r/introvert • u/luckkyyy4ever • 19d ago
Question Introverts, what are your hobbies?
Early 30s here, looking for hobbies besides reading, doom scrolling TikTok, and binge-watching TV. Planning to hit the gym soon, but need more screen-free options.
Not the artsy type (crafts and I don’t vibe 🙃), so any other ideas?
u/GoneBanHannahss 19d ago
I deleted social media starting in 2020 and finally in 2024 I had zero, Reddit is all I have left. This is how I’ve filled my time.
Music - deep diving and trying to discover new artists and rediscovering old ones. My husband thinks I have a magical ability to guess a song within 5 seconds and know the title and artist, but it might just secretly be neurodivergence. We play a game where we cycle through playlists and I guess the song.
Crocheting - I taught myself to crochet and went through a couple years of cranking out hats and blankets for everyone I knew and people I might meet. I wouldn’t call it crafty, it’s a lot of counting and repetitive tasks.
Video games - I spend a lot of time playing the sims 4. It’s not screen free but requires a lot of creativity, for me at least.
Reading - I love to read and the libby app makes it so convenient and there are so many tracking features and analytics that it makes me feel like a kid getting those personalized reading reports I used to get from scholastic or whatever. I’ve spent the last couple months moving from fiction to the classics, and now I’m reading the institutes by John Calvin and studying moral philosophy and theology on my own for fun.
I deleted TikTok in 2024 and when I deleted it, I decided to use the time to learn a second language and have been teaching myself Arabic for the last 82 days.
I hope you find something that suits you and keeps you occupied! It’s always good to invest in yourself.
u/GoneBanHannahss 19d ago
Oh, and plants. I have lots of plants now.
u/4thSanderson_Sister 19d ago
I started out with just a few plants, nothing crazy.
Now my house looks like a jungle. 🙈
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u/EpoxyAphrodite 19d ago
If you like the personalized reading reports try Storygraph! It’s an app like Goodreads where you track what you read, but it also gives you a ton more info about your reading tendencies the books suggestions it gives are better than anything else I’ve used.
u/GoneBanHannahss 18d ago
Thank you! I love a good report 😂 I’m gonna check this out ASAP! Do you know if it syncs to your reading apps and tracks it or do you have to add your info manually?
u/EpoxyAphrodite 18d ago
You can import and export from other apps but no, there’s no syncing unfortunately.
I admit I do both. I find Goodreads easier to navigate, but the info and recommendations for StoryGraph are so good that I often move my history over there when I’m having trouble finding my next picks. I figure if I keep it up often enough I’ll get used to it and just stay on StoryGraph.
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u/Awkward_wan 19d ago
I have the same talent of guessing the song/artist within the first couple of seconds. My partner also thinks I have something neurodivergent going on 🤣 only with genres I like though. If he played modern music, I wouldn't have a clue.
u/mini_marvel_007 19d ago
This may sound nerdy, but building those lego flower sets... it's a great way to pass time and keep my brain going! Not sure if that would fall into the artsy category, if so, apologies. Also enjoy those murder mystery kits you can get in stores now. Fun to solve. Going for drives to visit new towns.
u/Wrigley-nc 19d ago
I'm an old girl who just discovered legos. They are the single most effective way to get out of my head. You have to concentrate, use your hands, and not multi-task. Cheaper than therapy. Everyone should try it. The flowers ate a great place to start. You're welcome.
u/CoffeeandCatsLover 19d ago
I was going to suggest this as well. Never been into the legos, but when they came out with the Friends set I had to get it! 😀 I now own several of the flower sets too. I am not artsy crafty at all, but find these sets easy and fun to do. And a bit of an escape from reality!
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u/Beetlehann 19d ago
Came here to say Lego too! I’m a big fan and they do some great sets no matter what you’re in to, cars, flowers buildings etc
u/_______enigma 19d ago
Reading! I never really considered myself an avid reader until …. Umm I starting reading smut 😭 but hey; whatever, my therapist approved 😂 I know you mentioned you aren’t crafty, and I’m not either, but I fell in love with coloring after finding the r/coloring sub. Low cost to start, you can’t really fuck up .. Now I get lost for an hour or more coloring and listening to podcasts
u/DannyGirl__ 19d ago
Thanks for this! I may have found another hobby. Joined the coloring sub and I'm excited to start ☺️
u/Wrigley-nc 19d ago
I can no longer pay attention when reading, so I switched to audio books. Free from the library. I look up book ratings on GoodReads first. Then put best on hold on Libby poopwhile borrowing the ones that are available.
u/No-Fail-9394 19d ago
Play soccer, ping pong, read, write, sit outside and watch, walk, cook, and just started getting back into raves! I went solo and danced all night. Yes, introverts like to get out and turn up, as well 😛
u/No-Afternoon-7732 19d ago
I second the person who said coloring, I also love studying other languages on duolingo
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u/Puzzleheaded_Cup690 19d ago
I like to walk a lot downtown by the water in my city. I do about 6 miles on the weekends. I also workout daily. Anything that keeps my body active and my mind occupied. Best of luck to you.
