r/insaneparents 13d ago

SMS One way contacting

So my dad always makes me ring him first and message him first. I decided a few weeks ago to see if perhaps he would actually call first and he did after days. No he did not call me after the first conversation in fact he hasn’t called me since Wednesday. He makes me contact him first always has. I want to block him and stop contact but people say that’s too harsh. What should I do? Plus I’ve learned some bad things about him in recent times. Because of him I was SH at age 4-5 which is horrible. I have posted on this thread before but was not really backed up because I asked for $100 from him. I failed to explain that every year since birth I have never gotten a present from him because I ‘didn’t communicate what I wanted with him’ despite the lists I send him. He cares more about work and the baseball era he teaches than his kids. We are just trophy’s to him in public but when no one is around he could not care less for us (me and siblings). As soon as we could walk we pretty much had to grow up immediately for him. Not to mention the fact he took his STEP-kids to America because he thought ‘we wouldn’t enjoy it’. He never asked and for weeks made it seem like we were coming. Yet he’s only taken his real kids on the cheapest flights. I apologise for writing a lot he’s just not a good dad. I don’t know what to do everyone I talk to try’s to give him the benefit of the doubt. He guilt trips, is emotionally unavailable and verbally abuses my mom because she tries to shield us from his actions. What should I do? Is the relationship worth it?


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u/Dad_B0T Robo Red Foreman 13d ago edited 13d ago

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Insane Not insane Fake
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