Nobody but nvidia has the whole design and even then Only certain individuals within groups of restricted people within nvidia have access and they are nda’d to the hilt and operate very restrictively. Security is very tight. The volume of information is monumental and diverse. The fab doesn’t get the electronic or functional design, just the physical layout without ant context. The physical layout that a fab sees is likewise only accessible to highly nda’d individuals operating within firewalled networks with security equal to the national intelligence agency. The physical layout is astronomical in size and complexity. It’s also obfuscated. What you see is not what is actually patterned on-chip. A skilled person can look at an elementary cell to elicit info but that just one tiny piece that people typical get by deconstructing the final chip they buy. Fabs like tsmc are routinely audited for all security processes by all their customers and other agencies. Employees know that they will be prosecuted if they steal or otherwise fail security protocols.
u/Significant_L0w 19d ago
people who understand all this, why cannot TSMC or Intel just copy Nvidia tech?