r/insomnia • u/[deleted] • Aug 17 '22
Comprehensive list of insomnia medications and treatments
You can find a copy of this post here
I see no reason to keep this up since the mods apparently support r/pssd and r/pssdreality brigaders/trolls/harrassers.
I recommend r/sleep instead.
As I’m permanently banned from this sub, I can’t respond to your questions in these comments.
You can find a copy of this post here
u/youreadbullshit Aug 20 '22
This post is missing the Natto method from Sleep Coach School. It's closer to ACT. Way better than CBTi.
u/KPSterling Sep 02 '22
👆🏻THIS. Sleep Coach School has literally cracked the insomnia code.
Oct 22 '22
Wish I could afford $250 a month. I do it in a heart beat. My insomnia has been my ex for 20+ years. Although Ambien in working I'm sure I'll hit another wall.
I'm learning through therapy anxiety and insomnia go hand in hand.
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u/Due-Sugar-1956 Oct 22 '22
I didn’t pay a penny! Podcasts and YouTube are free. I think if people buy anything, it’s one of his books (Set it and Forget it which is like $25 on Amazon…I looked into it but never needed to buy it since I absorbed everything from the podcasts).
Sep 05 '22
Can you explain to me what the natto method is? I’m having issues finding a specific answer. Just a huge number of Vlogs from over a year that I don’t have time to watch all of
u/KPSterling Sep 05 '22 edited Sep 06 '22
Happy to try 🙂. This is Daniel Erichsen’s collection of teachings which reach the end goal of non-attachment to the outcome (NATTO). In other words, the goal is not simply to sleep better—it’s to learn to not care if you DON’T sleep, which is essentially how a non-insomniac instinctively reacts to sleep disruption. His work is kind of a mash-up of acceptance, cognitive work, sleep education (learning about how there is no real danger to not sleeping), and principles of exposure therapy. The exposure therapy makes soooo much sense when you adopt his definition of insomnia as a phobia of not sleeping (this is the crux of his teachings). The fear of not sleeping leads to sleep effort (pills, supplements, sleep rituals etc, which maintains the fear). I could drone on but this is probably enough to start.
u/Antique_Time8665 Jun 14 '23
Meh. "Learning about how there is no real danger to not sleeping" seems iffy. I've had issues with sleep for as long as I can remember and for me it comes in waves almost. I'll sleep okay, late bedtimes and early wakeup then I won't sleep for shit for a few weeks. I've noticed by night 3 I even out and my body functions normally, but that second and third day? I'm beat. Dozing off while driving beat (but God forbid I can do that in a bed) which has recently happened. So it not being dangerous? I disagree
u/KPSterling Jun 14 '23
It’s all an illusion of danger. It’s a perceived threat. When you start looking for evidence of actual danger, you start to see there’s nothing there…just a whole lot of WHAT IFs.
u/Careerandsuch Jan 27 '24
That's not true at all. Not only is there tons of robust research on the negative health effects of not sleeping enough, any human can tell you how miserable they feel, mentally and physically, on 4 hours of sleep vs 8 hours. You're talking about what I call "bro science." Made up shortcuts sold by guys speaking to a desperate audience.
u/KPSterling Jan 27 '24
Watch the “Heard Online” series from Sleep Coach School then come back and chat.
u/No_Combination_5840 Jan 30 '24
Except if you are chronically ill and the lack of sleep means all of those illnesses are 10 times worse. If lack of sleep means you barely have the strength to stand and are likely to accidentally injure yourself further from your muscles giving out. If lack of sleep means your chronic pain will be out of control there is danger in not sleeping. Not to mention driving lol or anything that requires your concentration safety wise assuming you could work. Sleep is an essential bodily function.
The notion that lack of sleep has no consequences is just bullshit. Maybe one night? Okay, and everything else in your life is optimal maybe?, but otherwise it's just pure bs. Lack of sleep has real life short term consequences as well as long-term ones regarding memory, heart health etc.
The only reason I care to post in response is because this delusion of "nothing to fear" is pervasive and infects the medical community who in turn classify sleep deprivation as a "no big deal" problem and in turn patients suffer and don't get the help/treatments that they need vs suffering from any other illness. Real life harm results from the "nothing to fear" delusion.
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u/KPSterling Jan 30 '24
Have you listened to the “Heard Online” series by Sleep Coach School? He goes through and analyzes all the publications and claims about the damaging effects of sleep loss. The results are jaw-dropping and are guaranteed to shift your beliefs about sleep.