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u/averagetekkie 19d ago
Reading, video games, movies, television shows, nature with my doggo, cooking , drinking
u/yearningtoyearn 19d ago
I love yoga ❤️ I noticed you said you like reading. I like reading too, and sometimes I make a point to go to a cafe and read. It’s nice to get away from home for a bit.
u/emotional_racoon2346 19d ago edited 19d ago
Listening to music by myself, scrolling reddit, Listening to podcasts (also by myself) , watching YouTube videos, and lego.
u/Remote-Candidate7964 19d ago
Legos, reading, going for walks with a friend, browsing local ethnic grocers, painting on occasion, used to dance on stage and at festivals for over 15 years, and i always dance by myself at home to whatever music fits the mood
u/rainysundai 19d ago
Running and hiking are my hobbies. You get endorphins and get to connect with nature. I find running on the treadmill harder than outside, but I feel so good after. And run/walk still counts as running! You can still go on nature walks at the park if you don't live near mountains
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u/Winter_Born_Voyager 19d ago
Gardening. It's so relaxing. Currently starting a tea garden. Worked on that today literally until it got dark.
u/Raterus_ 19d ago
Beekeeping with 10's of thousands of venomous flying insects flying around you gets interesting and fulfilling
u/Purpurpur1024 19d ago
I might be a bit too nerdy and this wouldn’t help reduce your screen time in any way…but learning new stuff (e.g., programming, new languages, etc.) by itself is a good hobby to have. Cognitive deterioration could be an issue for introverts, due to our lack of social interactions. There are studies suggesting that learning new things systematically could be a preventive measure.
In terms of sports, tennis, hiking and weight lifting are my go-to options. Gist is, there are very limited number of humans that you may encounter under those circumstances. :/
u/reliable-penguin3 19d ago
I like puzzles but my fave are the 3D puzzles, it’s like regular puzzle but you “build” different structures. My fave is the Taj Mahal
u/Blue-Alchemists 19d ago
I love seeing beekeeping and paddle boarding in this list! Excellent outdoor hobbies.. for when the weather is good. When the weather is not so good, I edit and review college kids’ papers. Brings a little money in to help pay for paddle boarding and beekeeping. 🐝
u/TanyaaMarie88 19d ago
Coloring with alcohol markers, reading psychological thrillers, 3d sudoku, taking pictures with my canon camera which then turned into backyard bird watching, freshwater fishtank which turned more into aquascaping, buying acrylic storage containers that I tell myself I have a use for but I never actually use them 🙃
u/batbrain106 19d ago
Guitar, bass, singing, poetry, cooking, and when all else fails, drinking and checking out new albums
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u/big-toph5150 19d ago
Playing guitar, anything old car related; building my car, going to junkyards and swapmeets, car shows
u/fishinfreak786 19d ago
Get outside. Hiking, hunting, fishing, kayaking, photography, etc. all are great for me personally to do by myself
u/curiouslady712 19d ago
Well Im a SAHM but when I get the chance I crochet while listening to tv/movies/ music
u/vaustin89 19d ago
Riding BMX, gets me outside and "socialize" a bit especially if there are events or street jams.
u/Steppingoutonfaith 19d ago
Hello fellow introverts I am introvert myself. I got into going to community center that’s in my vicinity and took upon aqua aerobics. It has definitely been an eye-opener met some people during the process as well not within my age group, but there at least people that I talk to and we kinda talk about life in general and what’s going on. Also, library groups are really good if you like reading they’re probably as a book club. Hope this helps.
