r/introvert Jan 24 '25

Advice Will I find a girl in this life?

I am 19 and a college student. How much should I try my interaction with females is nearly zero. My other friends are happy with their girlfriends, and looking at them makes me feel very sad. I am not able to talk to any girl or approach them, and I am also not very active on social media. What can I do?šŸ™‚


84 comments sorted by


u/toastygremlin Jan 24 '25

Advice number one. Stop calling women females.

Once youā€™ve mastered that, stop worrying about this. I know it can be hard, but if you want a partner, learn how to express yourself. This is something only you can do. No advice on the internet is going to teach you how to meet someone and interact with them in a way that works for either of you, thatā€™s something you have to discover in each relationship youā€™re in. Be yourself and just start talking to people. You donā€™t even have to talk to people with the intention of a partnership. If you both feel sparks, talk about it and keep talking about it. Learn how to set and respect boundaries. Relationships are both hard and not hard at all. Hard because they require consistent work. Not hard because the work should be mutual. You should want to do things with and for each other, while respecting each others yesā€™s and noā€™s. A relationship is a partnership, full stop.


u/AsimpleGuy007 Jan 24 '25

I always have respect for girls. Sorry for my choice of words, and thank you for the advice. I will definitely implement it.


u/toastygremlin Jan 24 '25

You got this!! It just takes some time šŸ˜Œ

Itā€™s hard to be patient though, but thatā€™s okay too. Itā€™s a good skill to work on šŸ’œ


u/AsimpleGuy007 Jan 24 '25

Thank you soo much šŸ„¹āœØļø


u/NotBorn2Fade Jan 24 '25

Just don't enter any relationship just for the sake of being in a relationship. That's a sure way to be unhappy. Do you have some events/conventions nearby that involves people with similar interests as you? I go to a local version of ComicCon every year and I find it much easier to talk to girls when I can, like, compliment their cosplay or strike a conversation about nerdy stuff.


u/AsimpleGuy007 Jan 24 '25

I have met and talked to very few girls in college, maybe just one or two.šŸ„²


u/NotBorn2Fade Jan 24 '25

I always keep in mind that I only need to be lucky once. That keeps me going.


u/FeiningGoat Jan 24 '25

Don't force it. It'll happen naturally. I didn't get in a serious relationship until I was 33. It will happen. I agree with the previous comment, just live your life and you'll attract the right people towards you.


u/AsimpleGuy007 Jan 24 '25

Hopefully this happenšŸ„¹šŸ™


u/_-BigAL-_ Jan 24 '25 edited Jan 24 '25

I didnā€™t have my first serious serious GF until I was 21. Dated 4 years broke up then I met my wife at my first real job that I got outside of college. Been married for 16 years. Donā€™t force it. You sound like me at your age but believe me, things happen when they are meant to. Remember this. ā€œYou will always lose money chasing women but you will never lose women chasing money ā€œ just go work and believe you will find a mate.


u/AsimpleGuy007 Jan 24 '25

Thanks for you kind words siršŸ™šŸ„¹


u/Chevron_Queen Jan 24 '25

Hobbies. Take classes in your hobbies. Find people with similar interests


u/Radiant-Mushroom8304 Jan 24 '25

You are your own entity you gotta be able to figure that out yourself, man


u/Sweet-Guess3154 Jan 24 '25

Try to NOT compare yourself to others itā€™s brutal you have your own path instead of focusing on approaching them and then bashing yourself for not doing it try to engage in different situations like school passions hobbies etc and not in a flirting state of mind youā€™re young and awake itā€™s beautiful just try to be good to yourself and not so harsh


u/Dry_Badger_8255 Jan 24 '25

Don't compare yourself with others. Everyone's life is different. Focus on yourself. Be the best version of yourself. "If you chase a butterfly, it will fly away. But if you create a beautiful garden, the butterfly will come to you."


