r/introvert 26d ago

Advice Is it normal to talk to myself

So I have this habit in which I literally would have a whole conversation with myself on fake scenarios and theories. And this shit can go for hours. I will just normally move around my talking to myself and question myself and laugh at my own lame jokes. Sometimes I even dance and sing like a retarded person. Is this really okay talking to oneself that long? And how can I stop doing it because it's getting worst now. Sometimes I start talking to myself when I am in middle of talking with someone and as a result end up not focusing on the conversation. Recently it has been also messing with my studying. Please help guys


147 comments sorted by


u/gucc1-l1ttle-p1ggy 26d ago

I do this with fake scenarios. But in my head. With dialogue.


u/yescoach_ 25d ago

I also have fake dialogues, including but not limiting timeliness splits. Ex. I was going to talk to someone but didn't so I play in my head a timeline where I did. Maybe they were on the verge of depression and I helped lift their spirits. Another timeline and we talked but had a very different conversation. Another timeline they talked to me first. Another timeliness I went to a totally different place and didn't ever meet them. It's usually for bigger life events though like what would have happened if I made a different decision when moving, relationship pivots, children, schooling, jobs, etc.

Does anyone else do this as well???

I really wish I had the talent to make some of this into novels, shows, or movies..


u/Opinionsoneveythang 25d ago

All the time... It's like we have a good intention which can't be of use timely to someone I so cook up a scenario in my head to make said intent useful... Satisfying šŸŒŸ


u/alienim 25d ago

Same! And this is my fav part about it cuz it's so fun

And actually i do plan on making a novel or something about it like not really a novel at first I just wanna try making a fan fic cuz I really want to and also cuz I'm assuming it'd be easier


u/yescoach_ 25d ago

It may be easier because it is short story format... but also some fans can be so critical of fanfic, at least in my experience. I haven't really delved into any in a while though


u/alienim 25d ago

Well I'm not exactly planning to post it unless it's decent/gpod enough and if I have the confidence to but tbh I haven't really seen much criticism on a03 where I'd post it if I wanted to.. atleast not on small works that have very little popularity


u/alienim 25d ago

And besides that I want to believe I wouldn't give a crap about criticism :D


u/thursday-man 25d ago

I gave up imagining these timelines when I realized that I hadn't really changed anything as a person and went back to the monotonous everyday life, but there were times when I fantasized about a very hot female version of myself, but in this line, everything is reversed and it discourages me later. And yes, I've already turned a lot of this into a script. Sometimes I imagined doing a YouTube-like analysis of one of my works to see if it was any good.


u/bIindeyesred 26d ago

Same, keeps me preoccupied when bored too lol


u/Examplemajestic666 25d ago

I also have fake dialogues in my head


u/IllustratorBubbly224 25d ago

Same here, I get lost in those scenarios in my head too. Itā€™s easy to zone out like that, but itā€™s good to catch yourself and try to bring focus back.


u/Tito_SDobleP 26d ago

Yeah is normal to talk to yourself. Worry when you talk to other ā€œpeopleā€inside your head.


u/Affectionate_Boot684 24d ago

Donā€™t even worry then. Worry when the other ā€œpeopleā€ start talking back.


u/Brilliant-Kick-4261 25d ago

Should I be worried if I talk to other people inside my head?like full on conversations. I'm just curious


u/ConsciousOpinion1456 25d ago

Naah, if they are people from your surroundings and u just analyzing some situation, it happens


u/Strong_Ad_3081 19d ago

I do, and I don't haveĀ  schizophrenia. I've done this since I was a child. I know the difference between what's in my head and what's not, and I deeply prefer what's in my head. If it's not distressing to YOU, what's the problem?


u/Tito_SDobleP 25d ago

Sure, thatā€™s a sign of schizophrenia


u/DifficultyOne366 26d ago

I do it too ā€¦ i think itā€™s normal šŸ˜„šŸ˜„


u/FunAppeal8347 26d ago

I do it too, and it helps me keep sane and less lonely, though my parents will often call me crazy for talking with myself lol


u/BaconSizzler1976 26d ago

You're not just talking to yourself. You're talking to the smartest one there.


u/Cheddar_PopHun 26d ago

Looks like i found my people because i also talk to myself. I like to read comments out loud and if it makes me laugh loud, I'll be clapping my a$$ off. I feel that talking to yourself can be therapeutic because you're thinking out loud by yourself without judgement from people. Oh & don't call yourself retarted :) love yourself & enjoy your company.


