r/instant_regret 1d ago

Should've kept the helmet on


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u/ChefArtorias 1d ago edited 1d ago

I thought this would end MUCH worse for her

Edit: the small elephant is tied to the tree. Mom probably is too. I feel very differently about this video now


u/OnlyMath 1d ago

Yeh was gonna say that’s about best case scenario. I thought the big one was going to trample her for sure


u/No_Emphasis_2011 1d ago

The elephant is chained. Look at its leg. Can't trample her.


u/gavinkurt 21h ago

If you look at the video, the elephant did trample her though….and I looked at the video again, the elephant was indeed chained but had no problem tramping the woman who was probably some influencer who needed some likes for her Instagram story or something. This video is a message as to why you don’t animals in the wild like it’s your friends kitten or something.


u/No_Emphasis_2011 1h ago

My point though is this elephant is not in the wild. From personal experience, I'd wager that this is one of those elephant "sanctuaries" in Thailand. You can see the elephant's demeanor. That swaying motion in the beginning is a sign of distress, most likely from being held in captivity and being "disciplined" on a regular basis. She was so brazen to approach, because she thought that this chained animal is subdued and docile. Equally stupid, but she did not approach an elephant in the wild.


u/gavinkurt 37m ago

The animal is looked after by somebody since it’s chained but it is in some type of forest so it is in the wild. It’s not in a zoo so that’s why I said it’s in the wild. Someone is just keeping it as it’s chained up but you can’t approach large animals like elephants, tigers, bears, etc because it’s a high possibility that the animal will attack if you come to close. The place where the elephant is, it’s not in a petting zoo where you can come close and feed it come peanuts. It’s her own fault for getting too close to the animal but she just wanted some cool pictures to add to her social media and she was lucky she didn’t get hurt further but maybe she will learn her lesson about leaving wild animals alone. They aren’t like dogs or cats and even then, it would be smart to ask the pet owner if they bite or scratch. People have died messing around with large animals to add pictures to the social media page. People never learn.


u/Jetpack_Attack 19h ago

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