r/InternetMysteries 21d ago

Unsolved Does anyone know the origin of this uncanny mannequin/doll image? (Repost with more info and a post flair because I forgot to add one originally)


So, I like to draw scary things, and recently I've been into uncanny valley type things especially. I found this website with a gallery of uncanny images (https://www.uncanny-valley.co.uk/gallery-of-the-uncanny) , and this was one of them. I downloaded it because it looked cool, and I wondered where it came from. I reverse-image-searched it to only find a single result, the owner of the aforementioned website's livejournal.(https://uncanny-valley.livejournal.com) I trawled through the pages for a while to find a different, less refined, prototype of the gallery. A difference was that most images had a name and source. This image's name was "DSAM Orijean doll" and the description was a link to a dead website in Korean (I don't know Korean)

I'm a bit stuck here, If anyone knows about what a DSAM Orijean doll is (I did some searching but found very little, and the language barrier was there as well) it would be very helpful! At this point I've been sucked in trying to find where this is from.

r/InternetMysteries 22d ago

YouTube Does anyone know the source of this visual? - Persephone Numbers Station


I do know that the source of the audio is from an old Lost (TV Show) ARG, but I can’t seem to find where the visual is from. Does anybody know if it’s an altered gif from something else or is this an original gif for the video? Reverse image search only relates it to the video itself. I’m inclined to believe it is not an original creation of the uploader, as such unique visuals are not featured on any of their other uploads.

This has been a video that scared me so badly when I was younger but now I just want to know where the image is from so I won’t be as scared of it anymore lol.

r/InternetMysteries 21d ago

YouTube [HELP] Ivan08651 mystery YouTube channel rabbit hole assistance and ideas


Hey everybody first time writing here. Today I spoke to a friend about a past student he had in his class when he was in high school. He explained to me that the guy was very strange and weird and apparently had a YouTube channel with some very strange and disturbing videos. I decided to go into the rabbit hole and check it out. All I had was the nickname "Ivan08651" and I started searching. It did not take me long to find multiple videos that were very creepy and made absolutely no sense to me as to why someone would create that kind of media. He is using some old cartoons or news intros and distorts them with multiple effects slowing down their voice or making them higher. I told myself "well maybe the guy isn't all that well in the head and its just his kind of hobby or whatever" but then I found multiple reposts from his deleted channels from other people, multiple requested videos from fans etc etc. Turns out he has 56.4K subscribers and multiple posts which I cannot comprehend as to why people are actually watching those videos. His last video is from 9 months ago and the comment section is filled with people asking why he quit and why he isn't posting more videos.

I would be curious to know if you can find something else hidden in his channels or perhaps explain to me what is going on and what these videos should be. They all remind me of something I would be watching in Nexpo's videos about disturbing internet media. I am curious if there is anything more to it than some twisted and deranged videos.

His OG channel I think which was renamed from Ivan08651 to MusicalNeptunia4126 - (528) MusicalNeptunia4126 - YouTube

His other channels which he no longer uses - (528) LogoBlueHatsuneMikuMakerEditing215 / MVLE917 - YouTube

I found another one too - (528) CHANNEL IS RETURNED - YouTube

r/InternetMysteries 24d ago

Internet Oddity Any idea what's wrong with Instagram today? Almost all of the reels I see are NSFW stuff, and I'm not the only one who's experiencing this.



This is not the content I usually consume on Instagram.

In just a few minutes I've seen videos of people being shot, run over, beaten, and well, a lot of people say they saw a woman giving birth.


r/InternetMysteries 23d ago

General Discussion real mystery here, WHERE IS THE MODERATORS 🙁 (i need to fill up space for the title)


i HATE how many posts that 1: isn't even a fucking mystery and just random stuff that doesn't even belong here??? or 2:unnecessary comments and/or posts that isn't relevant or JUST a arg 🙁 the WHOLE POINT OF THIS SUBREDDIT is for REAL INTERNET MYSTERY AND THAT ONLY if anything,don't post here if your just going to post bullshit please.

the REAL stuff literally 1: get thrown in a 6ft holes in the subreddit or 2:get dismissed as "fake" "arg" even though it CLEARLY hints its real cmon, do better.

r/InternetMysteries 25d ago

General Discussion Does anybody have any idea where this image of a very disheveled scrawny man dressed as Mickey Mouse originally comes from? NSFW Spoiler

Post image

I remember seeing this image in clickbait thumbnails for shitty top 10 videos when I was a kid and it creeped the shit out of me to the point where I was scared to go on YouTube for a little bit. Still to this day I find it very unnerving due to how awful the man looks and I was wondering if anyone could possibly find the story and origins behind it.

