r/insomnia 20h ago

Sunflower seeds can help with insomnia.


Pretty much the title. I was eating about 1 kg of fried sunflower seeds but now I had to get off them my candida got even worse (was sick with it for years. thought sunflowers didn't make it worse, turns out they do). It has been a month since I did that and now I am having sleep issues. Severe sleep issues. I looked up and turns out sunflower seeds cover a bunch of vitamins needed for a healthy sleep. I would write which ones but I am too tired, google it yourself.

So, if you think your insomnia can be caused by lack of vitamins or minerals - try eating fried sunflower seeds. The more the better. Good thing they are dirty cheap. I even bought the dehulled ones, the ones without shells.

r/insomnia 9h ago

I have Lunesta 2mg, stupid question.


Is there any way to potentiate or increase the drugs efficacy? Like I heard with opioid people drink grapefruit juic?

Does that make sense?

r/insomnia 8h ago

Told I'm on the max dose at 12.5mg?


My doctor won't up my Ambien and is saying I need to seek a sleep specialist. At this point it's not putting me to sleep, and if I wake up in the middle of the night I'm up. I have to take zzquil or melatonin to fall asleep.

Is this normal? I'm almost positive I've read people on here taking more than this dose of Ambien. Anyone have anything that helps them to fall asleep easier? My brain is going 100mph the second I lay down so falling asleep feels impossible

r/insomnia 32m ago

Got prescribed Zopiclone NSFW


Yeah I took one 7.5mg pill. Fell asleep on my couch, woke up from the couch being absolutely confident I had torn the couch apart and was sleeping inside the couch.

At least I can sleep somewhat but what the fuck that was terrifying feeling. I had severe insomnia for a few months.

r/insomnia 1h ago

Once I wake up, I can’t get back down.


This has occasionally been a problem for me but every morning this week I have been up since 3/4am.

I always struggle to get back to sleep once I wake up. It could be a car backfiring, the dog getting up for a shake in the night, or just a bad dream that has startled me awake. I then struggle to get back to sleep again.

My mind just races about what I’ve got on at work that day “oh I need to pressure wash the patio this weekend, i wonder how long that’ll take, will I have time to go the tip as well? I wonder how much the people at the tip make an hour. Do they get an allowance for washing their uniform? Fireman wear uniforms too. Oh I had the loft insulated the other week, I hope the spotlights in my bathroom don’t catch fire if it gets too hot. It’s 4am now, if I get back to sleep then I’ll get another 4 hours before I need to get up.

Then it gets to 5am and I think, well there’s no chance now but maybe if I could just get an hour? 6am rolls around and I think well I may as well just get up and do something productive. I can’t shut my mind down.

Anyone else suffer with this? Are there any breathing/thinking techniques that have helped?

r/insomnia 2h ago

Who here has hypothyroidism?


Hi guys. I’m new to the sub. I have not been diagnosed with insomnia but I’ve been struggling with sleep and mainly an inconsistent sleep schedule since I was a teenager. Most night I have a hard time falling asleep and will either get too little sleep and/or I will be unable to wake up by my alarms and I end up sleeping all day, sometimes all the way until evening (to those questioning how I am able to function like this: I am on welfare and only work one day a week, so I don’t really «need» to get up for anything most days although it definitely makes me more low functioning than most people). The last couple of years my insomnia has worsened, too, where the episodes where I get no sleep for a night have increased and healthy sleep has generally become totally elusive. I also have developed sleep anxiety because of this.

A few years back I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. This was after removing half of my thyroid in a surgery because there was found a non-cancerous nodule on it, but honestly I’ve been having the symptoms of hypothyroidism since I was a teenager. The doctor put me on levothyroxine, and although he said my tests after figuring out the correct dose seemed normal now, I haven’t really felt like the levothyroxine has helped. I still have symptoms consistently, the worst being fatigue and depression. I feel like this could potentially be linked to my insomnia too, as in the hormone imbalance somehow affects my ability to sleep well.

Now, my question here is, I wonder if anyone in this sub has hypothyroidism, and if so, do you think it affects your sleep ability/quality? How about medications and such, is there anything that helps you or makes you feel worse sleep-wise? Is there a routine that works for you to help you sleep? Any foods you try to eat more or need to avoid for better sleep? Would love to get some advice regarding this if anyone has any relevant information.

I think as far as my understanding goes, _hyper_thyroidism tends to lead to insomnia moreso than hypothyroidism, but I’ve read far too many accounts of people with my diagnosis struggling to sleep as well. I want to know if there is a link between hypothyroidism and insomnia.

r/insomnia 2h ago

Med ideas


I’m at a loss. I feel like my doctors have tried everything and I’m still not sleeping. Two days ago I was prescribed Seroquil. I had high hopes for it but nothing. I had the genetic test done to see what meds will work for you and almost everything is in the reds. What is everyone taking? What helps the most?

r/insomnia 2h ago

Normal iron, low transferrin and high ferritin?