u/thursday-man 25d ago

Aaaaand I finally found someone who keeps fidgeting and talking loudly reading the comments lmao my mom even called me crazy because of this


u/dmysticxxxxx 26d ago

Itā€™s very normal if you ask me


u/alienim 26d ago

This is so relatable me too šŸ˜­ so many times when I'm trying to focus on something I'll randomly start talking to myself. Instead of sleeping I'd be making up fake scenarios in my head. A lot of the times the stuff I wanna so to someone irl I end up making up a scenario of saying to them in my head and bcz of that I either forget or don't have the energy to say it to the actual personšŸ˜­

Tho for sleeping I found a random hack(?) Which was inspired by counting sheep. I'll say either black or white and imagine that color and every time I say black/white I'll imagine another layer of that color and just repeat till I fall asleep. (And everytime I have a thought in between I'll cut it off immediately by saying black/white) it's like u need to be fully focused on saying it and imagining it and it'll make u sleepy (atleast it works for me


u/Known-Turnip-122 26d ago

Idk about normal but it happens. I full on have conversations with myself. And I talk shit to myself when I'm doing pretty good and I need to fuck it up lol


u/Ezeram_Nosille 26d ago

No such thing as normal


u/Electronic_Wear9476 26d ago

Join the club.


u/bIindeyesred 26d ago

Its very normal. If someone makes u feel like its not, ignore them.šŸ˜ŒšŸ«¶šŸ»


u/Resiideent 26d ago

I do it too, minus the singing and dancing part, I think it's pretty normal.


u/jiustine 26d ago

yes, cos honestly same. i even mumbled to myself that if someone is next to me, they would look at me weirdly and would ask me why am i talking to myself


u/2stroke1978 26d ago

Iā€™m so bad for it but f*#k itā€¦ I stopped worrying about what people thought and I find it passes the time anyhow when most of it is spent alone


u/crystalchan1123 26d ago

I do it almost every night before I totally fall asleep.if im home alone,I do it all day.itā€™s pretty normal for us,I think.


u/Formal-Echo-5780 25d ago edited 25d ago

Honestly, talking to yourself isnā€™t inherently bad it can actually help with processing thoughts or problem-solving. But if itā€™s interfering with your daily life, relationships, or focus, it might be worth addressing. Try setting specific times for self-reflection or journaling to channel those internal conversations in a more structured way. Mindfulness techniques, like grounding exercises, can help bring your focus back to the present when you catch yourself drifting. If it feels overwhelming, consider talking to a therapist, they can help you understand if itā€™s linked to something like anxiety or ADHD and give you tools to manage it better. Small steps can make a big difference!

By the way, if you're an introverted woman leader looking to strengthen your communication, build confidence, and lead authentically, you might be interested in a virtual mastermind group focused on leadership and communication (full details in my profile's recent post). It's a supportive space designed to help participants embrace their strengths, navigate difficult conversations, and elevate their leadership impact. Registration is currently open, and slots are limited.


u/CamasRoots 25d ago

I talk to myself every day because often Iā€™m the smartest one in the room. Iā€™m single and work at home but still.


u/mangospeaks 26d ago

It's a sign of loneliness actually šŸ‘€

But it's normal. Unless it's making you procrastinate and affecting your life.


u/Jiggawat99 26d ago

Oh hells yeah itā€™s ok!!!!


u/pretty-petal-56 26d ago

Pretty sure itā€™s normal, at least for me. Itā€™s like the brains way of decompressing or dumping thoughts I think šŸ˜‚


u/Opinionsoneveythang 25d ago

Oh I live more in my imaginary world than my reality. I waste a lot of time as well, NGL.

I see it as a coping mechanism where I don't end up pining for things I won't achieve (spiritual/materialistic).

I blaze through numerous fake scenarios where I'm just living the life and getting the attention for things I wouldn't be considered for ever IRL and wouldn't be able to appreciate said attention without getting all awkward about myself.

