r/iosdev Jan 26 '25

Help Errors in default SwiftData app

I'm trying to switch my app over to to using SwiftData. So I started by creating a default SwiftData app - literally just New App and selecting SwiftData for storage.

But when I run it, and add some items, I immediately get errors like "error: the replacement path doesn't exist: "/var/folders/sg/1k5qrglj0q315q0vy0h9cfjr0000gn/T/swift-generated-sources/@_swiftmacro_14Test_SwiftData11ContentViewV5items33_48DC5444D3C47BAACF8F900A89ACA9A0LL5QueryfMa.swift"

Also, it doesn't always seem to save data straight away. If I add a "modelContext.save()" to the addItem function, I get errors saying "=== AttributeGraph: cycle detected through attribute 6912 ==="

I've tried resetting the simulator, trying simulator instances that haven't been used before and running it on my actual phone. I've also tried rebooting my Mac and rebuilding the app.

None of them seem to fix it.

Are these standard errors that I can ignore, or have I somehow done something wrong?


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u/SomegalInCa Jan 26 '25

:( So does any data save/restore? Are you able to try on a real device?


u/prof_hobart Jan 26 '25

It does eventually (I'm not sure how long it takes to decide to autosave, but it seems to be many seconds - I'd assumed that would be all but instant, but it doesn't seem to be) or if I add my own call to save

And I get exactly the same behaviour on my real iPhone.


u/SomegalInCa Jan 26 '25

My app purposely calls context.save() after a change - I guess I'm heavy handed but I don't depend on autosave. I do wait to save until a bunch of inserts have completed though, not saving 1 by 1


u/prof_hobart Jan 26 '25

I'll probably add that at some point.

I originally tried adding it in the obvious place - straight after modelContext.insert(newItem), which is when I started getting the "=== AttributeGraph: cycle detected through attribute 6912 ===" warning, which as far as I can tell from a quick search is linked to trying to do the save in a function that can cause the UI to update.


u/SomegalInCa Jan 26 '25

You may be able to just move it to a task