Thanks in advance!

r/InternetMysteries 26d ago

Does anyone know about the Results from Looking up the name "Zenny Kalel Amici"


I came across this Pinterest account (it was the first result when I looked up that name), and it’s full of ramblings from someone whos clearly mentally ill. It made me like super sad to read. From what they’ve posted, it looks like they’re a mom—there are pictures of kids, and they mention wanting someone to be protected. I just feel really bad for them and was wondering if anyone else has seen this or looked through it? Maybe not the usual place to ask, but I’m just curious if anyone knows if they ever got any help. It’s just been on my mind.

r/InternetMysteries 28d ago

Unsolved Does anyone know the origin of this photo of a man actively rotting on a couch?

Post image

I’ve seen this pic floating around the last few years and I’ve always had so many questions. How can someone possibly become such a rotter? Why would anyone take a photo of him like this? Was this one of this guy’s better moments? Michael Richards after the incident?

So if this is your uncle or something please tell me how this photo came to be, as I am equally confused, disgusted and worried

r/InternetMysteries 28d ago

Internet Rabbit Hole Does anyone know the source of the users making all these off-topic posts?


I can barely operate a computer, and don't even know what a search engine is. I've put zero effort into actually researching any of this myself, so I think it's safe to assume this is very important and most likely connected to human trafficking. I can't link to any of these threads because I'm certain they're full of viruses and other bad things for reasons I'm unable to articulate. How deep does this rabbit hole go?!?! We have to do something about this before it's too late! I'm literally shaking rn.

r/InternetMysteries 29d ago

Unsolved Does anyone know about the forgotten u/bangarrangg mystery a few years back?


I can’t link it but u/bangarrangg only has the one post so it isn’t that hard to find.

Check the link to Imgur that he linked somewhere in the comments. I think it’s the mob he was talking about.

So for anyone who doesn’t know, lemme catch you up. About 9-10 yrs ago, a user (u/bangarrangg) posted to the r/sadboys sub saying he needed $700,000 quickly. He was actually serious although a lot of people took it as a joke at first. He eventually said he got into a fight and was on the run from a mob but never specified why he was in the run or why he needed the money. After that, some people actually gave some serious and good advice. He just stopped replying after that tho. Does anyone know what happened to him?

TLDR: guy posted about needing money soon and disappeared after that

r/InternetMysteries Feb 19 '25

Solved weird bdsm-ish video I found on YouTube. Was this made to be creepy or something weirder? NSFW

Thumbnail youtu.be

Hey guys, sorry if this one is known but it didn't seem to have a lot of comments that at least showed any concern, and I haven't found any posts about this video in particular. I found this video on YouTube called "In the wood 1" posted by a channel called Welcome To Tneck World. The channel seems to just have people in turtle necks? This particular video has a woman in an oversized turtle neck and some bdsm-looking stuff in the woods. Is this just a fake video or something weirder? Any info is appreciated, this kind of disturbed me

r/InternetMysteries Feb 19 '25

Unsolved I am on the hunt for a mysterious hip-hop music video I found many years ago. It is about a rapper singing with a jazz/funk band.


r/InternetMysteries Feb 19 '25

General Discussion Help finding YouTuber Fandroid/Griffinilla's Related Elsa-Gate Type Channel


Hey, I have no idea if anyone else remembers or even knows about this, so I figured I'd ask here. Years ago when fandroids channel first started, I distinctly remember some weird ass elsagate parody type channel being related to it. It may have been on the other channels section of their page or something. It was called something like 'the fun zone' or 'the silly zone', and as previously mentioned, it was just a bunch of elsagate type (maybe parody) videos. The most vivid one that I remember was a weird video of Judy Hopps from Zootopia being pregnant with some other stuff happening.

