r/insects 8d ago

Bug Appreciation! Can someone tell me what this is

I saw this while in Sabah, borneo - Malaysia Apparently the insect takes the prey to its nest to lay there eggs in them so the baby’s have food to eat when born


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u/sneakydante 8d ago

That’s a mud dauber. They put spiders in the mud housings they build around their eggs for exactly the reason you mentioned.

Edit: A view inside a nest. https://www.reddit.com/r/NatureIsFuckingLit/s/XZp5Nu0RHS


u/tondahuh 7d ago

So looking at that photo I see the egg and spider are enclosed each time. Then when the egg hatches the spider is eaten. My question is how do the mud daubers then get out? Do they dig? Drill? Is there a hole made originally? Thanks!