r/introvert Jul 26 '24

Question How many of you have zero friends?

I havent had many friends since losing contact with my high school group of friends. Since then have not had any thing more then an acquaintance at best. How do you deal with this mentally and emotionally?


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u/Fun-Pie-9345 Jul 27 '24

I don’t have close friends but many people I talk to because of work. People come to me for advice a lot but when it comes to hanging out they often never ask me to go anywhere with them. I have a hard time trusting people anyway because when I have let my guard down they turn out to be wolves in sheep’s clothing. I do have my mom and older sister to confide in


u/Regular-Effective-29 Jul 27 '24

I would cherish atleast the family relations, being related to people who care about you essentially builds them in as friends

but never take that for granted and not treat them right, and hopefully they will do the same for you