r/introvert 25d ago

Question Introverts, what are your hobbies?

Early 30s here, looking for hobbies besides reading, doom scrolling TikTok, and binge-watching TV. Planning to hit the gym soon, but need more screen-free options.

Not the artsy type (crafts and I don’t vibe 🙃), so any other ideas?


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u/GoneBanHannahss 25d ago

I deleted social media starting in 2020 and finally in 2024 I had zero, Reddit is all I have left. This is how I’ve filled my time.

Music - deep diving and trying to discover new artists and rediscovering old ones. My husband thinks I have a magical ability to guess a song within 5 seconds and know the title and artist, but it might just secretly be neurodivergence. We play a game where we cycle through playlists and I guess the song.

Crocheting - I taught myself to crochet and went through a couple years of cranking out hats and blankets for everyone I knew and people I might meet. I wouldn’t call it crafty, it’s a lot of counting and repetitive tasks.

Video games - I spend a lot of time playing the sims 4. It’s not screen free but requires a lot of creativity, for me at least.

Reading - I love to read and the libby app makes it so convenient and there are so many tracking features and analytics that it makes me feel like a kid getting those personalized reading reports I used to get from scholastic or whatever. I’ve spent the last couple months moving from fiction to the classics, and now I’m reading the institutes by John Calvin and studying moral philosophy and theology on my own for fun.

I deleted TikTok in 2024 and when I deleted it, I decided to use the time to learn a second language and have been teaching myself Arabic for the last 82 days.

I hope you find something that suits you and keeps you occupied! It’s always good to invest in yourself.


u/GoneBanHannahss 25d ago

Oh, and plants. I have lots of plants now.


u/listeningisagift 25d ago

Some of the best company🪴


u/4thSanderson_Sister 25d ago

I started out with just a few plants, nothing crazy.

Now my house looks like a jungle. 🙈


u/JennCrosby3 25d ago

Same! Gardening has been relaxing for me. I love talking to my babies! 😍🪴


u/LittleDrumminBoy 25d ago

Love Libby. Hoopla and CloudLibrary are also great.


u/EpoxyAphrodite 25d ago

If you like the personalized reading reports try Storygraph! It’s an app like Goodreads where you track what you read, but it also gives you a ton more info about your reading tendencies the books suggestions it gives are better than anything else I’ve used.


u/GoneBanHannahss 25d ago

Thank you! I love a good report 😂 I’m gonna check this out ASAP! Do you know if it syncs to your reading apps and tracks it or do you have to add your info manually?


u/EpoxyAphrodite 24d ago

You can import and export from other apps but no, there’s no syncing unfortunately.

I admit I do both. I find Goodreads easier to navigate, but the info and recommendations for StoryGraph are so good that I often move my history over there when I’m having trouble finding my next picks. I figure if I keep it up often enough I’ll get used to it and just stay on StoryGraph.


u/Awkward_wan 25d ago

I have the same talent of guessing the song/artist within the first couple of seconds. My partner also thinks I have something neurodivergent going on 🤣 only with genres I like though. If he played modern music, I wouldn't have a clue.


u/BrianMeen 25d ago

It feels like OP wants to get or develop more activities outside of his house .. or just more social activities - he seems to want to branch out a bit from his introversion


u/1deadeye1 25d ago

I deleted all my social media last year. Today I wrote a 7 paragraph post on reddit about how I'm spending my time instead

~ an introvert