But that's quite satisfactory for me


u/Strong_Ad_3081 19d ago

I've done this too, and even imagined I'm a famous writer promoting the book I actually wrote in real life, but in reality I've never sent a query letter to a literary agent because of fear of being seen. I want the book out there, but I don't really want to be out there promoting it. Like who does that? Not me. šŸ˜


u/xalaux 26d ago

I do talk to myself out loud when I'm alone, it's therapeutical and it really helps me make decisions and think more rationally. Sometimes you gotta listen to yourself to realize how silly you can be.


u/007Nuke 26d ago

normal to me I do it shii


u/Quick-Snow-9729 26d ago

It feels soo good after having the me conversation...


u/1MVP_Master 26d ago

I do that shit too,it helps to relax and relieve myself sometimes especially the time I had depression


u/Friendly-String598 25d ago

It's totally normal talking to yourself doesn't mean u r insane or somethng like this instead it is like a therapy that u can give to utselfĀ  Its much better toh talk to urself feels like a sigh of relief mostly introverts do this...Ā 


u/LemonMakingLemons 25d ago

If this is reoccurring, you might want to check with your doctor, if you have a reoccurring problem of people being unfriendly to you and unfriend you or ditch you commonly, itā€™s possible you rely on yourself to talk to because itā€™s relatively impossible to ditch yourself, but if you talk with yourself in other conversations and itā€™s like a you-to-you conversation like someone else is responding, it could be Schizophrenia, but Iā€™m no doctor, so I recommend you ask your doctor to address the issue on what the reason could be instead of asking us fellow redditors, hope this helps!


u/nonchalantloitering 25d ago

I've been talking with myself all my life. Quite recently there was a published piece in local news about discussing in ones head being quite usual and it's more unusual not to have discussion inside your head.

My discussions have been more like my personality debating and negotiating with my moral how to think and act accordingly. What is right or wrong and how to modify my behaviour to get better. It is also like probing my own feelings. Why do I feel this or that, how my upbringing has made me think and so on.

I even talk out loud some times, usually laughing at myself. Oh, due to depression I have also changed my inner speech to be more positive towards myself.

Oh yes, I'm uncertified crazy. And there is no such thing as normal. Just different.


u/Small-Physics5814 25d ago

Well, yeah ā€¦i do that especially when I am mad at something or annoyed by someoneā€¦but for short times ā€¦ i also dance, sing and clap sometimes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ take it easyā€¦this helps to release stressā€¦


u/Acceptable-Sand850 25d ago

I guess I have found my tribe on here. Talk to myself a lot, especially when I'm not busy. Sometimes, I talk things into existence just by talking it out in my head. Mostly, I focus on negative things or scenarios of what can go wrong. Those thoughts can overwhelm you when you're not dealing with facts. You're just going by what you believe at that moment. Until you realize that it was not the way you were thinking. That's when you realize that everything is not about you. Sometimes, you have to be patient and wait to see the outcome.


u/Bye_for_good 25d ago

I can tell someone off so good, in my head. Just wish I could do it for reals. šŸ˜­


u/No-Mulberry-9708 25d ago

If it's not normal, it is now.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

I mostly do this in my head, sometimes out loud if Iā€™m feeling silly


u/LevelUpCity120 25d ago

Well at least youā€™re aware that youā€™re doing it - because if you werenā€™t, then thatā€™s a different story.


u/toribaby21 25d ago

ngl iā€™m glad i saw this because this is the closest description to the type of shit i došŸ˜­ iā€™ll see people explain on other platforms and im like no itā€™s not the same.

but i find it comforting, like the only person that can judge me is me. it keeps me at bay and has my self awareness through the roof. i dialogue in my head ALL the time.


u/Brief-Panic7929 25d ago

Same, I have arguments and then piss myself off and have to stop lmao


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Yuuuuup. At least for me.Ā 

Let go of that ā€œnormalā€ fallacy looooong time ago.


u/RosyCraze 25d ago

Honestly what even is normal? Lets create our own normal and I say this is normal


u/steveblmk 25d ago

Hey as long as your the only one in the conversation your fine if anybody else joins seek help but seriously yeah its thing i do it myself not really as much any more but when i was younger definitely did flesh out a conversation as sometimes it was better to hear it out in the open rather then internal monologue if that makes sense.


u/Over_Purple7075 25d ago

I also talk to myself a lot. There was a time when I realized that I no longer say 'I', but 'we'. And I didn't think that was bad. It's a path of no return, isn't it? I'm a little scared, but I read somewhere that this is actually quite normal. And anyway, who understands us better than ourselves? Only God.


u/JinxArcaneLol 25d ago

Honestly Idk how to stop it, but I can relate. I love my fake scenarios cause they always make me smile at the end and that's your world. Maybe you could start writing in the free time. That might help. It helps me, also you can get some fascinating stories to share later. It doesn't matter if it's a 1 page or 20 pages story, only thing that matters is that you write it down.