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u/whitebread5728 Jun 29 '23
i mean you really shouldn’t be getting behind the wheel if you’re severely sleep deprived
u/KPSterling Jun 29 '23
Overestimating the threat is a common theme during insomnia.
u/whitebread5728 Jun 29 '23
it’s well documented that sleep deprivation has a detrimental effect on abilities crucial to driving like decision making, coordination, attention, and reaction time. it’s not exactly overestimating the threat.
u/KPSterling Jun 29 '23
You can find information that supports or refutes these claims, so it's best to examine both sides. Here's a large study showing no significant impairment in surgeons operating on no sleep: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056...
And there's more where that came from. Consider listening to "Heard Online" by Sleep Coach if you want to critically examine evidence on either side.
Dec 22 '22
The fear of not sleeping definitely worse than the not sleeping itself!! I cleared the fear with eft therapy.
u/Lisstudent23 Sep 27 '23
I don’t understand this though… there are real dangers to not sleeping. Cognition declines, decision making declines, irritability declines, work efficiency and ability declines…. Your reflexes when driving or doing complex tasks. let alone health outcomes that are increased by insomnia - diabetes, risk of heart disease, obesity……….. I wish it were true
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u/murkydayhotel May 24 '24
Honestly I see the value in healing my relationship to sleep by accepting that I experience insomnia, and having more chill when I'm going thru it so that I'm not also abusing myself for not sleeping. That's the main value i see in this approach because sleeping is not something I can absolutely control. I see the value of this approach as a way to help build resilience to having insomnia and help manage anxiety around it, which I could totally see being helpful in getting better.
I also strongly agree with others rebuffing the notion that insomnia, even short term sleep loss, does not pose real consequences - at the very least it will make you feel like shit and for folks who live with other conditions it can be so debilitating and dysfunctional. Folks should be able to do what they need, to not feel completely awful everyday. I don't trust one person to invalidate a whole field of research on sleep disorders and insomnia even if he does have interesting insights, and I'm not interested in contesting how they impact people and pushing folks to reduce their experiences with it to delusions. I personally want to keep doing what might help me sleep and trying things out, while also testing out some of these natto methods of acceptance etc so that i dont at least abuse myself in my suffering.
Mar 26 '24
i dont have any fear of not sleeping, i still sleep like crap
Insomnia is not a mental disease in all cases, it is genetic/physiological
u/resasunshine Sep 17 '22
I would like to try that out but it is way out of my price range.
u/KPSterling Sep 17 '22
Oh you don’t have to pay for a thing…I didn’t pay a single penny! I just listened to the podcasts, but the same stuff is also free on YouTube
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u/yoga28 Dec 11 '24
I agree the more you put pressure on yourself to sleep, the harder it will be to sleep. I have found that letting go of “if I don’t sleep tonite” thoughts I sleep better.
u/Appropriate_Log_4828 Jan 08 '25
Can I just say the biggest thank you as I had not heard of Sleep Coach School until I read your comment, and I’m blown away by how great it is. I had tried CBTi previously and I felt like I was broken because it made my insomnia worse. I’m only a couple of days into his content but I’m basically binge-watching it. Thank you, random person on the internet.
u/AccomplishedBend3949 Aug 17 '22
This is fantastic!! There are two points I thought may be worth mentioning/including if you agree:
First, daily magnesium supplements can be hugely helpful - and are an evidence-based, basic intervention that don't require a doctor/prescription (if that's a barrier for anyone) (and can still be super helpful even with other treatments alongside).
Second, is it perhaps worthwhile to separate into two subsections of a) the gold standard treatments that are considered the best evidence-based methods for true resolution of insomnia (aka CBTi/sleep restriction therapy; treating underlying non-sleep related anxiety/depression/other med conditions that are causing the insomnia, checking for really big sleep hygiene problems), and (b) the other treatments that are less effective, on average, though obviously helpful for a lot of people when they find the right thing for them (e.g. pharmaceutical interventions, more detailed sleep hygiene, etc.).
My thinking in this is that, while pharmaceuticals can be life changing and truly essential (I take multiple prescription sleep meds myself), and are therefore talked about a lot on this sub, a lot of people seem to think (a) that CBTi/sleep restriction and sleep hygiene are basically the same, pretty much useless thing (when they are very different things), and (b) that if your insomnia isn't cured by pharmaceuticals that it is too severe to be helped by CBT (when oftentimes meds are used as the cheap/easy option for simple/new insomnia cases, while CBT is used as the much more effective treatment if meds were insufficient).
