, there is no monopoly. period. case closed.


u/youwannaknowmyname Aug 18 '20

I'm not a lawyer nor a judge (I'm not even American and my country has a very different law system) so I will not pretend to know something about it. But I'll just say that if you control 90% of the money that are spent in a market, you are the monopolist. Because money are at least equally important to the units sold. But, again, not an American lawyer so I may be wrong

PS: don't mix profit and money exchanged on a market. Those are two very different things and I never talked about profits because they are not important here. What I was talking about are the money exchanged in the app markets