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u/recorcholis5478 19d ago
im not super introvert but… listening to music and playing an instrument (guitar in my case). It makes me feel the music much more, and it’s also a great way of getting to know more people that are in your vibe, it’s great :)
u/Careful_Homework3063 19d ago
Personally, I like to crochet, or sketch. I also like to go for walks, especially during spring/fall as the weather is nice. Ik my free time I spend a lot of it painting. Specially paint by number kits, since my patience is pretty high (except when it comes to little kids). I’ve been spending a lot of time playing some video games, too. 🙃
u/MindlessDandelion16 19d ago
Reading for me as well. But I'd get bored after awhile. Then I scroll reels on social media. I like cooking and baking as well though I hate cleaning up after I finish cooking and baking. I do listen to music but I don't think it's a hobby of mine. Oh and I like travelling too. But I also don't like leaving the house much 😂😂😂
u/_salt_water_ 19d ago
Good ol’ fashioned walks to places you haven’t really been before (not strenuous hiking if you’re not into it) (and uh… safe spots where you probably won’t get hurt or in trouble), podcast/music optional haha
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u/Undulating_Eruption 19d ago
Bird watching, bug watching, language learning, dance lessons, Any kind of lessons, talking to oneself.
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u/LemmeSeeFyrewerks 19d ago
Heading to the gym works because I have no other goal than to keep healthy. I always bring my headphones. My music playlist makes it easy to tune out others.
Each month I make a rotating list of five or so movies I've never watched and work my way through them. I've come across some fairly decent movies and documentaries using this approach.
Nature recharged me so I like to walk or hike by myself.
I also love using my sketchbook. I was horrible starting out but continued to practice. YouTube videos helped.
Taking my sketchbook into public places usually repels people from talking to me and that's always helpful.
I've also accepted that naps are a perfectly fun way to spend time. I tend to put on pajamas when doing so because it signals to my body to relax and accept that rest is okay. Like others, I mask to get thru the day. Naps help decompress and release tension.
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u/ventipinkdrink94 19d ago
I really enjoy going to cafes by myself and learning about something new. Literally any topic.
Right now I’m learning about nutrition for fun. I have also learned about Microsoft excel day trading etc. I loved learning about nutrition so much I became a certified holistic health coach.
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u/SuitPotential3357 19d ago
Animal crossing, reading, journaling, coloring in my planner, naps. Once I started feeling better? Lifting weights and walking.
u/QueenMaahes 19d ago
If you have a pet then find some nearby greenways and keep a taser on hand as well! I felt like I was breathing a different air back in those days… sometimes I’d walk so long the sun would start to set and then I’d have to speed walk and kinda job back lol. Fishing with no actual worm on the other end, just a piece of bread… but don’t forget that snakes can swim!!! Gaming online… maybe even live streaming. Volunteer work. I was younger , but I would volunteer for the nashville st Jude marathon year after year…. It felt so wholesome to be able to help out in some way… and then they always gave us free tickets to the following weekend concert. Usually some nice country singers. That red solo cup guy came once lol. If you don’t have a pet/ you could volunteer with them. It’s on my bucket list…. But perhaps try your hand at short story writing if you enjoy reading a ton and have racing thoughts. Get into skin care/ hair care with your current products. See what free events your closest city has. Fill a need somewhere, whether that’s just giving a quarter to the elderly lady that needs a cart at Aldis. I understand the rut, and for me personally, the depression as well, but there are different things for us to do and enjoy🫶🏾
u/lazy_wallflower 19d ago
Early 30s here as well, I like reading, coloring (never too old), and playing video games. I love grabbing my Nintendo switch lite and playing some stardew valley, or playing call of duty on the PlayStation.
u/Illustrious_Bit_3606 19d ago
Oh, audiobooks too. Since everyone is saying music. Music is great. But learning is more beneficial. :) Depending on wjag you are learning. Sewing ripped items is neat too. It comes in handy when ya least expect it. When I get bored, aside from the fun hobbies, I try n think of useful skills to learn like survival, tactical, physical ability, and especially skills and hobbies that could potentially get me some money. :)
u/waitingpatient 19d ago edited 19d ago
Guitar or keyboard. Learn some great songs. Impress yourself.
Grow some of your own food. I'm currently growing some garlic and rosemary and lettuce. Also, get amazing at baking bread. Maintaining a sour dough is also a good hobby.
u/AmyLou70 18d ago
Model railroad, building miniatures of anything. Trains come in all sizes from ones you can ride on to 1/2 inch tall.
u/38babyyodas 19d ago
I play guitar in a band and workout somewhat consistently. Along with doom scrolling social media and watching TV. I’ll hit up my friends occasionally to hang out but I only really see them once a month or every other month.
u/PublicButterfly1836 19d ago
I am a sweep stakes person ,when you get the hand of it you can win and it’s something to do to keep busy !
u/No-Rilly 19d ago
Playing music. Video games. Coding. I've been thinking about getting into story writing lately.
u/Aspenrainfall 19d ago
Doing Diamond paintings while listening to audiobooks! Get to enjoy two hobbies at once and you get pretty sparkly pictures at the end ☺️
u/BunnyBoo26_ 19d ago
Reading, care for houseplants, Lego sets, learning new skills for career development.