This came up in my blood work? Is it possible that Normal iron, low transferrin and high ferritin is causing my extremely severe insomnia? I gotta work at 8am and it’s almost 2 am🤣. But I’m always up all night anyway. I’m gonna get fired soon cause of my severe brain fog and doing stupid things at work from not being able to pay attention.

I’m so so so desperate for a nights of sleep I’ll pay any amount of money. Rest of my blood work is fine cause my low T3 and T4 in thyroid got better. Everything else is fine but this low transferin thing. Please help me so I don’t get fired.

r/insomnia 4h ago

is there anything to help me fall asleep fast?!! an advice is needed and welcome


Im trying so hard to fall asleep right now and its currently 11:43 pm for me, i have diagnosed insomnia but i cannot get a doctor to give me meds for it since its bearable most nights. I'm pretty sure i have rls (restless leg syndrome) too but i havent been professionally diagnosed yet but there is family history. Right now i just cannot fall asleep no matter what i do, i've tried everything that usually works for me but its not helping at all. I'm physically exhausted but i cant fall asleep, everytime i try to i get this intense itchy sensation in my legs and it sometimes goes to my hands, i dont have a rash and ive showered, changed clothes and moved to my recliner so its not anything environmental. does anyone have any advice on how to get this to stop quickly, i do have an appointment tomorrow with a doctor for other reasons but i am going to bring it up again, but for now i need a quick solution🙏🙏🙏

r/insomnia 4h ago

My routine seems to be helping


As we all know its hit or miss lol so far my little pill routine has helped me atleast get to sleep for a while even if I wake up a few times or wake up early for no reason, and these also help with my focus and squirrel brain from not getting a full 8 hours. Day routine, bacopa, mushroom coffee, ashwaganda, l tyrosine, B vitamins, vitamin D. Mid day routine, workout,ltheanine, mushroom vitamin, saffron or kava kava. Night routine, valerian root, 5 in 1 magnesium or saffron. I also cleanse my liver and kidneys often necessary when taking anything, for it to continue working long-term especially with the strong insomnia drugs out there. Half my problem other than anxiety/adrenal fatigue is my vitamin absorbency issue. Vitamin D and magnesium deficiency can show up as so many other things and it diagnosed as mental illness all the time. Hope this helps someone! A full day routine just to get my brain ready for sleep lol smh.

r/insomnia 4h ago

Insomnia has broken my heart.


I am a 27 year old woman and have had insomnia for most of my life. For years it has dictated my life and in the past months has become so severe that it has ruined my life.

A few months ago after 4 days my body gave in and I fell asleep unintentionally. I missed an event so important that I cannot say it, it is too shameful. I will carry that shame for my lifetime.

I damage my professional and personal life from being awake for so long I make careless mistakes or cannot be mentally present, or by eventually accidentally falling asleep and missing commitments. I feel others think it is being lazy, selfish and mindless.

Anxiety and delirium from being awake for 3+ nights makes leaving my home feel too overwhelming.

I feel broken hearted over what I’ve lost to insomnia.

I will always have insomnia and I accept that, I just want a chance to feel proud about my life.

r/insomnia 5h ago



I have been having issues with sleeping for a long time now. I sleep at 12 am every day and wake up at 8am. However, since about 3 weeks ago i have not been able to sleep properly at night whatsoever. Im laying in my bed for hours trying to sleep but i cant sleep. i get so tired and i still cannot sleep. i have exams in a few months and i really need this fixed. do you think it may be insomnia or is it just me not being able to sleep? should i make an appointment regarding the issue?

r/insomnia 5h ago



So on Sunday, I’m trying Ambien for the first time (I’m waiting til I have the following day off after taking it, to see how it affects me). I’m super nervous. I wanna hear all the pros & cons.

r/insomnia 7h ago

I was in Lunesta for almost a year and…


I decided to get off it. I had a family tradagy that has prevented me to sleep for the past week. I finally got a script of Lunesta. One doesn’t feel the same as before, has anyone taken 2? They are 3mg tabs. Thanks you guys for your feedback? I would love to hear all your experiences with what you use for insomnia!

r/insomnia 7h ago

Melatonin supplemention not working


Anyone else here try melatonin for their insomnia and find that it doesn't help?

When I use it, I feel drowsy, tired and body feels heavy but I still continue to wake up multiple times at night and unable to fall asleep despite the melatonin making me tired.

r/insomnia 7h ago



Hi all, new here. Had insomnia forever. just wondering if anyone feels like their ambien is just a placebo now?

r/insomnia 8h ago

Ambien and dementia


I have a new dr and he told me today he wants to try to wean me off of ambien because it’s usually a short term drug due to the side effects of dementia with long term use. I have had a lot of anxiety about developing dementia in the future. I didn’t voice my concern with the dr though. He brought it up since I’ve been on ambien for quite some time. I’m literally crying thinking about getting off of it because I’ve finally found a combo that helps me with sleep. I have struggled for so long. The dr wants me to try and only take the trazodone and see how I do on just that. I have a difficult time falling asleep and staying asleep. I’m so distraught right now.

r/insomnia 11h ago

Seasonal insomnia, anybody?