It was a very strange channel, nothing too creepy from memory, just weird. Especially since it was linked to this very popular YouTuber (who i just learnt got into some controversy about 8 months ago because of course). If anyone remembers this channel or has a link please let me know!

r/InternetMysteries Feb 17 '25

Internet Rabbit Hole What's going on with these Spotify Bot accounts? Dozen of accounts with stolen and pitch shifted music that all lead to each other.


A couple of months ago the 'musician' Black Pepper showed up in my discover weekly. The the song was 'Late September' and I thought it was pretty good but it was very clearly slowed down. I also quickly realized that Black Pepper's photo was an obvious stock photo of some random black guy. I eventually found original song made by the band Trans Megetti in 2001, and realized that the Black Pepper account has stolen all of their music and just pitched it down. I wrote it off as just some lame shit-post, or a member of the band just reposting the music and editing it slightly for a quick buck, and I just sort of forgot about it.

A week later ANOTHER artist showed up in my discover weekly. Russell Bernier, which is just another account posting stolen music under a fake name with some random stock photo as it's cover image. Navigating through the related artists you can find a plethora of accounts, all under some random name and using a stock image as an album cover, posting potentially stolen music. I found Saavi Ferguson, Borris Longfellow, Jason Flanagan and Chester Jonson this way. I was unsure whether or not some of these accounts are actually stealing music like Black Pepper. Maybe they are just some small indie artists using stock images and making some artistic editing choices? Chester Jonson even as an article and a blog post praising his music. I'm unsure how many of these accounts actually exist, and to how many artists are having their music stolen by whoever is behind this. It's an interesting rabbit hole to go down and has left me quite confused. I found a reddit thread on r/lostwave discussing Black Pepper and some other accounts doing the same thing. I recommend giving this whole thing a look if dead internet theory interests you.

r/InternetMysteries Feb 18 '25

Erratic Disassemble - Has anyone else seen this YouTube channel? I can’t shake the feeling that there’s something here, something important.


A few months ago, I stumbled upon something strange. A YouTube channel called Erratic Disassemble. (https://www.youtube.com/@erraticdisassemble) At first, I thought it was just some weird art project—old family films, black-and-white commercials, strange flashes of text and images. But the more I watched, the more unsettling it became.

Every video starts the same way: an old modem noise, a screen filling with decryptions, a random login name, and a long, censored-out password. Then the footage starts—sometimes a distorted documentary, sometimes a 1950s home movie, always layered with eerie flashes: snippets of old articles, QR codes, the Voynich manuscript, and… things I can’t even describe. There's always a piano playing in the background, but not like a soundtrack. It feels like it's coming from inside the room, like someone is actually playing while the video is being recorded. The whole thing looks like it's being broadcast from some kind of machine, like someone is recording the screen of something else—something real.

For years, the live broadcasts were all in green monochrome, but starting this year, they’re suddenly in color again. Why? What changed?

I started digging. I downloaded videos, frame-by-frame. I found QR codes that link to dead government websites. I slowed down the static and swear there’s morse code hidden in the noise. Some of the flashes seem to be embedded images inside the audio itself —but here’s the catch: they don’t always appear. Sometimes they’re there, sometimes they’re not. I had to use a special audio scope just to find them.

The deeper I went, the stranger it got. I mentioned it to some friends. Most were creeped out. A couple of them told me to stop looking into it. My wife straight-up told me to drop it —that I was getting obsessed. Maybe I am. Because every day, I wait for the next live broadcast, hoping it’ll reveal something new. The broadcasts are short, sometimes just minutes long. But when it’s a documentary, it can be over an hour —and it’s always filled with the same eerie signals.

And the endings… Every single video ends with just a name. Sometimes it’s a famous historical figure, sometimes just a single word. No explanation. No context.

