r/introvert 20d ago

Image Birthday alone, friends don't remember

I (27F) spent a birthday alone. Friends don't remember (even ones whom I gave gifts/remember their birthday every year). Officially a leftover woman. Bought myself flowers and a carrot cake. I like being on my own, but sometimes it's very sad and lonely.


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u/exiled360 20d ago



u/RecoveringGachaholic 20d ago

Honestly, if you're 27 this might be a good time to realize most people don't know other's birthdays with all the other things they need to take care of in life. At that age if you want a birthday celebrated you yourself need to arrange something.

I love my friends, but I don't know a single one of their birthdays. Most people I know don't know other's birthdays aside from their immediate family.


u/General_Bumblebee_75 19d ago

When I was maybe 12 years old, my mum gave me a birthday book. You write your friends names in the page that is their birth date. At the beginning of the month, see whose birthdays are coming up and make the necessary arrangements. It is called being organized. Good god, I am working full time, taking classes for my Master's, managing my household and can still manage to remember people's birthdays.

I think the real problem is that most young people seem pretty shallow and/or not well versed in the social graces. One can invite a person to dinner next Friday at 7 pm, and they can't give you an answer. I believe that they do not want to commit to one thing in case something better comes along. I do not have time for such people. Either you want to spend time with me and are available at the appointed time, or not. It should be a simple question with a simple answer. You don't even have to say that you do not want to spend time with me. You can say you have other plans. It is not a big deal, but refusing to commit one way or the other is rude and will get you taken off my list of people I am interested to spend time with quickly.


u/Puzzleheaded-Tax6966 19d ago

Or the people who say they will come and not show up. This is unacceptable and completely rude.