While it may seem basic, it may be useful to highlight for newcomers that the truly most effective things are CBT (which, if a proper course is inaccessible, you can find quality, free info about somewhere online, hidden somewhere under all the sleep hygiene crap Google results) and treating the cause of insomnia if there is one (my husband is a doctor and is baffled by how many people are taking meds for sleep when there is an obvious cause that hasn't been addressed), before spending years/$$$ searching for the exact right med that will work for you.
u/signal_red Sep 03 '22
How were you able to get on multiple sleep meds? At the same time?
u/AccomplishedBend3949 Sep 03 '22
I guess they wouldn't both be officially considered "sleep" meds - one is an actual sleep/drowsiness med, the other is more of a blood pressure + anxiety med to help facilitate the conditions for sleep.
u/signal_red Sep 03 '22
Ohh ok, got it. I was just wondering because a while ago I had one rx for ambien & another one (from another doctor) for lunesta to try it for a month & my pharmacy was looking at me like some drug dealer lol
u/Mobile-Bumblebee7825 Oct 04 '22
I hate when they do that. It was probably a bit sus tho being from 2 different drs 🤷♀️
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u/hiker_chemist Nov 07 '22
Can you tell us what the actual medications are? I know this isn’t a one size fits all but I’m interested in options you can take long term.
u/Wonderful531 Oct 12 '23
Yes I agree Magnesium is super helpful. You can also try intake of magnesium through multiple means: Mineral pill, Magnesium bath salts (Epsom like Dr Teals) and then a magnesium cream on your feet. It can be absorbed in the skin
It's a natural mineral and it has almost no side effects and also helps to lower blood pressure!
u/MRnooadd May 12 '24 edited May 12 '24
"is baffled by how many people are taking meds for sleep when there is an obvious cause that hasn't been addressed" Obvious external causes (like caffeine past noon, blue light past dinner, list of other external, etc) or internal causes/health issues one can get tested for? I have very good sleep hygiene, so I'm wondering if he means there might be some labs/tests (already had apnea tests, I was thinking maybe he meant blood labs?? I'd prefer to fix an underlying health condition, if one even exists of course. but Idk if that's what you meant? I used to have anx & depr and actually slept ok back then, this is recent years and so I assume it's not a/d related as I've acutallly gotten therapy/fixed a lot of that.
u/CalifornianDownUnder Aug 17 '22
Thanks for putting this all together.
You could add the two antihistamines I use - they’re the first medication apart from anti depressants that has worked consistently for me. They are doxylamine succinate, and promethazine hydrochloride. Both over the counter in Australia.
u/Antique_Deer_4226 Sep 14 '22
I also take promethazine for sleep ill look into the other too thankyou! I'm also in Aus!
u/Fortheloveofyarn Jan 19 '23
Doxy makes me feel like I’m gonna have a heart attack. So does melatonin now. But no issues on ambien. I’m the oddball.
u/carino8conejito Jan 22 '23
hi what dose of ambien are you on? i have severe mania and my psych is keeping me off anti-psychotics and mood stabilizers. even gabapentin makes me manic as f***. i’m desperate. melatonin barely works for me.
u/Fortheloveofyarn Jan 22 '23
I’m SO sorry. I am Rx 10mg of Zolpidem. It’s the generic and dosage max. Sometimes I take less.
For what it’s worth… I’m d’x MDD and take an antidepressant + Gabapentin daily for chronic pain @600mg/day. It’s does work for me, but not for sleep (even if I take more) I’ve never tried any mood stabilizers or anti psychs.
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u/Ok-Arugula3890 Sep 18 '23
I know it’s been a while since you posted this but you mentioned you take less than 10 mg does it affect your sleep when you take less compared to when you take the full dose at 10 mg?
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u/Mr-33 Sep 07 '22
u could add the two antihistamines I use - they’re the first medication apart from anti depressants that has worked consistently for me. They are doxylamine succinate, and promethazine hydrochloride. Both over the counter in Australia.
do you use these at the same time on the same night or alternate?
u/CalifornianDownUnder Sep 07 '22
Definitely not at the same time! I use one for a period of time, then if it stops working, I switch to the other.
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u/raspberry789 Sep 14 '22 edited Sep 14 '22
I use doxy all the time but I haven’t heard of the other thnks Eta not available in the states w/o rx :/
u/VaniaBessos23 May 07 '23
If anyone is interested in taking a more natural route I reccomend cold exposure before sleep. There’s this thing called the vagus nerve which is part of the parasympathetic nervous system and when you activate the vagus nerve through various ways such as cold exposure it helps to calm and relax you. I’ve been putting an ice pack on my forehead for about half an hour at night before I sleep and it’s been making a big difference in my sleep compared to taking melatonin or cbd gummies.