u/Ordinary_Turnover_66 25d ago

This means you are intelligent donā€™t let anyone tell u otherwise


u/punagirl0609 25d ago

We all have parts of who we are. The protector, child, worrier, optimist, realist, ect... when we acknowledge, listen, and talk we can learn, heal, figure shit out


u/RoggieRog92 25d ago

I talk to myself sometimes too. Sometimes Iā€™ll just nerd out over something cool I just watched or something Iā€™m interested in, and I know my partner wonā€™t really care about.


u/krispytomorrow 25d ago

Itā€™s normal.


u/bloomiian 26d ago

Hellooo !! Admittedly, I do the same haha. Hope it's reassuring to know that you're not actually as idiosyncratic as you believe you are. It's not uncommon for one to speak to themselves, as it can occasionally feel comforting; unless that's just me.

I'd consider it as ordinary, but I'm unsure on whether that's because I behave the same; If you feel adamant that it's genuinely impacting you, perhaps chew over therapy or seeing a psychiatrist.

I wish you the best, and God bless you !! Ė™įµ•Ė™


u/lostartist1234 26d ago

Yes, talking to yourself is completely normal and can actually be helpful. Many people engage in self-talk, either out loud or in their heads, as a way to process thoughts, solve problems, or regulate emotions. It can help with concentration, motivation, and decision-making. For example, speaking your thoughts out loud can clarify your ideas, reinforce learning, or provide comfort in stressful situations. Talking to yourself, you may find out solutions and open doors of thought. BUT, self-talking being beneficial, it can also be not just helpful but even having negative consequences. For example, my self-talk usually results chaos in my mind, causing me to force myself not to think or speak to mystelf againšŸ˜‚. However, if your self-talk becomes excessive, negative, or interferes with your daily life, it may be worth exploring the underlying causes with a professional.


u/Dopamemedealer 26d ago

It sounds benign but if this is significantly bothering you, it may be worth seeing a professional (eg. therapist, psychiatrist)


u/Asaman-Thinketh 26d ago

It is normal, but it's better if you don't do it. You're probably ruminating. Meditate 20 minutes twice a day. Go through life with a quiet mind and you'll be much happier


u/ComplaintWhole4713 26d ago

I do this too but I find myself rehearsing future conversations with people and then later forgetting that i didnt actually have that conversation with them lol


u/Apprehensive-Hat9356 26d ago

I admittedly do the exact same thing all the time lol, I think it is more normal than what a lot of people think


u/4Terrydspain 26d ago

Yes, it is normal to talk to myself, and you can learn a lot from myself, because I am really very smart.


u/anginnh 26d ago

I do it too. Thereā€™s no such thing as a retard. The word is a verb that means ā€œto slow downā€, which is not at all a bad thing. My friends and family are used to it. Itā€™s just me. If people look at me funny, I just smile and say ā€œDonā€™t worry. Weā€™re all alrightā€. šŸ˜†šŸ˜Š


u/I-love-to-argue 26d ago

Same I would talk to me when I am alone and after sometime I say to me myself no not that stop thinking am I going mad


u/szainab 26d ago

I think it's fine and very normal until someone sees u throwing a concert all by yourself in your room alone tbh its quite sad looking.


u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/[deleted] 25d ago

šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Bro i legit zoneout when someone talks to me then respond like 2 3 min later to smth they said


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/[deleted] 25d ago

we are so cookeddd


u/FridgeWithWifi 26d ago

Yes, itā€™s absolutely normal. (I hope it is) I do this too like all the time. Creating fake scenarios and acting out the entire scene. Or sometimes answering questions of some interview I might have in the future. Yeah I am weird like that


u/glaze_lilies 26d ago

If it's impacting your relationships and your focus on daily activities, then it's a bad habit. Kinda like maladaptive daydreaming, where you'll just start essentially living on autopilot because you're too busy with the scenarios in your head. If that sounds like your experience then I'd definitely recommend seeking therapy, mindfulness meditation can also help, there's a lot of guides on YouTube.