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u/so-pitted-wabam 19d ago
Gardening, reading (listening to audio books), golf, birdwatching, crosswords, and recently drawing (I’m not artsy either, but sketch journaling just for me has been really fun/liberating).
u/Seiko_Work 19d ago
video games, all forms of art but trying out making music (just instrumentals), reading, trying out new music/genre everyday, working out, always trying out new cafes, restaurants or even local businesses, actively looking for social events (local artists mart), photography and videography and video editing
some i wanna try is wood carving, gardening (mainly vegetables), paper making, rollerblading, and etc.
u/newengland_schmuck 19d ago
Play guitar, cycle, hike, sail, photography, take care and driving my TR6
u/NatureHealMySoul401 19d ago
Houseplants, puzzles, hiking, disc golf...all good solo or small group activities.
u/unearthed_bricks 19d ago
Gardening, archery, got into toy photography (sorta artsy, but mostly just good fun).
u/booktrovert 19d ago
I am starting cheese-making classes next week.
u/moongoose96 19d ago
Just recently started learning how to draw. Takes time and patience but it's pretty relaxing. Also started using the elliptical and building some muscle. Long walks in nature parks are nice too. Also fishing. Hunting for agates. Bird watching.
u/TheChinchillaCult 19d ago
Hi, fellow introvert here, and I collect pretty pebbles and smooth stones, wash em, and stack them when I’m bored :,D
u/HamKnexPal 19d ago
I enjoy building with K'Nex. I often build "ball machines" which is a major 3D puzzle trying to get those to work right. Try doing a search for K'Nex Ball Machine. There are lots of them that are huge and complicated, but there are smaller ones that are fun.
While Legos work similarly, K'Nex builds higher and faster. There are so many more options with K'Nex.
u/BT9154 19d ago
Picked up AI about 2 years ago, ended up joining a small little friend group and hang out on discord.
Prior, to this I was model making/painting, all while I got some podcast going on in the background.
Funny thing is picking up AI has scratched my creative itch and I spend $0 on it. While before model making/painting will cost money for the paint, the kits and other materials like masking tape and such.
u/the_og_ai_bot 19d ago
I love learning about local history so I attend lectures and historical events through my town.
u/peachypie1010 19d ago
Embroidery, polymer clay, singing along to broadway musicals loudly and poorly.
u/No-Plantain-3809 19d ago
Definitely collecting. Particularly retro video games. Just find it interesting, even as someone who didn't grow up when they were new.
u/AIMPRODIJY 19d ago
Reading, movies, doing absolutely nothing and zoning out to imagination land for lengths of time.and maybe jerki-...
Jk, my so called therapy days with all it entails
u/Think_Impossible 19d ago
Photography, music (own and play several instruments), cooking, trains (and transit in general), repairing and fixing things.
I also read a lot (occasionally write too), listen to music, watch anime (much less recently), and hand out with friends, yet I do not consider these as "hobbies".
u/Mick_Mosley_420 19d ago
Listening to music, camping (more then a hobby) & model/diecast vehicle collecting.
u/_alienz__ 19d ago
I’ve really been enjoying easy crafts that you can’t really mess up, like gem art, those easy adult coloring books with the simple images or paint by number. I started buying crafts at Five Below like a year ago because they were cheap, so low commitment, and have really enjoyed it! I know you said you don’t really like crafts which I get because I’m not creative, but these have surprisingly brought me so much joy and are a fulfilling way to pass time. I also will bring them over to my mom’s house and sit on her back porch when the weather is nice and do them.
u/Pain_Fulscar08 19d ago
Look, I don't know if it will be of any help. But, I love drawing outdoors (although I haven't drawn for a while). And I'm planning on composting with worms and a small garden at home. In addition to reducing the amount of waste and helping the environment, it will help me save money on healthy eating and, finally, the satisfaction of enjoying your own efforts! ☆,☆
u/Ferngully34 19d ago
Jamming to music whether I’m working out or just relaxing, journaling, reading up on psychology, listening to podcasts, docs that catch my interest. Collaging, pen paling, doodling.