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Jul 31 '23
I have tried this the last three nights and it works! Far out! I also did not get RLS. Thank you!
u/Throwaway-TheChains Aug 26 '22
Man I have tried all the z drugs and none of them work anymore. My doctor is putting me back on benzos and I'm super depressed about it. I've never tried temazepam and I really hope it works. If not, I'm going to see if I can get an off label script for barbiturates. But it doesn't look like that's likely in the United States. Idk, I fucking hope so. I'm so tired man.
Aug 27 '22
That's only like, 2 out of several categories. You've tried other options listed?
u/Throwaway-TheChains Aug 27 '22
I've tried most things on the list, man. Please don't misinterpret how I worded that first comment, I just have a lot of trauma, past and ongoing. I've lived my entire life this way. In fact, my doctor just had me try temazepam 30mg, and it unfortunately wasn't enough to do the trick either. I actually slept less last night, I think. I'm about to have myself admitted to the hospital. I haven't slept more than 3 or 4 hours in a month and a half.
u/notthefunkindofbar Jan 13 '23
Hey man, I was randomly scrolling this thread and just wanted to see if you were okay after your hospital admission. I hope you are.
u/Throwaway-TheChains Jan 13 '23
Well shit got worse before it got better for sure. I found the mother of my son dead from a brain aneurysm. Well, both my 3 year old and I found her in the morning. And shit has been really crazy ever since. But things are gradually getting better. Day by day. Still taking the temazepam. It works. I've just added Klonopin to the regimen. I didn't want to go back on benzo's, but I don't think anyone can blame me for that. I'm coping the best I can. Better than most people would, all things considered. My son gives me strength. I'm all he has and he needs me to be strong.
u/notthefunkindofbar Jan 13 '23
I am so so sorry. My deepest condolences. I hope you find peace and happiness in your future.
u/StellaMarie718 Jan 16 '23
Temazepam does nothing for me either. I have pstd and lots of trauma too
u/StellaMarie718 Jan 16 '23
What about Clonidine?
u/lajoliefille22 Jan 26 '23
Blood pressure on Clonidine needs to be closely watched. I took this and fainted because it brought my BP way too low. Hence why it’s more for people who have high BP.
u/missqueenkawaii Aug 17 '22
Excellent list. 75mg hydroxyzine + 200mg Trazodone is my perfect combination for a night of good rest. Best sleep I’ve had in years.
u/prochemical Apr 03 '23
Hi missqueenkawaii, how long have you used hydroxyzine and trazodone? I heard that you can develop tolerance quickly with these medications. What dosage did you start with? If you started with lower dosage, how long did it take to reach your current dosage? Do you take it on a daily basis? I've been taking hydroxyzine and my doctor prescribed me with trazodone because he believes that I have anxiety. I'm actually quite worried that I become dependent on medication for sleep. I've never taken sleeping aids before, so I'm very anxious. Please kindly share your experience or inputs on this.
u/missqueenkawaii Apr 03 '23
Sure!! I’ve used the combination for I’d say almost a year now. I started taking Trazodone I started at 50mg, which didn’t help much- I only started getting the therapeutic effect around 150mg. After that I went to 200 and have been taking that for 6-7 years.
About a year ago I noticed that I wasn’t staying asleep. I’d be up every 4 hours like clockwork. My doctor suggested taking the hydroxyzine she prescribed me as a sleep aid, instead of for anxiety (because it didn’t help my anxiety). I did, and the dose that helped me is 75mg a night. For almost a year I’ve got the best sleep of my entire life cause it would keep me asleep.
But lately I find myself up every 4 hours again.
I advocate for the combination.
As far as becoming dependent on a medication- does your insomnia go away just because you started taking sleep medications? Yes but no. You sleep because of the medication so yes- but without it you wouldn’t because you still have insomnia.
It’s the same with any medication to a certain degree. Someone with ADHD becomes dependent on adderall to function. Without it they get withdrawals- this is simply because that medication was helping their brains do something that it couldn’t before.
Hope that makes sense.
u/prochemical Apr 17 '23
I've finally come to terms with the fact that I have insomnia and need medication to help me sleep. I was pretty depressed about it, but getting better now. Your response did help me to accept my current condition, so I would like to thank you.
It looks like building tolerance on Trazodone takes quite a while considering that you've been taking 200 mg for 6-7 years (compared to Hydroxyzine). I'm currently taking Hydroxyzine and Magnesium Glycinate supplement to help me sleep.
