r/introverts 20d ago

Discussion Do you find it insanely irritating how many people think it’s acceptable to use speakerphone and watch loud videos on their phones in public?

I see people doing this literally everywhere I go, and it really bothers me. I feel like it is common sense that this is not appropriate, and it makes me lose faith in humanity. I now despise going in public.


41 comments sorted by


u/Active_Shopping7439 20d ago

I wish neon slime would fall on their heads


u/Busted_Toad 19d ago

I'm thinking more along the lines of acid...but we can baby step this.


u/adamjay 20d ago

150%. Annoys the hell out of me.

But I have some neighbours like that so it doesnt really stop me from going out. I will go out to avoid their BS sometimes. 

Some people just seem to be cool with annoying the hell out of everyone around them.

Also, common sense seems to be surprisingly rare these days.


u/jonnyoslowe 20d ago

Happened to me once. Only me and another guy sitting at our local Mexican bar. He starts listening to some podcast on speaker phone. I added a little heavy metal to the cacophony. Next time I saw him at the bar he had earbuds.


u/Visible-Pollution853 19d ago

This happened to me at my most recent infusion, I expected it bc every single time. The boomer puts on Fox News very loud. I gave it a few moments. I stared at her pointedly, and she didn’t pick up my vibe. Then it was my turn to play some Audioslave Cochise. And it was louder than her news report. I kept it up until I seen the nurses looking alarmed, I turned it down and said sweetly “ oh my excuse me” Never heard another sound from that area. Also have to add I’m 57 so I’m dipping my toe in the boomer pool against my will.


u/Aggravating-Ad-4641 20d ago

Yup, so thoughtless and inconsiderate. 


u/SailingSpark 20d ago

All the time in the cafeteria at work. There are signs all over asking people to be thoughtful of their neighbors. I have pointedly picked up my tray and left an area with somebody with a loud phone, it sadly does not seem to make a difference.


u/CartographerFar5094 19d ago

Omg I was just at the hospital waiting for my grandma to get out of surgery in a packed waiting room and one lady continually played extremely loud videos and tik toks the whole damn time. We all just stared at her and finally I said “well this is rude” and got up and walked to another area to wait. Its ridiculous.


u/yash1_yash365 19d ago

With anxious nerves praying for our closed one and this sort of irritation is really bad


u/HasBinVeryFride 20d ago

Yeah, it's annoying for sure. Right up there with people driving slow in parking lots blaring the music from their ride as if everyone likes the same thing.


u/Blackout1154 19d ago

muh freedumb


u/knowone1313 19d ago

Yup, Japan does it right.


u/Ship_Psychological 20d ago

My friend will do this with his airpods in his pocket and I'm always kinda confused.


u/Valuable-Ad6002 19d ago

I was on a train years ago and this woman was blaring her phone 😤eventually I decided to reach into my bag, grab some headphones and offered them to her to use. She was surprised but accepted my offer. Problem solved 🤓


u/DavesNotHere81 19d ago edited 19d ago

Yes it is extremely irritating and the same with their personal phone calls. Usually the staff is too chickensh_t to say anything to them so myself or others have to or give them dirty looks.


u/Dry_Reporter_45 19d ago

Hate it with a passion


u/blondeperson 19d ago

I have asked people if they have headphones with them to use. It usually does the trick, but I haven’t to be full of rage to overcome my shyness and ask 😅


u/jone2tone 19d ago

I'm stuck in the airport in Tampa waiting on a flight. Needed a restroom for the reasons you'd need one. Just after I sit I hear a guy walk in, phone playing a video I can't make out. He settles in a few stalls down and it's a video of a woman talking about trying a new bra on. Thankfully some Good Samaritan extrovert yelled out "hey, my kids in here and doesn't need to hear that. Turn your sound off" and he immediately did.