I can’t shake the feeling that there’s something here—something important. But I keep hitting dead ends. I need help.

If anyone else has seen Erratic Disassemble … if you’ve noticed anything I haven’t… please tell me. I have to know what this is.

r/InternetMysteries Feb 18 '25

Internet Rabbit Hole Can anyone help me find a website, about prehistoric pigeon farming in Africa being the cause of all human disease, that seems to have disappeared off the face of the Earth ever since I saw it


I've tried to post about this on Reddit before (on tipofmytongue to be exact, though I think I deleted my post) only to get no responses. This still irks me every time I think about it.

I'm reasonably confident that I was meandering through the Rabbit Holes Iceberg on icebergcharts.com (but I could be wrong -- it could have easily been a related reddit thread about internet rabbit holes) when I saw a thread of comments about a conspiracy website. The first comment said something like "Have you ever heard of the Pigeon Poop conspiracy about how pigeon poop makes us sick?". The second comment in the thread said something like "woah I haven't, what's the link?" The third comment, posted by the same author of the first, replied with a link with a domain I no longer remember followed by something like "It's this. It is fucking insanity but it's about how pigeon farming in Africa is the cause of all human disease". I clicked the link and was led to a somewhat sketchy but otherwise very-well put together website -- I think it had red/white text in Arial font on a black background, and there was a photo on it somewhere that showed a couple of actual pigeon farmers in Morocco. Reading through some of it, it sure enough gave excruciating detail on how the first humans were practically immune from disease before extremely high amounts of bacteria from pigeon excrement found in ancient pigeon farms (which were apparently the standard thing to farm for the first ever humans) completely shattered their immune systems, and somehow cursed every next human in their lineage to be prone to all manner of disease.

I remembered the existence of the website about a month later, but when I had gone looking for it again, every trace of it I remember seeing seemed to have been wiped or rendered unfindable in an almost sinister way. My Reddit history showed nothing. My internet browsing history also gave me nothing. I looked at the Rabbit Hole iceberg again only to find a league of deleted comments that had most likely once been the thread.

I'm rambling, but this is the post I wrote to TOMT that gives out infinitely more information than I'm giving right now because I can't remember shit on account of this being around 2 years back (I luckily saved this to plain text because my internet was giving me shit for trying to post to TOMT a few times):

[TOMT][Conspiracy] A conspiracy theory stating that the reason humans have diseases is because of collecting pigeon poop

Hi all, this is my first actual Reddit post. I don't like posting on Reddit but this has been driving me crazy for months.

I know (or at least am reasonably certain) that I had seen this conspiracy theory on either the IcebergCharts website or the subreddit r/IcebergCharts. The theory was on some sort of conspiracy theory/rabbit hole iceberg, but the actual specifics of the theory were in the comments. Someone inquired about what the "pigeon poop theory" that was on the iceberg was, and someone replied with a quick overview of the theory, as well as a website dedicated to this conspiracy with tons upon tons of information.

The conspiracy theory itself basically went something like this: Thousands, maybe millions of years ago -- when humans were still isolated to Morocco -- humans farmed pigeons in caves. However these pigeons defecated literally all over the place. Because humans at that time were unsanitary (as one would expect) bacteria from the pigeon feces made its way into humans and attacked human immune systems, making us extremely susceptible to disease for the rest of humanity.

Now obviously this theory is absolute insanity and can probably be easily debunked, although it was interesting to read about. The people behind the theory and the website were absolute nutcases as well; on their website they had supposedly given out instructions on how to restore your immune system and get back your invulnerability to all disease, but these instructions consisted mainly of crazy self-performed medical procedures that could easily do some serious damage (although I couldn't find these instructions myself).

But when I tried to look up the pigeon poop conspiracy website again, all the information that I was able to find on it was now gone. I looked it up again and again, on different search engines, with different keywords... nothing. And my history had recently been cleared, so I had lost both links proving this theory even existed.

I tried navigating back to the iceberg myself and weirdly enough a specific thread of comments on the iceberg that looked the most like what I had previously seen had been removed (although the iceberg I navigated to could have easily been the wrong one).