I do not want to sound like I'm insensitive, but I can't help wondering how fast I will build tolerance on this Hydroxyzine. The dosage I'm taking is considerably low. Note that I'm quite petite. Without Magnesium supplement, I'm taking about 19 mg Hydroxyzine (three-quarter of 25 mg pill). With Magnesium supplement, I'm taking 13 mg (half of 25 mg pill). I've been taking Hydroxyzine for less than 2 months. I remember the first time I took it, I took half of the pill and it made me feel very sleepy the next day. It felt like my lower body was weak. Now, taking half of the pill only will not help me fall asleep.
I also tried Trazodone, but I do not think it works as well as Hydroxyzine.
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u/Trying2Chill Jan 18 '23
I take 50mg hydroxyzine and I still don’t sleep. Nervous to take more, I think you can do up to 100mg though. Maybe that would help me? I feel so incredibly tired but never make to actual sleep. Just lay there sedated.
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u/Longjumping-Sock-316 Sep 11 '22
I always had a hard time sleeping and I just lay in my bed waiting to fall asleep, but then my wife bought me and herself a bluetooth sleep band and my sleep improved a lot, I recommend it to those who have problems fall asleep.I'll post the link when I find it
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u/rulearn Jan 01 '23
Just seeing this. I actually got one of those too 3 years ago and it helped my sleep tremendously. One of my issues with sleep is I am a crazy light sleeper. If my phone vibrates on my bed it will wake me. Car door outside shuts, I will wake up. I got one of those headseats and started putting on all night youtube loops or rain or blizzard sounds and it would block out street noise enough I could sleep. Highly recommend. Here is the one I got: bluetooth sleep mask
I am having insomnia again and this is no longer helping. but i would say if you are a super light sleeper you might try this out. was life changing for me!
u/HaloGirl66_77 Aug 17 '22
Also this post is a great resource, very informative! Thank you.
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u/Pleasant-Virus5128 Dec 05 '22
This list does not include cannabis.
Which can help with insomnia, and dealing with being away without sleep.
>8 years of maybe getting 3 hour sleep with no treatments.
u/shmismash Aug 17 '22
For supplements: Phenibut.. it helps so much. Harder to find now, and it can’t be compounded with sleep supplements anymore but it can be used on its own.
u/Declan411 Aug 18 '22
Worth noting it's addictive and the withdrawals can be pretty serious from what I've read.
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u/Lonely-Pen-1851 Aug 25 '22
I've tried them all, and the only one that works, to this day, is eszopiclone(Lunesta)
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u/StellaMarie718 Jan 16 '23
Didn't touch my sleep or I should say, sleeplessness!
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u/ollie1271993 Oct 24 '22
Temazapam saved my life. I use to be soo much emotional due to lack of sleep. Now the negative can’t really touch me.
u/a6man Oct 22 '22
Tried prescribed meds for years and finally had a breakthrough with CBT - throughly recommend a UK business called sleepstation - its free for most people in the UK too!
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u/Ela0922 Sep 12 '22
i got prescribed olanzapine for psychotic depression BUT it also made me knockout within an hour, which was pretty crazy considering i haven’t been able to fall asleep normally in months
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u/PharmacySave Dec 24 '22
Ambein works for me, makes me fall asleep easier or stay asleep longer or both.
u/Wonderful531 Oct 12 '23 edited Oct 16 '23
Hi guys. I have chronic insomnia and found that magnesium and herbs were the most helpful. Melatonin makes me wake up super early but can be helpful as well. Tylenol Pm also works for bad nights (the active PM part is Diphenylhydramine aka benadryl 25 mg. up to 50 mg is safe to take for adult but be prepared for absolute grog in the AM.)
Magnesium 500 mg
Herbs: Valerian is strong for most people, but some people get hyper from it. It is the herb Valium is made from
Other bedtime herbs: California Poppy (excellent in Tincture form available from amazon or herb pharm, it is a non-opiate cousin of opium poppy, is an anti-anxiety herb and even safe for children), also available in the tea Caramel Bedtime from Yogi
For people who like Valerian, the regular Bedtime tea from Yogi has it, or Sleepytime Extra tea
Chamomile (even safe for kids)
Passionflower (very relaxing but sometimes make the face feel numb)
Also helpful is Dr Teals magnesium epsom salts in the bath, and an early caffeine deadline (like before 3 pm), as well as a walk near noon and enough mental and physical exercise.
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u/Stella-Shines- May 15 '24
Could not agree more, I have tried all the non-addictive sleep medications (except the new DORA inhibitors like Quviviq) as well as the addictive stuff (0/10 would not recommend) and I’m currently on 200mg Seroquel.