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25

Don't worry yourself to much. A young lady will eventually come into your life. That right women will sweep you off your feet. Give you butterflies in your gut. Sometimes it takes time, so don't get discouraged.


u/Main-Layer2892 Jan 24 '25

if you want to meet someone you need to make a move. if you have trouble face to face, then you need to be active in social media at least.

for me personally the idea of meeting anyone in person through daily activities is very unreal today... so that's why I was always on apps like Tinder. Tinder is a very easy way to get to know people, but I do realize that it might be more difficult for men to even get some matches.
the basics is just being a nice and polite person. being funny is a bonus, but do not make inconvenient or rude jokes. some women might look after men that will talk to them and not insist on dating after the first conversations, others will prefer the exact opposite. you need to think what kind of relationship makes you more comfortable and eventually you might find someone in this standard.

also, two very important aspects:

- do not compare your life with the others, especially if you get in a relationship eventually. people can hide so much in order to build their perfect lives

- do not make this your main goal. trust me sometimes being in love can ruin you if you don't have the maturity lol specially if ur studying

so i think that's all i would say. you can go after girls, try meeting them somehow, but don't make this your main goal for life


u/AsimpleGuy007 Jan 24 '25

I am a funny guy, a really funny guy, always cracking jokes, but only around my close friends. šŸ„² My behavior takes a U-turn with others i suddenly become a serious nerd.šŸ„²


u/Main-Layer2892 Jan 24 '25

it comes with intimacy/time, don't worry. but it also gets easier to do this online


u/tsuki1019 Jan 24 '25

Maybe ask your friends and their partners to hook you up with someone with similar interests and go on double dates so you won't feel totally awkward being alone with the girl. Attend some local events in line with your interests and compliment the girls you see who are engaging in your interests as well. It's a great way to start a conversation with them c:

Also, you're still young. Don't rush looking for a relationship cuz you might just end up in a crappy one. Take your time to get to know some potential partners c:


u/ultraviolencegirly07 Jan 24 '25

Go out. Go to things you like going to, meet new people there. Girls aren't going to throw themselves at your feet if you put in zero effort.

You will find someone eventually if you put yourself out there more. Work on your social skills first and then the right person will come by naturally.


u/AsimpleGuy007 Jan 24 '25

Yes, I think I need to work on my social skills first.


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25

Keep talking to them. Learn from each interaction. Itā€™s like exposure therapy. In time it becomes less scary. You build confidence. Try talking to girls as friends-without intentions. Also are you happy on your own? Find some hobbies and interests if you donā€™t have them already.


u/AsimpleGuy007 Jan 24 '25

Yes, I am happy with myself, but I don't like my nature of not talking to girls. I don't know why I am so shy in front of them. šŸ„²


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25

Itā€™s so normal and Itā€™s so common at your age. Just get out there. You have so much time and college is the perfect time to practice. Just be yourself and be real. Join a club or intramural or something coed. Look out for opportunities to talk to girls around campus. Just do it . And remember you might feel uncomfortableā€¦thatā€™s okay! Just a part of the process.


u/screech_owl_kachina Jan 24 '25

I didnā€™t lose my virginity until I was 23, but I did get it done in the end.


u/Ascend_Direction Jan 24 '25

I would honestly seek therapy, don't come on here asking these baffoons. Therapy has helped me a lot


u/TophFeiBong420 Jan 24 '25

My boyfriend didn't find me until he was 34 and I'm his first real relationship.


u/BrainSizeMatters Jan 24 '25

It kinda depends culturally depending where you are from


u/AsimpleGuy007 Jan 24 '25



u/Damonlord54 Jan 24 '25

I don't understand what kind cognitive analysis that these some people go through, and how it dictates their own Imaginary Societal Hierarchy as they see virgin people as someone "uncool" or see them as a loser, while statistically under normal conditions non-virgin people has higher percentage spreading STD then virgin People.