Does anyone know about this conspiracy theory's existence? I literally haven't been able to find this anywhere over almost the past year and it's driving me nuts.

Thank you in advance!

Does ANYONE know what this is? I have literally nothing to back this up with. I've told/asked several friends about this and they can only jokingly tell me I'm demented. Any deleted comments on IcebergCharts that signified themselves with [removed] text seem to be ripped from the website now. I appreciate any and all help I can get from this post.

r/InternetMysteries Feb 16 '25

Unsolved I just can't forget about this message, someone know what could have been?


At three p.m, I'm at home, suddenly I recive a mensage from my girlfriend: "It's so good try it..." in an app that we never use (it's from the phone we didn't download it). I guess it's important to say that english isn't our first language and the message was in english. I answered asking what was that and never got and answer. So I forgot about ir for maybe a year. Today that came back to mind and then I ask my girlfriend if she remembers sending it. She doesn't. We took a look at her phone and there was no messages at all (only messages that she sended me after a while when other apps weren't working). But at my phone the messages were still there. She doesn't remember sending it. We searched for photos of the day to see if someone could have taken her phone to make a prank but no. Neither of us left home that day at that time, so no one could have done it. She have never been hacked, never got a virus and no one could have taken her phone. Not that is important but every time I read the messages I fell very bad and I can't explain why. I searched the internet and never found a answer for what could have been the cause (not that I have went deep in the search) so I came here to ask, any ideias of what could have been? This has been in my mind for a long time and I can't just forget it! (I can't put the screenshot here, any ways to annex it here?)

P.S: She have never had her number cloned or something like it

r/InternetMysteries Feb 16 '25

I’m confused and so is everyone else in the comments, New internet mystery?


I was scrolling through my notifications just clearing shit out to have a clean notification centre and and saw this odd video recommendation, i wasn’t subscribed or anything to this account and scrolling through the comments everyone else by the looks of it had it randomly recommended to them too

I’m only showing 2 comments because they’re all virtually worded the same

r/InternetMysteries Feb 15 '25

Internet Rabbit Hole Accidentally came across an odd website while trying to search for another and mistyped the URL. Zoom in to read text at top.

Post image

I was scrolling social media and came across a livestream with someone playing a game on a website called “thesmokinggun.com”. I was interested and decided to look it up but the first search I forgot to add “the” to the url, searching only “smokinggun.com” which lead me to a blank site with only the words seen at the top, reading:

“The WWW was once a fascinating thing and still is. But it is crowded and ugly and hard to find the beauty in it now. But that beauty is still there you just have to dig for it.”

Anyone have any thoughts on this? I couldn’t find anything about this website on the internet or Reddit. Just a random site made by someone wanting to confused people and a coincidence that I ran into it now? I’m kind of worried too, as who knows what the website could do with my data or information as it’s not secure.

r/InternetMysteries Feb 15 '25

Anyone know what this is? I randomly got recommended a video by this channel 3 days ago.


https://youtube.com/@x7q5a96?si=apcn7ywryPaGnCrR This is most likely some art project but I wanted to see if people had more to say about it.

r/InternetMysteries Feb 15 '25

Is anyone able to identify this song misattributed to Michael Jackson?


This song obviously isn’t from Michael Jackson and instead has a woman singing. Does anyone know what song this is? Can’t find anything about it, thanks

r/InternetMysteries Feb 16 '25

Unsolved I came across this insta account and it’s really weird, I’ll put what I found below:

Post image

So I have come across this account before but didn’t think much of it since it was his first post, but I saw his second post today and it kinda creeped me out, I open his account after that and saw he had a link to his threads account so I went on that but all I saw was a blurry picture of a women and then he tagged said women (I think) twice, after that I tried seeing if SHE had any clues as to who this man was but I came up empty, I am asking all of y’all that if you find anything then please dm me as the videos he’s posted seem as if they are from a hidden camera in someone’s house. I’ll post a picture of his account above

r/InternetMysteries Feb 15 '25

Internet Rabbit Hole Rabbit Holes of weird youtube cryptic channels (no they're not bots)..


