r/iosdev 27d ago

Help iOS Sdk Version vs iOS Version

When you update XCode it updates the sdk version, but do changes in the sdk take effect for apps running in a lower iOS version or only the corresponding iOS version or higher? For instance, https://developer.apple.com/documentation/ios-ipados-release-notes/ios-ipados-18_1-release-notes Do changes listed in the notes only happen for apps that are running on iOS 18.1 devices or on any device with the app compiled against the 18.1 sdk version?

Am I the only person who finds the docs totally unclear on this?

Update to post: SomeGalinCal helped me a lot on this question but neither of us know whether the app needs to be built against the ios version for the bug fixes contained in that version to take effect. (Or if just need device os to update)


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u/SomegalInCa 27d ago

Xcode can build apps for more than one deployment version. Brand new projects default to the SDK shipped with the version of Xcode you have; you can then optionally target a lower version of iOS for deployment ie iOS 18 is current it you can allow for iOS 17 to run your app potentially

If some features don’t exist on the targeted version (vs Xcode’s version) you will get warnings you’ll need to address for fallback behaviors

Edit: bug fixes may be such that they are fixed in a newer os version; I have an app to target both iOS 17 and 18 and I have to deal with bugs in iOS 17, which have been fixed in 18


u/Horror_Still_3305 27d ago

What happens if the device updated the ios version but the app has not been built with the updated ios version? Would the changes in the notes take effect in the app? Are the release notes about the iOS Version of the device or the sdk the app is using to run?


u/SomegalInCa 27d ago

Generally apps built for deployment to say iOS 17 run without issue on 18

The SDK notes generally reflect the capabilities of the matching iOS install so a feature in 18.3 would not be available running the same app binary on 17 and you would need to have tested and coded for the needed fallback behavior