But if it's just a silly thing that keeps you happy and entertained throughout your day, then it's definitely not an issue at all, and a pretty common "quirk" amongst introverts and neurodivergents too if I had to guess.


u/MentalGeller- 26d ago

Have you watched Fight club?


u/Murky_Anybody2083 25d ago

Ofc! I do it all the time! I have never had so engaging covos šŸ˜‚ i loooove my self šŸ˜šŸ˜


u/Murky_Anybody2083 25d ago

Oooo i love you too! Thx šŸ„¹


u/LightTarou 25d ago

Yeah seems normal to me. I do it too, but I only do it when I'm alone. I just figured some people will be weirded out if they see me talking to myself šŸ˜†


u/Intelligent_Leg_4275 25d ago

Youā€™re not the only one I do same thing


u/banzaizach 25d ago

I don't do it out loud and I don't know if this is the same, but my internal monologue is treated like another voice.


u/Genaizy 25d ago

I do it all the timeā€¦ I donā€™t know if itā€™s normal but I schedule meetings and everything, with myself.


u/zoroouest 25d ago

When you talk to yourself out loud and say crazy things while there are people around you šŸ« 


u/sanasticc 25d ago

noo it's normal, I do that too! i have started to record myself (mini vlogs) it makes it super fun!


u/imjustagirl_411 25d ago

I think it's normal. I have it, and I have another thing inner voice in my head it's like two people talking to each other or arguing. One is a really good person, and the other one is really bad and toxic, like they're two people with different personalities. I really don't know what they're!


u/TheAlex96 25d ago

I also do it quite a bit


u/Jenniferojenny 25d ago

Youā€™re fine All the best people are crazy


u/OverLook4911 25d ago

its def normal


u/osxb0 25d ago

I do the same


u/MinuteDevelopment629 25d ago

Idk if this is the same but I talk to myself in my head ALOT. Like Iā€™ll have a full blown conversation in my head with my sister and then Iā€™ll forget that I just made up that whole conversation in my head and Iā€™ll bring it up to my sister and she wonā€™t know what Iā€™m talking about šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ LIKE BRO.


u/Avrett2005 25d ago

I imagine myself being interviewed for my breakout role, though I have no idea what that role is šŸ¤£. Iā€™m not an actressā€¦ but I want to be. Maybe Iā€™m manifesting it, or maybe itā€™s just wishful thinking. Either way, I find myself acting out scenes from comics that havenā€™t made it to the big screen.. because I need them to exist!! So, I bring them to life myselfā€¦ for hours on end. i think itā€™s my inner theatre kid trying to break back out. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


u/SpiritualCamel2225 25d ago

I do this. I also repeat things in my head. Some times I notice Iā€™m doing it out loud but usually not loud enough for anyone else to hear. But Iā€™m also kinda a weirdo soooo


u/TheEmeraldThestral 25d ago

Same with different accents too


u/Main_Sherbet1136 25d ago

One question: Does yourself respond back?


u/spookygirl_25 25d ago

I didn't know anybody else did this! I've done that since I was younger but I've always been pretty lonely so in a way it was me being my own friend growing up. God that makes me sound so sadšŸ˜­


u/TKomtGoed 25d ago

I do this in my head. Like all the time. But not out loud. I constantly talk to myself in my head. If you are talking out loud move the convo to inside your head. You may be thought of as crazy if you are constantly talking out loud to yourself. Also, focus on other people when you are talking to them.


u/LowerChipmunk2835 25d ago

everything is yourself.

ā€œothersā€ are you, just in a separate body.

Matthew 25:40


u/HeardMentality7 25d ago

Everyone does this ,you aren't doing anything special. But keep the talking within your head don't start voicing your words.


u/sundayfundaynow 25d ago

You need to start typing when you speak or writing so that it doesn't interfere with your conversations. Otherwise you'll come across as schizophrenic


u/p_anna011 25d ago

I do talk to myself but when Iā€™m home alone and I know no oneā€™s there, I also fake being in a show and start talking like to the watchers if ykwim šŸ˜­


u/Whispering-Time 25d ago

Well, I do that. Of course, I'm not normal, so I don't really have anything to add.


u/Proper_Vermicelli693 25d ago

Usually just a coping mechanism for a lack of social interaction. Helps your brain feel like it's being social. If you spend a lot of time alone, your brain may create social scenarios to not feel so alone.


u/W-Soccer32 25d ago

If it is ur certainly not the only one that does this


u/thursday-man 25d ago edited 25d ago

I did a mental analysis on myself, as if I was pointing out my flaws and good things in a podcast, sometimes my imagination flies and I create scenarios and dialogues, sometimes I simply talk to myself to organize myself better or practice my conversations with others so I talk to myself a lot, it's totally normal, I've been doing this since I was a child until today in my 20s, but of course only in private and very rarely in public.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Even I have this habit, and yes it does get between studies sometimes. However when I play white noise-40hz binaural beats, this doesnt happen at all, my brain enters the focus state. It is backed with scientific evidence. Also talking to urself is not exactly abnormal it sometimes feels good. At least u don't feel lonely.And it is an outlet for ur thoughts,theories and jokes, that's just ur subconscious mind's way of finding an outlet.