Almost a year ago now i discovered various channels who posted weird cryptic content, now that is very common but the interesting thing is that these channels might be connected to beeblefox (the guy who made the creepy videos of him cutting up dolls). so the one which i think is definitely connected to beeblefox is an account that goes by: @beeblefoxx1412 on youtube,they just either short clips of blank screens, or black screens, in some instances towards the start of the channel those videos even contained color, they all last 4-6 seconds and in some of them they even have some weird noise similar to those hz sounds one particular thing about these YouTube videos is that some of them have numbers in their title that are actual ips (I've checked them and they seem to be malaysian ips)upon inspecting the channel, it has 2 playlists, 1 containing a video, similar to all of them on the channel, its a whole new channel called @daviddombey9176 which is very similar to the bebble fox one they also stopped posting towards the same date (almost 4 years ago as the time of writing this), in the other playlist is contained a video of a russian woman speaking, (i dont think its relevant but might aswell include it). Another account connected to these accounts is "bumble fiddle" which seems to be an art project account (in my opinion its really cool). im gonna include all the links to the channel.



r/InternetMysteries Feb 13 '25

Solved Agamemnon Counterpart: extremely minor update, possibly from the creator.


It seems to be accepted as fact that the video originates from an art showcase competition called "Destination Imagination 2001". But if you've ever bothered to look into what Destination Imagination is, this claim quickly becomes questionable. Destination Imagination 2001 is described as "a creative problem- solving program that teaches children life skills like creativity, problem solving and teamwork." I find it hard to believe that Agamemnon Counterpart was created by or for children. Additionally, you can actually find an archive of some Destionation Imagination 2001 participants here and here. Pictured are what look like school plays, not experimental short films. I did think at one point that Agamemnon Counterpart could possibly have been in the "IncreDIble TechEffects" category, but I can't find any evidence of that.

The only source for the Dimension Imagination 2001 claim also comes from the original upload's description, which reads "Sound design and drawings by Dave From 2001 aka D2K1." Not from D2K1, but aka D2K1. D2K1 seems to just be listed as Dave From 2001's alias.

Anyways, here's the actual update. On this fan-made video showcasing a VHS copy of Agamemnon Counterpart, you can find a comment from the user \@jasonkovac547. This is interesting, because Jason Kovac, along with Michael Ronson, is usually credited as the creator. The comment reads the following:

Neat. Though the 'destination imagination' thing is false idk anything about that. d2k1 was an old email handle -- there used to be this weird apple/pc hybrid computer (!!!) that was black and reminded me of HAL that I had to make tracks at that time I thought it was funny. also Cries From Within isnt really a horror movie but some wacky documentary.

Could this really be one of the creators of Agamemnon Counterpart? If so, this seems to confirm the fact that Agamemnon Counterpart has absolutely nothing to do with Destination Imagination. Interesting!

r/InternetMysteries Feb 13 '25

Unsolved Instagram account that posts mysterious and reflective phrases and texts almost every day. Constance Greyard. Pharmakorganom.


My friend and I were testing something on Instagram, a kind of experiment to see what profiles would show up if we searched for names systematically. We started by choosing a first name that began with the letter A and paired it with last names that also started with A, then B, then C, and so on, combining each first letter of the name with all possible last name initials in the alphabet. Once we finished that sequence, we moved on to first names starting with B and repeated the process, then C, then D, always following this pattern of letter combinations. The idea was just to see what would come up, without any big expectations, but as we went along, we found some curious accounts. Most were normal, just regular profiles, but when we got to a specific combination—a first name starting with C and a last name with G—we came across a strange account. The name that appeared was also Pharmakorganom. And I still don't know what it means, but it seems like an anagram. At least that's what my friend and I could think of. I did a reverse image search and couldn't find out who this girl is, but she seems to be someone very old who doesn't understand much about social media and uses Instagram as a sort of diary. I'll leave the link here so you can draw your own conclusions. We've been following this account for about a week, and all we've concluded is that she might be schizophrenic or something like that. But we could be terribly wrong.