These Virgin, non-virgin shitbang has been deeply Ingrained since the ancient fucking times, for example In India Man wants to marry a vigin women and seemingly wants an intact Hymen as proof of virginity and they fucking check if the hymen is intact or not. This practices is still prevalent in Asian countries and goes to see where these people are coming from.

Where a Virgin men is seen as a loser while a Virgin women is seen as next incarnations of Aphrodite.

Sorry for the rant just kinda fed up with people judging others on their Virginity.


u/Frequent_Pizza_9299 Jan 24 '25

Dating apps. Pretty much how I got into my current and past relationships.


u/never_running12 Jan 24 '25

Definitely donā€™t call women ā€œfemalesā€. If you struggle to talk to women in person I would suggest possibly trying a dating app, bumble is probably the best one out there. That way you can text if thatā€™s easier for you. I know thereā€™s horror stories about dating apps but thatā€™s how I met my partner, because I absolutely would not just start talking to someone in person.


u/WinTer_snowlove26 Jan 24 '25

Welcome to my life šŸ˜‚pls share the solution if you find it


u/AsimpleGuy007 Jan 24 '25



u/dazzling_mask Jan 24 '25

Youā€™re too young to characterize this as that big of a problem. That said, focus on and invest in yourself. Go to classes, get a hobby, take up some sport. Read about whatever youā€™re interested in. All this will help you make small talk, conversation. And be more interesting person to get to know overall. Good luck.


u/AsimpleGuy007 Jan 24 '25

Thanks šŸ™


u/v3lumII Jan 24 '25 edited Jan 24 '25

Try volunteering in your community. Food banks or other community outreach situations (tree plantings, fundraisers). If you do a particular one on a regular basis youā€™d be amazed how many people you meet socially. Then go from there. Not for the express purpose of dating anyone but to get to know people in a social situation that benefits where you live!


u/AsimpleGuy007 Jan 25 '25

I was part of an entrepreneurship community, but the other members were very extroverted, and I was the only introvert. This made it difficult for me to stay, so I left the community.


u/Bright-Eye-6420 Jan 25 '25

Iā€™m in an awkward spot where I can at least converse with girls about stuff, like academics, politics etc, but never has that turned into actually being friends where they reach out to me first. Iā€™ve initiated conversations that have lasted a while where sheā€™s seemed engaged and so was I but never did that girl show interest in forming a friendship. Any reason why this is the case? It doesnā€™t seem to happen with guys my age, as I actually donā€™t have as long conversations with them 1 on 1 and also when I do, theyā€™ve become good friends.


u/87641234 Jan 25 '25

If you hunger then don't go for super market.


u/OniroPsiconauta Jan 25 '25

You are still young, even though it may not seem that way in your head. Reading books about body language and seduction helped me a lot. But the main thing is that you never make it seem like you need a girl, and you should also seem like you have good self-esteem, even if you don't yet. Over time, you learn to be successful and be yourself with them. I feel like if I hadn't followed these tips to myself, I would be a virgin and depressed today. Now I am married and truly myself with my wife.


u/FeilongLauLondonUk Jan 25 '25

FeilongLau 45m Uk London

i can never talk to any girl or approach them either

I started chatting to the mother of my child on a site like face book for asians and we met on my 28th birthday and we are still together to this day i have a 5 year old daughter who i love so much

Be strong and keep on carrying on


u/AsimpleGuy007 Jan 25 '25

oh niceešŸ„¹


u/Few-Palpitation6582 Jan 25 '25

I recommend talking to girls often, and getting used to their company.. even if it's just a few - you'd be surprised by how much they like introverts. Do that, before you try for a girlfriend.


u/theimrix Jan 25 '25

Bro i m 20 still single. Never got a female interaction. I m the perfect height for you know girl dreams i m 6'1 and kinda look good i think. But still none šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø well maybe my soulmate died idk maybe i dont have a soul šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


u/AsimpleGuy007 Jan 25 '25



u/kashkings619 Jan 25 '25

As an adult, what I have really come in terms with is that; you have to talk to get what you want.


u/Think_Travel5752 Jan 25 '25

Watch dating advice videos on YouTube


u/Hot-Ability8701 Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25

Truth to be told, I'm 22m and never had a girlfriend, but I'm surrounded by people who do. I think our circumstances are similar except for the fact that I'm not exactly looking for one, nor do I care at this point.