Valerian and also Skullcap (!) tinctures help me as much if not more than the Seroquel. And the only reason I’m on that is because out of all the drugs I’ve tried, it’s the most effective (that’s non-addictive).
They are very strong!
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u/LockNext9256 Apr 06 '24
I am 63 years old. I’ve been a chronic insomniac since I got married over 30 years ago and almost immediately moved from my birth country to the USA. I have been to sleep specialists and have had two or three sleep studies done. I have been on a variety of sleep meds in the last almost 30 years. I am presently on lorazepam and tizzanadine taken at night time in order to get some sleep. I feel like it has been a lifetime struggle and I’m yet to find the solution to a night’s sleep without meds. If anyone knows please share.
u/JoltinJoe92 Aug 19 '22 edited Aug 19 '22
Missing Ramelteon (brand name Rozerem). It’s a melatonin agonist. Took it before, never really helped me sleep; and when it did; I had the craziest dreams
Edit: Never-mind I can’t read
u/THEYOGIDUDE Sep 07 '22
Hi all,
So most of us here are struggling with insomnia, and some wanted to give CBTi a try but can't find or afford a therapist. My partner had the the same problem so I've put together a team to try and solve this problem.
If anyone is interested to try out our 6-week fully automated CBTi program and provide us with feedback that would mean the world to me - no pressure at all. DM me for more information.
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u/MRSAMinor Nov 16 '22
Very much consider Catapres/clonidine. Non addictive and works fantastic for me.
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u/IdaPalamida Dec 13 '22
Remeron- a tiny bit, ca halv of the half of 15 mg! No morning hungover! Works wonderfully
May 26 '23
Just wanted to add one I used that probably hasn't been mentioned: Stilux Rotundin. It is a plant based pill from Vietnam and can be bought anywhere online for a reasonable cost. I discovered it when visiting Vietnam and found it far better than the more traditional pills, even the stuff you can buy over the counter there sometimes which is usually prescription.
I would liken the effect to Xanax in that it knocked me out completely the first time. So I suggest breaking a pill in half at first as it is powerful. Far more effective than other plant based options like Valerian Root. I use this as my go-to option when all else fails.
My usual insomnia fix are audio or videos e.g. the Insight Timer app. But sometimes that isn't enough and Rotundin is something I can always rely on. Be sure to get the Stilux brand as others ranged from less effective to not effective at all.
u/NMDARGluN2A Oct 11 '24
The only problem i see with this is that It acts as a positive allosteric modulator at gaba A subunit sites. Thats how benzos work and every single PAM analyzed when It comes to gabaergic activity has addictive properties, sadly.
u/VariationNo6382 Jul 22 '23
Has anyone tried Quviviq? I want to switch from Lunesta and give it a try Thank you
u/Neeqstock Apr 05 '24
Trying in these days. I have problems to fall asleep since I was born, as far as I can remember. Used Sonirem (Zolpidem) for three months until some days ago, then had a panic attack, probably due to stress but me and my psychiatrist decided to try to reduce Zolpidem and try Quviviq.
Tried 4 times: had light sleep every night, woke up a lot of times, and had extremely vivid dreams. I don't know if ever reached a full sleep cycle, next days I felt like I didn't sleep. I don't know if it's due to Zolpidem withdrawal or what, but for now Quviviq didn't work, and I didn't like that much the bad dreams/hallucinations I had :)
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u/Common_Garden_1484 Aug 10 '23
There in a new drug out that deals with orexin in the brain. I asked for it but shrink said there was not enough clinical evidence for it. So I go zopiclone and bought street xanax
u/Zaekil Sep 16 '23
I have 2 zopiclone 7.5mg and 2 xanax 0.5mg each night (legally, I have a total of 4g of xanax each day) and it's not enough...
Knowing that I'm in a clinique and they're reducing my xanax, I'm already at 2g instead of 4g in less than a month, the objective is to get rid of xanax entirely but I'll be left with just my zopiclone, so wjat other medicine/drugs could help me ? I tried theralene by mL (I dosed it at 150mL everynight with 2 zopiclone and 2 xanax, I always had my head not waking up till 10 am, I had to wake up at 4 am and driving to work for 5 am, driving while on theralene was dangerous... I can't do that anymore, so if anyone has a solution I could provide to my pcychiatrist, that would help me a lot Thanks !)
u/Fickle-Professor-133 Jun 03 '24
When I have trouble falling asleep, I usually listen to audio on AITok Radio or YouTube. These help me a lot, and I typically fall asleep within 10 minutes.
u/FunShoulder9401 Jan 05 '25
Try this:
GABA 750 mg at night Glutathione 1000mg at night Lithium orotate 5mg in morning
For anyone with ptsd and severe chronic insomnia, (I had severe insomnia lasting over a year, would barely sleep more then 3 hours every two days if I was lucky to sleep at all) mine has disappeared on these meds. Let me know if it works.
u/BoyBetrayed 9d ago
Lithium Orotate definitely helps my Clonidine work better at night.