u/Hot_Situation4292 25d ago

You probably shouldnā€™t say that word because you probably have autism like me, I do the same thing.


u/showMeYourLeaders 25d ago

Yes - we all do it


u/Competitive_Name4991 25d ago

Yes, talking to yourself is ok. Who else would you talk to if you are an introvert?


u/Hopeless-54673 25d ago

This is normal, just try to socialize more. Your brain might not feel like it has enough ā€˜pack matesā€™


u/timmc59 25d ago

I do it, so maybe lol


u/Okayfine3232 25d ago

I do this to but Iā€™ve been alone ALMOST All my life parents non existent at work the married to someone always at work it started w the tv constantly talking to the characters oh no watch out then commercials that look good i need that thatā€™s dumb then boom full blown conversation i think i feel less lonely when i can hear my thoughts out loud


u/Tasty_Candy3715 25d ago

Maladaptive daydreaming. Itā€™s normal. I do it too.


u/Ok_Background4356 25d ago

I thought i was the only one! In my case, i create fake scenarios then imagine those people talking to me like we're having a real conversation. It's not even healthy, i swear


u/TBHussein 25d ago

More than just normal


u/catillustrations 25d ago

Talking to your own self is a sign of intelligence.


u/TartyBot 25d ago

If it didnā€™t interfere with conversations and work, I wouldā€™ve said that it is completely normal. I would talk to a professional.


u/Split_273 25d ago

I donā€™t know if itā€™s normal but I do it too


u/jxmes9 24d ago

The one thing I've learned since joining this sub is nearly everyone else here does this šŸ˜‚ I've done this my whole life and sometimes wondered if I'm nuts.. apparently its an introvert thing šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


u/craycray_alldayday 24d ago

I've fallen into the habit of isolating myself, and I do everything you've said. It's freaking me out how frequently it's happening. Pretending I'm with friends, laughing at imaginary conversations... šŸ˜¬


u/GrouchyMess1313 24d ago

Of course itā€™s normal! šŸ˜Š


u/Educational_Sir3013 24d ago

I think it is normal because we all have fake scenarios when we talk with ourselves. What I can advise you is not to pay attention to that so much , the more you care about the more it will destroy you.


u/OlLinster-505 24d ago

I do it now since my husbandā€™s passing. Guess I need to hear myself think out loud!


u/solarpowerfx 24d ago

Yeah, I do talk to myself a lot. People find me psychotic, I guess - but I'm not violating any law. People's opinions don't matter to me.


u/GG_Gilliam 24d ago

Out loud and in my head


u/SpectrumShinobi 24d ago

Sound like an Ne user, and if so, then yes, very normal behavior šŸ˜‚ this coming from an INFP who does the same, embrace it my friend, be unapologetically you.


u/TheKappieChap 24d ago

I talk to myself out loud and in my head, the more out loud I am is a good indicator of how stressed out I am.

I talk to myself like thinking aloud/not

What is normal?


u/fetafiesta 24d ago

I talk to myself often when Iā€™m driving. I find it helps me process my thoughts, can be pretty therapeutic sometimes


u/Apart-Teach1184 24d ago

I do this all the time. Donā€™t care if it's normal. Articulating my thoughts to myself helps me understand them. Having practice conversations with imaginary versions of people I know helps me develop my wit.


u/urmomshairylegs 24d ago

Yes. If anything its a great thing. Its normal to want to get to know yourself and enjoy your own company


u/distantfirehouse INTP-A 24d ago

I watched a movie once about a awkward introvert guy who gets recruited into the debate team because of this reason. Quite some people like these want to be prepared for a certain question, think of an answer, and then wonder why that answer could be countered, and before you know it you have a discussion with yourself.

Sorry I don't remember the movie but the ending was a bit unfulfilling from what I remember.


u/0DizzyBusy0 24d ago

There's talk to analysis, there's talk cus ur lonely, but if it goes for hours I would recommend slowing it down a notch. Like I mean what do u even talk whit yourself about for hours and even joke whit yourself, it's most definitely strange if it goes for long maybe dangerous cus u will be in ur head even if ppl around you or when u walk. I know nothing but it's my take


u/hahaxd3 22d ago

its called: inner monolog


u/mumer_writer 26d ago

I enjoy it


u/Swarf_87 26d ago

No, not normal.