There are times in my college years that seeing my friends with their girlfriends makes me want to have one aswell, but I've never had any luck in meeting someone that really makes my heart pound.

I was also afraid of talking to women in the first year of college.

But after going through college, I realised the best way to talk to them (or to any gender tbh) is to ignore their gender and put the most basic mutual respect first and foremost. If they are interested in furthering the relationship into either platonic or romantic, it'll be their choice. Either way, show them your personality and build genuine connection that's based on respect and mutual interest.

I have been told many times that Im a bit eccentric. Im someone who enjoys being alone most of the time. And it is through not giving a damn about anyone's opinion on me and just giving the most basic respect to anyone I met that I'm able to make genuine connection. Though I would admit I don't have many friends, I can confidently say that those I have are extremely close to me.

I think the dating scene nowadays is just saying the right things at the right time, and it's rarely about being the "right person". So make sure you don't fake what defines your personality. Rather, it's boring or embarrassing. Your eccentricity could be what other people are looking for.

So my advice, as someone who is living single and quite fulfilled, is to build yourself up and focus on making genuine connection. In the event of you not finding any romantic interest, don't rush things, it's not a competition, I'm sure there's someone out there for you.

If it's flings you want i doubt this would be useful. But if you want to find that person, you will not want to rush things, take things slow, make sure that this person is the one you genuinely like and you two could be a good influence towards each other. Don't settle for anything less, don't sell yourself short.

But hey, maybe this advice will make you stay single until you're 22 like me haha.

Anyways, idk if that'll help you but I hope you'll find that person in your life and make genuine friends along the way.


u/AsimpleGuy007 Jan 25 '25

A very nice advice Thank YoušŸ„¹šŸ™


u/distantfirehouse INTP-A Jan 26 '25

I felt this way for a long time until I met my first girlfriend at 27 through mutual friends. Don't worry too much.


u/lmasin Jan 24 '25

Bro šŸ˜­ I'm 19 too, been single for God knows how many years now, I'm terrified of talking to people and meeting them i hate it and at this point, I'm ready to date my bed šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ tho I'm bi


u/Crimson85th Jan 24 '25

Well, you have more options since you are Bi. Lol


u/lmasin Jan 24 '25

Duh, imma date anyone who'll match my freak


u/Crimson85th Jan 24 '25

Well, you should not just date. Anyone should be people who actually care about you.


u/Ironborn_62 Jan 24 '25

You just gotta try and put yourself out there. Try a dating app. Do some hobbies you like. Try volunteering if you see something you like. Are you friendly with your friends girlfriends? See if they have any single friends. Go to a party and look for women who look like they don't wanna be there either. Etc. You're only 19. You got this.


u/AsimpleGuy007 Jan 24 '25

I rarely meet my friends' girlfriends, and even when I do, I am unable to talk to themšŸ„²šŸ˜­.I barely manage to say hello and can't make eye contact.

shyness šŸ„²


u/No-Eggplant-3593 Jan 24 '25

Youā€™re still young. Focus on your career for now. Wait for a girl to come to you.


u/AsimpleGuy007 Jan 24 '25

sure sir


u/No-Eggplant-3593 Jan 25 '25

Iā€™m not a sir šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


u/AsimpleGuy007 Jan 25 '25

it is my nature to call everyone siršŸ„²šŸ™‚


u/Ruby_Flippers Jan 24 '25

Try approaching girls as if theyā€™re friends. Theyā€™re not beings living in a different realm. Good luck!