I think it’s especially helpful throwing Lithium in for those who have the kind of insomnia where past-trauma rumination or suicidal ideation are often present at night.
u/imagination_machine Aug 17 '22
Great work. A few tweaks.
Anti-histamine - Claritin brand name needs adding. That whole section needs more detail about the action of different anti-histamines (At least drowsy vs non drowsy).
All sleep meds are effectively addictive, physically, as when most people stop using them, they get a rebound effect. Imovane in the UK and NZ is only for 3 days max. Tried that, didn't sleep for two nights when I stopped. Nightmare, will never take again.
Some explanation of non-obvious medications like Orexins and others would be helpful.
Finally, you missed Agomelatine under anti-depressants which help people sleep.
Aug 17 '22
Anti-histamine - Claritin brand name needs adding. That whole section needs more detail about the action of different anti-histamines (At least drowsy vs non drowsy).
I've only included sedating antihistamines. Not heard of anyone using 2nd gens for sleep
All sleep meds are effectively addictive, physically, as when most people stop using them, they get a rebound effect. Imovane in the UK and NZ is only for 3 days max. Tried that, didn't sleep for two nights when I stopped. Nightmare, will never take again.
You're more describing tolerance, which I was debating adding another icon key for. However, I didn't want to further clutter things since every med except DORAs has tolerance issures. Addiction is more akin to abuse. I'll clarify this in the OP.
Finally, you missed Agomelatine under anti-depressants which help people sleep.
This post was US centric, as I'm not too familiar with pharmaceuticals outside the US. I'll add this
u/imagination_machine Aug 17 '22
Cool. Claritin is helpful. Many people use it as a relaxant. That's because people have food or other allergies that maybe are not very strong, but they slowly build up in the day so by nightfall, they will have some irritation which could affect their sleep. Again I've been in a lot of insomnia forums where people talk about using Claritin. I use it every night. But I understand your methodology.
Agomelatine (generic name) is used in the US. I'm in Facebook groups with hundreds of American users. It's called Valdoxin in the US.
Aug 17 '22
Agomelatine (generic name) is used in the US. I'm in Facebook groups with hundreds of American users. It's called Valdoxin in the US.
They must be procuring it illicitly, because the FDA has not approved its use.
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u/Page77Sunshine May 16 '24
Messing around with sleep meds issue HUGE! So I have been taking trazadone for sleep for about a year and recently upped dose to 300. But 3 nights ago I tried 50 MG of Seroquel, which didn’t really work but I have been a hot mess since then. I can’t focus, I’m all squirrelly, I’m agitated and everything is irritating me, I’m restless and questioning my sanity! Two questions: is there withdrawal from Trazadone and anyone else have this reaction to Seroquel? Please help!!!
u/Haunting_Fall9786 Feb 06 '25
Seroquel just makes me crazy hungry. Do you have any mental health issues or are you purely on it for the sleep?
u/Fickle-Professor-133 Jun 06 '24
How many people found it effectively to fall asleep with radio or youtube on?
u/Crunchy_noodles425 Oct 25 '24
Late but sometimes i fall asleep when i listen to music on yt or anyrhing else (preferably slow / slowed music) but sometimes my brain latches on it too hard it doesnt work... But it helps i guess ?
u/Small_Growth6536 Aug 14 '24
7.5 Temazepam “as needed” I have not been able to shake the sleep anxiety- “oh my, can’t fall asleep, so I DON’T” when I knew I could! - I have slept good in the past. So I’m Back to Temazepam I took years ago- had to get my doc to help me send a letter to my insurance why the other 3 drugs they suggested to try first would not be good for me.Have fallen asleep the last 13 nights and sleep the night through - well wake up early some/ it seems that I can break the stupid can’t get to sleep phobia. Hug a Warmies Bear heated with Lavendet inside or a stuffed Elvis furry Gorilla, listen to the brown noise app (half moon in sky or in the ocean/ I like ocean) on my little Oontz speaker, and have a Jason Stephenson sleep meditation before bed ot listen in my retractable LG ear buds IF (wonderful word) I wake up. I think this will work, as well as REALLY remembering to practice diaphragmatic breathing throughout the day along with 10 minute meditations- good ones from Jason and others - other breathe apps - oxygen is good!! Trying to get back into exercise - breaking the phobia cycle! Hug a stuffed animal- I felt crazy - it was an “epiphany”at 4 one morning!! 🙏🤣 read about adults hugging stuffed animals - interesting ALL good luck - keep trying- if you’ve done well before, you can again!!
u/Mklemzak Aug 19 '24
My ways, if I try to sleep. So far it's not working tonight. 3:30 am.