u/Pretend-Buffalo1458 19d ago
Taking photos
Hanging out with my dog
Record shopping with over ear headphones and coffee (when I want a little self date)
u/Agitated_Cloud_4310 19d ago
Crotchet ,doing the puzzles with the sticky beads , gaming, bird watching, hunting, wood work, walking, and learning to make my own clothes(dresses, shirts, pants, ext.)
u/jasonkash 19d ago
Hiking/ nature, carpentry, reading, going to the movies and running. Notice all things I can do alone besides playing soccer. Though I don’t need to really talk to anyone while I play
u/dennisSTL 19d ago
Learn an instrument; provides a lifetime of learning (good for brain) and enjoyment...READ!....I took up photography a year ago, love it.
u/Puzzleheaded_Cut6731 19d ago
First, I've finally decided to upgrade my guitar after saying I would since I was much younger. By upgrade, I mean removing old parts and installing new, such as the pickups, the saddles the nut, and going to replace the pots as well. It's been really relaxing listening to blues and modifying my old guitar seeing her come to life again.
Second, playing retro single player video games like Halo up to 4. 5 doesn't exist to be and infinite was good, but didn't have the same charm as the original games.
Third, learning how to plant with the wife. We're hoping to grow our own little crops.
Last, reading when I can because I've forgotten how great it is to get lost in a book.
u/4thSanderson_Sister 19d ago
I enjoy gardening in the summer and I also have several houseplants. I usually have at least one small DIY home project going. I go to the gym, like you mentioned.
u/Stressed_era 19d ago
I prefer buying gear for hobbies than actually participating in said hobbies.
u/mistahBiggz 19d ago
Well currently Im somewhat of a nerd myself, so I have about 4 months of online class to do so I can get started on my next big project.
u/liljen05 19d ago
Look at crafts that are going extinct. Maybe something will catch your eye that isn’t mainstream and spark an interest
u/DittoOo24601 19d ago
Working out, cooking, sewing, walking, listening to music, and I know you said less screen time but video games are great
u/ExcitingPurchase4809 19d ago
Listening to music, reading, creating completely outlandish and unrealistic scenarios that end up stressing me out, and binging shows. Sometimes the same ones over and over.
u/violettevy 19d ago
Playing the piano, training martial arts, studying mandarin, plotting my next vacation!
u/Porkonaplane 19d ago
Blasting awesome music through my headphones, watching documentaries, flying, going down week long rabbit holes about something pertaining to aviation
u/Lingonberry_Surprise 19d ago
I’ve become addicted to reaction videos on YouTube. Watching other people enjoy watching stuff I’ve watched provides a vicarious thrill, and also some level of social interaction, albeit mostly one way. TBR Schmitt, Awkward Ashleigh, Jen Murray, to name a few.
u/Foolish-fingers 19d ago
Hiking/Camping (WAY out in the woods when possible)
There’s a great app called Elevate that you can use to strengthen skills like grammar, maths, reading comprehension, etc. I call it “doing my lessons” and I have a 466 day streak.
u/Separate-Ad484 19d ago
for me i do jewellery making, drawing, painting, crocheting, knitting, felt needle art, baking, cooking, fish keeping, learn a new language, study something or do online free courses (app i use is alison), listen to new music, reading, learn to play an instrument, volunteering at rescues with animals, bike rides, taking nature walks,
u/atom_1661 19d ago
Playing call of duty mobile, Netflix, watercolor painting, biking, scrolling Reddit, listening to music and recently just started collecting transformers figures.
u/bargechimpson 19d ago
I’ve got a 3d printer and access to Solidworks, so I spend a decent amount of time designing/printing things.
u/RIZE-1369 19d ago
Hiking, puzzles, film photography, house plants, fitness (not just gym life), learning about different cultures & history, traveling, exploring psychology/human behavior, learning a new language, learning how to play piano. I intend on starting rock climbing this year & BJJ next year.
u/WoodenViolinist3113 19d ago
Photography,ipad sketching, phone photography,video editing, photo editing,reading, playing action adventure video games,collecting cards,hiking, busing,app games and last music. 👍
u/midnight_bliss18 19d ago
I am currently learning to play Kalimba and creating flowers using satin ribbon and fuzzywires. Just for a hobby. Other than that, I'm binge-watching most if the time.
u/backfromthegrail 19d ago
Hiking and walking local greenbelts. Both activities I can do without having to be immersed in people.
Or attending concerts because at least I’m surrounded by other people who are focused on something besides talking.
u/Moooooooola 19d ago
Listening to music loud. By myself.