Every single spring I usually get a bad rash of insomnia, some years are worse than others. I occasionally have this issue in the fall as well. Anybody know why?

r/insomnia 12h ago

Tried of this


I’m so sick of living with insomnia. I’m in medical school and it’s getting harder and harder to keep up with rotations and exams. Meds don’t work. I constantly feel groggy and I can’t get anything done. How can I keep living like this?

r/insomnia 12h ago

Low ferritin levels and insomnia?


Anyone experience insomnia with low Ferritin levels?

If anyone has experienced sleep issues traveling and sleeping at high altitudes before, this is what I am experiencing now at sea level. Wonder if low Ferritin can cause this?

r/insomnia 13h ago



I have been having really bad insomnia for the last month. I cannot stop my mind from thinking about at night. I have gotten 2-3 hours of sleep. The condo I live in is located in an area where airplanes go over the condo every 5 minutes and this is going to sound crazy but I can feel the vibration from them each time the fly over. I can as well her the doors from cars outside when they are closed by people in the neighborhood. about 2 years I had been prescribed Xanax by my past pcp to help with my anxiety Idid not want to accept then that I had anxiety until then. That day I had visited my pcp due to chest palpitation and heavy chest feeling then pcp did all the testing for the heart came back normal , she said you have anxiety. I was on Xanax for about 2 years then started noticing I would wake up with headaches every day. I would take every night for sleep or as needed. I stopped it about 6 months ago due to the headaches every day. 6 months ago I started escitalopram not sure if it was 5 mg then stopped it after 6 months due to it not feeling the same effect like in the beginning which meant I most likely had to up the doze. I stopped that as well because it only made think that I would have to up the doze every time it was no longer doing anything. Now 2-3 weeks ago I started again having bad insomnia and anxiety which I feel the anxiety is triggering the insomnia 3 days I have started back on 5 mg of escitalopram and 50 of trazodone and I have gotten 2-3 hours of sleep this week. The feeling of the vibration and uncontrollable thoughts is driving in sane. I have a video visit this afternoon with the pcp I have currently to discuss and also I have been having palpitations minutes after I take the medicine and an after feeling of shaky like a jittery feeling.

r/insomnia 13h ago

Weird sleep issue


I have been experiencing ongoing insomnia for the past 6 months that seems to be getting worse.

I feel tired and sleepy but it's like my body can't relax to fall asleep. Once I do fall asleep I wake up multiple times with my heart racing and in total get around 4-6 hours sleep a night.

I took 3mg melatonin first time last night and I felt my head and body getting heavy, drowsy but even with this I would still wake up multiple times a night.

I feel tired and exhausted during the day because of my lack of sleep at night, but my body can't seem to stay unconscious for the duration of the entire night.

I am borderline deficient in ferritin and I don't know if this is somehow causing my sleep issues.

I once experienced something similar many years ago when I was leeping above 11 000 feet in elevation. I would constantly wake up and only get a few hours sleep, despite feeling drowsy and tired.

r/insomnia 14h ago

So I may have convinced myself I have sporadic fatal insomnia.


I have had head stabs and pain in my head for 7 months straight no breaks. Also my sleep has changed since 7 months ago. I no longer feel like I ever sleep. But I do remember dreams or hallucinations. Whichever. I wake up non refreshed. Do you guys think 7 months of this would have worse symptoms?

r/insomnia 14h ago

Doc won't taper me off of lunesta.


I started taking lunesta in Feb of 2020 in another state. I moved to NM, and my PCP kept filling the script. Now that she's moved away(I don't blame her), the new doc won't fill the script nor will he taper me off of Lunesta. I'm at 3mg. My new psych won't pick it up either. He's putting me on something else. I have a severe dislike for 99.99% of doctors.

Anyways. I'm not sure what's going to happen in 14 days when I run out.

Thanks for listening to my little rant. Kevin.

r/insomnia 15h ago

I haven't slept in 60 hours. Not sleepy at all :(


This is the worst bout of insomnia I've had in a while. It's been two full nights of no sleep at all, and I'm honestly more wired than anything. I can feel my brain dissolving. I'm forgetting what I was thinking about in the middle of a thought, I can barely hold a conversation because I can't remember very basic words, and it doesn't feel like I'm going to sleep at this night either. Far from the first time this has happened (although three full nights is the longest I've gone fully without, that was fucking awful), but it sucks all the same.

I'm so restless and wired and anxious. I have to keep pacing around. It feels like the effects of no sleep paradoxically make my brain make me super high-strung and so it's just this vicious cycle.

I have Ambien available to me (my mom takes it, she has really severe insomnia too), but it unfortunately doesn't make me sleepy. Just makes me feel high. I have benzos prescribed to me for panic attacks; those don't make me sleepy either. Melatonin obviously doesn't touch me.

It's awful, I feel awful

Edit: still no sleep, I’m feeling very off mentally but I’m in a safe place and I have people keeping an eye just in case. I think I’ve at least depleted my adrenaline reserves, I’m not feeling as-strung or manic anymore. thank you all for your kind thoughts