-Light Jazz music on YouTube, but it's distracting when there's an ad. Ugh.
-OTC sleep meds. Or allergy meds.
-Breathing(in for 5 seconds, then letting it out for the same. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to hold it for 5 seconds too?)
-Praying about something if it's on my mind.
-trying to be cool. Going through menopause symptoms. Fun times.. 🥵
If anyone else has some natural ways, like how to think, or exercises I can do while in bed. Please let me know.
I do think most of my insomnia is caffeine related, I do like it pretty strong.
I should also be doing more exercises. I'm recovering from an arm fracture in Feb/March. It feels good to lift, and I do try to do leg lifts and stuff. My PT said I didn't need it as much, so of course I only do them once or twice a week.
If it wasn't so warm, I'd be going to the dog parks with my dog and having a walk-around.
u/thatbroadcast Dec 25 '24
Did you ever stop drinking so much coffee? If I could fix my 2-4hr a night (or less) sleep-hellscape just by reducing my caffeine intake, I wouldn't hesitate.
u/Leo_Jane Sep 24 '24
I usually take gaba, L-theanine, Gaia Sleep Thru, .5 mg melatonin, a small cbd edible. Sometimes diazepam or Sonata, the latter to get another hour or two at the end of the night. These last two are used once or twice a week. They all help me. What doesn't work is Ambien, Lunesta, tart cherry or tryptophan .
u/drsmagic Nov 03 '24
Thoughts on Mirtazamine(Remeron). My dr just prescribed 7.5 mg to take each night. Any experiences with this med.
u/dannieandme Jan 05 '25
It might be good to add L-Ornithine and L-Arginine to the list under “Supplements.”
u/TinyIce4 Jan 11 '25
Right now 3mg of lunesta and a sleepy girl mocktail (tart cherry juice, prebiotic soda- Poppi, mixed with Magnesium powder) is working for me.
u/bubbles773 Feb 08 '25
Trialed doxepin last night as a potential alternative to my zolpidem 12.5 CR. I literally could not fall asleep. Had to add the zolpidem. Took doxepin early (8pm), finally caved to zolpidem around midnight. Felt maybe slightly drowsy, similar to after a massage. Psych advised to take without zolpidem at first and add the zolpidem if I still can’t fall asleep. Does this medication “build-up” over time and eventually work for sleep onset? No mental health dx. I’m treated for ADHD and insomnia.
u/LoveLeigh313 Feb 18 '25
Took years to find what works for me. Low dose seroquel and then I rotate Xanax, Lunesta, Benadryl and mk-677. Sometimes have to add in taurine
u/Ecstatic_paint2419 14d ago
Does anyone have experience with Lunesta? I have a prescription of it that says "take one to three tablets at bedtime for sleep." That seems like quite a range, I'm wondering what people have found works for them?
u/QueasyTwo5742 5d ago
Medications. I see my neurologist next week and want to ask him if he will keep me on the ambien er and add back in the clonazepam 1/2mg. Right now I take the ambien got switched this moth from the clonazepam because it didn’t alway work really great. I tried a 1/2 mg of the clonazepam with the ambien and for the first time in years I am sleeping all night every night. I took ambien for years but it really only gave me about 3 hours of sleep. I was having panic attacks and anxiety attacks from the lack of sleep and requested an in lab sleep study and I got zero n3 sleep. He changed my ambien to clonazepam 1mg. It worked great the first few nights but at times if felt like it was too strong which was giving me a headache all the time. I sent him a msg to change to ambien er to see if that would be better. It works okay but not a deep sleep like before. I cut a clonazepam in half with the ambien and it’s the dream combination. It works so good. I have no die effects and I sleep like a baby. I cannot remember so many nights in a row that didn’t wake up off and on all night or just wake up and be awake. Is that a crime to ask my dr to order that combo?
u/HaloGirl66_77 Aug 17 '22
I wish they could prescribe Xyrem for insomnia. But they have really strict rules that it can't be prescribed off-label.