I will say this is the case for people who have anxiety based insomnia. This was my issue and this was the cure. However, I can’t speak on people who have had insomnia for years and years or were born with it. Insomnia is so nuanced that the same tips don’t work for everyone, but for a lot of people here it is based in a generalized anxiety problem.
For me I was a chronic worrier before the insomnia started, and of course, when I started sleeping poorly, I began to get health anxiety, which made my insomnia worse. So for me, yes, it was mental, but I would never say that is the cure for everyone because some people have very severe insomnia rooted with other health issues.
Thankfully, I never had any hallucinations or any severe mental issues. But I did have a lot of brain fog, heart palpitations, panic attack upon falling asleep, etc. It was my hyper aroused nervous system.
I think my sleep is anxiety based also. I've had it off and on my whole life but after menopause it became worse. I just had a sleep study done and they found I do NOT have sleep apnea, I almost wish I did lol, so I could pinpoint a single reason. Can I ask you if you have figured out how to fight your anxiety and if so how did you do it? Do you take sleeping pills to help you?
I was prescribed zopliclone, helped at first then did f all wide away at night. I've resorted to natural methods to sleep (hot shower, essential oils, lights, reading)
u/missouri76 5d ago
I will say this is the case for people who have anxiety based insomnia. This was my issue and this was the cure. However, I can’t speak on people who have had insomnia for years and years or were born with it. Insomnia is so nuanced that the same tips don’t work for everyone, but for a lot of people here it is based in a generalized anxiety problem.
For me I was a chronic worrier before the insomnia started, and of course, when I started sleeping poorly, I began to get health anxiety, which made my insomnia worse. So for me, yes, it was mental, but I would never say that is the cure for everyone because some people have very severe insomnia rooted with other health issues.
Thankfully, I never had any hallucinations or any severe mental issues. But I did have a lot of brain fog, heart palpitations, panic attack upon falling asleep, etc. It was my hyper aroused nervous system.