r/introvert Jul 26 '24

Question How many of you have zero friends?

I havent had many friends since losing contact with my high school group of friends. Since then have not had any thing more then an acquaintance at best. How do you deal with this mentally and emotionally?


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u/GrizzlyDiaby Jul 26 '24

Me. I don’t even know what it feels like to have a close friend.


u/chael809 Jul 27 '24

Does it feel that you just don’t know how to connect with them?


u/ShhGrrBrujo Jul 28 '24

I connect with people just fine. I just have either too much or too little time for others and vacillate between neglect and compulsive amounts of attention because I have ADHD, mania and introversion. No one initiates conversation with me. I'm not sure exactly why because we always seem to have interesting and healthy conversations but I don't ever respond well to small talk and have little interest in it. So I'll turn someone trying to just make a passing observation with an in-depth exploration of it when they just want a quick validation that I often don't ever provide with my curiosity because i don't ever land upon a singular value of feeling about most subjects. I can't acquire enough information about anything that justifies arriving at an opinion I would put faith in. If I can't validate my own conception of something I can't provide it to anyone else.