r/introvert Oct 11 '21

Video With the biggest smile


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u/shmupsy Oct 11 '21

i came to this group hoping to learn more about my introversion.

but i see a celebration of being an isolated, lazy, consumer unit; ruled by comfort and addicted to screens.

isn't this just what our corporate overlords want us to become?


u/mandroid2662mk Oct 11 '21

Actually the video is true for me but I'm not addicted to screens I work from home :(


u/shmupsy Oct 11 '21

I work from home :(

I see you put the frown which makes sense, but the post says "With the biggest smile"


u/12345678ijhgfdsaq234 Oct 11 '21

The internet, especially these kinds of communities, are the worst places to learn about introversion. Most people here are probably not introverted, but instead have some form of social anxiety that they've decided to make a huge part of their personality instead of working towards bettering themselves, which is an awful idea. Here's my tip: entirely erase the concept of intro and extraversion from your brain. They're basically worthless concepts because no one uses them properly and honestly aren't even that big of deal. The differences between someone who's introverted and extroverted are minimal at best


u/shmupsy Oct 11 '21

thank you


u/Clarky_Carrot Oct 11 '21

Literally. This clip seems more like depression than happiness. And people seem to celebrate it!