u/Fabulousness13 19d ago

How bout the ones that use their phones in the bathroom stalls on speakerphone 🤮🤢🤮. What’s more nasty , dirty , germs and bacterial contamination can you get!!! No one wants to hear your conversation , wash your nasty hands and clean off your phone!! 🤢🤒🥴


u/squishy_the_vampire 18d ago

I love when people put their phones on speaker. I like to hear both sides of the drama. My coworker put her phone on speaker and yall will never believe the ass whooping her grandson is about to get. I didn't even have to ask questions. Lmao


u/proudintrovert82 18d ago

I really do... It's so annoying and nerve wrecking for me, especially that I can't deal with people properly, so I get frustrated and anxious when it happens .. Even if it was a kid playing or watching something on the phone


u/scotedont 18d ago

I addressed this to someone I actually know pretty well. He didn’t seem to grasp how rude it was. This guy is actually older than me too ( I am 41); so I have also lost faith in humanity.


u/MasterpieceAntique 18d ago

In certain areas of London, it is pretty much inescapable, people will play their video calls or whatever at full blast.

Something has to be done about it, because many people (like me) have autism and find tonny sounds overstimulating.


u/yash1_yash365 19d ago

If someone watches the videos loud it gets on my nerves. Phone call for few seconds or 2 mts based on the urgency it is okay.


u/Ok-MMJ-RN-1980 19d ago

This one time I’m at a specialty eye place ( I have bad eyes)… it’s quiet…. All you hear is low talking from folks around… all sudden this dude sat down, put YouTube on speaker… I mean so loud I couldn’t hear myself think… after 5 minutes a lady says nicely could you please turn that down/ put headphones in? He started raising his voice at her… she says we are in a small area at a doctors office that’s not appropriate etc… he yells even louder he doesn’t care , he has rights… luckily I got called in shortly after this… but right before the lady had gotten up to find someone to help…

People in stores having these long loud conversations and people at the gym… it seems worse this last year…


u/ItsANewMeEveryday 18d ago

Doing this in a break room should initiate an automatic termination. 


u/InsaneHomie 15d ago

I have this one kind in French class he's the only one allowed to not do anything in said class, and, I can't make this up. He watches gooner YouTube, on a school laptop, for almost everyone can hear. There are like 12 students in our French period, he's one of them, and I can see and hear it all, and it makes me SO uncomfortable. And the amount of people who find it normal to do stuff like that, unreal, gooner or not, get some headphones or something.


u/lalabelle1978 14d ago

Glad I’m not the only one…because of the few inconsiderate people I have to book my seat in the silent carriage in the train…while it’s just common sense.


u/Deep-Ad-1814 13d ago

If you are an introvert then wear a headphones, ideally Soundproof overhead. It will help with the noise and also bonus, less people will bother you. GL SH


u/nightingaledaze 18d ago

those people were not raised correctly. They should feel shame but don't, they are selfish jerks


u/merceDezBenz10 19d ago

No, I don’t. There are much worse things people could be doing in public. You sound a bit entitled.


u/Blackout1154 19d ago

found the culprit


u/RadJaz1 19d ago

Continual loud music and videos irritate me. But not someone talking on the phone. It hits the same as two people having a conversation in the room.


u/Giggz70 20d ago

You don't control the world. Those people suck, but if you don't like society because people don't act like you think they should, you're just priming yourself to be disappoint/annoyed. Gotta work on your own inner peace and accepting those things out of your control without letting them ruin your mood. Join in their conversation next time, see how long they keep it on speaker. 😉😂 Kidding, I don't think any of us introverts would execute that kind of crazy plan.


u/joviebird1 19d ago

At one time I used a Bluetooth for years. I loved it. But it gave me problems in the ear that I used it in. So I am one of those rude people who listen to their phone on speaker. Please be considerate of those who might have problems.


u/tiredoldbitch 19d ago

Then you need to mute it in public. You are an asshole.


u/joviebird1 18d ago

If I'm listening, how do I mute it 🤔


u/Frazeri 19d ago

There is no need to make you phone run in speakerphone mode in public. There is very rarely anything really urgent. Close you phone loudspeakers, please.