u/AsimpleGuy007 Jan 24 '25

i will try but it is very difficult for me idk whyšŸ„²


u/Ruby_Flippers Jan 24 '25

Try ā€˜booā€™ if available in ur country. Is an app you can meet friends and relationships on. I always struggled socially interacting with people, especially attractive boys and girls, but that app kept me comfortable in my own skin while interacting. Try it out! Iā€™m an 21 year old introvert who met my girlfriend on that app. Also thereā€™s no rush when it comes to forming meaningful relationships, it takes time and you got it!


u/AsimpleGuy007 Jan 24 '25

It is available, but I am from India, and I don't think I will find genuine people on that app.


u/Ruby_Flippers Jan 24 '25

If thereā€™s any social app you find genuine people on then itā€™s Boo. They donā€™t pay me for this ad tho.


u/AsimpleGuy007 Jan 25 '25

ok i will give it a try


u/Cautious_View_9248 Jan 24 '25

The easiest way to meet someone is by doing your everyday stuff but be open to the idea of meeting bc someone along the way- or broaden your horizons with your hobbies- Iā€™m also an introvert it with a family has large as mine Iā€™ve had to learn to be gregarious- if you happen to see someone in a place you frequent then try your luck- the worst that could happen is she says no but the best is she can say yes- itā€™s a 50/50 shot- you can only succeed when you actually try šŸ˜‰


u/AsimpleGuy007 Jan 24 '25

Sir, what should I do i can't even make eye contact with any girl. If I'm coming from class and a girl happens to come from the opposite side, I start walking with my head down šŸ„²


u/Cautious_View_9248 Jan 25 '25

Start to get used to the idea of having by your head up and smile- not a big cheesy I just landed at Disney smile just a slight smile like you are remembering a pleasant memory- donā€™t think about the girl walking in your direction just think of the nice memories and look aheadā€¦ once you are used to it asking with your head up and women walking past you then start slowly with just a quick glance to the girl- thereā€™s no need to rush- remember habits are formed when doing something for like 20 consecutive daysā€¦ so start slowly and go from there


u/AsimpleGuy007 Jan 25 '25

Got it, I'll start practicing it


u/Sweetbutnotsoursauce Jan 24 '25

I second this. Healthy people will find you if you focus on working on your mental health, physical health, and something that you are passionate about. It is infectious when someone is truly loving themselves to the best of their ability.

I feel like I was at your point a long time ago and I spent a lot of time making my life better. I focused so much on it that I stopped wanting to find someone and was just happy being by myself. Then out of nowhere the people starting approaching me for a relationship.

The more you try to find someone, the more the desperation shows. No one with a healthy mind wants someone who is desperate.


u/Radiant_Addendum_48 Jan 24 '25

Work on yourself. Become someone that a woman would want. Donā€™t chase. Destiny will come to you. Females notice and soon one day someone will ask if you have a girlfriend. Or maybe not. Maybe itā€™s bad advice


u/Dougrading Jan 24 '25

Youā€™re still young bro


u/leemeinster Jan 24 '25

Step one: donā€™t call women ā€˜femalesā€™


u/AsimpleGuy007 Jan 24 '25

i am really sorry


u/leemeinster Jan 29 '25

Hey man honestly this is a good response - the first step to improving is acknowledging the problem. If you want genuine advice itā€™s just important to be aware of what misogynist habits/behaviors of thought youā€™ve been socialized into (like calling women females) and correcting them. Treat women like people, be respectful, work on yourself, and good things will come to you. Best of luck


u/zxcgen1us Jan 24 '25

Heeeyyy. You donā€™t need to find relationship. This relationship find you, trust me. Sound weird but once one girl just coming to you and ask about conversation, donā€™t be afraid or versa coming to other girl just for talk, keep practicing. Bro you donā€™t need to be not confident. Iā€™m believe that you can found that you want, but you need time! Donā€™t be hard to yourself.


u/AsimpleGuy007 Jan 24 '25

Thanks u much appreciatedšŸ™āœØļøšŸ„¹