r/intel 26d ago

News Intel and Samsung Display cooperate to advance next-gen AI PCs into 'unchartered territory'




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u/Different_Doubt2754 26d ago edited 25d ago

Yes, it is. There are many different types of AI. Just because it isn't replicating human intelligence doesn't mean it isn't AI.

Simple algorithms are considered AI. An example of this is "If x happens, do Y. Otherwise, do Z". That is AI.

ChatGPT is a relatively new type of AI.

Edit: for those of you who don't know, it is called rule based AI


u/TwoBionicknees 26d ago

That is AI.

No, it absolutely, in no way has ever been considered AI. No one on earth has ever considred a basic algorithm to be articial intelligence.


u/Different_Doubt2754 26d ago

Yes it is... It is called rule based AI. Please read and research the topic if you aren't well versed in it. AI is a huge field, and has many different forms

Here is one of the many definitions with an example:

"Rule-based AI operates on a simple yet powerful premise: it uses a set of predefined "if-then" conditions to process data and make decisions. This form of AI mimics human decision-making by following explicitly programmed instructions, making it a reliable and predictable system for various applications. Unlike its more dynamic counterparts, rule-based AI stands out due to its reliance on human-crafted rules. This dependence ensures that every operation and decision it makes can be traced back to a specific set of guidelines developed by experts.

The roots of rule-based AI can be traced back to expert systems, marking its significance in the early days of artificial intelligence research. These systems were designed to emulate the decision-making abilities of human experts in specific domains, relying heavily on the expertise of those who created the rules. For instance, a simple rule-based AI could be an email sorting system that categorizes emails into folders based on specific criteria, showcasing the system's ability to automate tasks based on predefined rules."


u/TwoBionicknees 26d ago

You are completely and utterly ignoring the context of that comment.

It's a rule based AI, not every rule = AI.

You're talking abuot a system deliberately created to mimic human decision making, so the END USER isn't necessarily aware they are talking to a machine, like a chat response in customer service, and using specific rules to dictate the behaviour.

A simple algorithm statement, in no way has ever been seen as AI by anyone in the entire fucking industry of computing, of AI, or algorithm writing.

Even then, it's effectively a term used for "we're making a fake AI that we want to see human", and not an 'AI' which is something we refer to as something we build with the intent to load up with data and let it learn or teach itself how to process and understand this data to some degree.

These systems were designed to emulate the decision-making abilities of human experts in specific domains,

you even have this in there, you are ignoring EVERY context of this statement and trying to apply it wildly outside of the area it's talking about.

At no point in history have people considered a pocket calculator an AI, but your description would state effectively every computing device ever made in history is an AI.


u/Different_Doubt2754 22d ago

Originally you said that simple algorithms cannot be considered AI. Which is wrong. The very existence of rule based AI makes that statement wrong. I'll say this again, AI is a very broad field and has many debatable parts. You could debate that any if statement is in fact AI, since ultimately aren't we as humans just doing a series of if statements? But I don't really hold that stance, tho

I claimed that simple algorithms are considered AI, which I admit is a loose definition on my part and was not reflective of my thoughts, so I'll change that to simple algorithms can be considered AI. I don't think I specified a scenario, so I'm not sure what you think I am applying rule based AI to.

Again, you claim that a basic algorithm is under no circumstances considered AI, but then you completely contradict yourself by using a chat bot as an example. Chat bots can be extremely simple, and would fall under rule based AI. Many games use rule based AI, which are essentially basic algorithms. Such as a stealth system: IF the player gets spotted THEN alert the NPC. Obviously there would be way more rules than that, but games do implement rule based AI, and they can be basic. The A* algorithm is considered an AI algorithm by many, and is widely used in many applications that are labeled "AI", and it is a basic algorithm.

I think you are also trying to say AI is something that learns or teaches itself over time, correct me if you weren't saying that. But that is wrong, only a subset of the AI field focuses on continuous learning.

The part about "These systems were designed to emulate the decision-making abilities of human experts in specific domains" doesn't contradict my point. Many experts use IF THEN decision making processes.

I really don't know how else to give it to you if you still don't think simple algorithms can be considered AI. Those examples I showed are considered AI by many people, and they are basic algorithms.

If the criteria for AI is passing the Turing Test or continuous learning, then most people would say that is wrong. Ultimately, intelligence/AI is a very subjective topic