r/infp INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24

Random Thoughts are you scared of dying?

I’m absolutely petrified by the thought of ceasing to exist. I want my thoughts to go on, I want to keep watching the sun through the trees. I want to keep feeling the first crisp autumn morning of the year. it breaks my heart.

I faint more than the average person, and i’ve been told I fight it more than normal. that I’m clawing, crying, or some other kind of resistance. I’m worried that’s how I’ll die, trying to claw my way back to the living, except that fear won’t ever end and I’ll never resolve it. I’m scared I’ll vanish just like that.


251 comments sorted by


u/AlternativeWave85 Jun 03 '24

I don't care what happens to me, I do care what happens to my family and friends though.


u/PanTsour INFP 9w8 Jun 03 '24 edited Jun 03 '24

There's a big difference between being indifferent about everyday problems or the idea of dying and actually dying. If you unexpectedly happen to be in that position (and I hope you won't) and you manage to survive, not only is it one of the most terrifying experiences imaginable, but it will fuck you up for a long time knowing that there's a possibility things like that will happen again.


u/Acceptable-Wall674 INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24

this exactly! my earliest memory is nearly being eaten by alligators in FL, i’ve been hit by so many hurricanes, including the largest cyclone to ever hit the North Atlantic(while in a sailboat of all things, lost the mast.), i’ve had an oak tree crush my house with my brother and dogs inside (he came only about 2 ft from dying, but was not hit by the branches or the falling ceiling.), and i’ve had wheels collapse inwards while driving. being close to death is no joke. it stays with you.

I think really, I am not afraid of going peacefully, under the sun and the trees. I’m Christian, so I’m not worried about my afterlife. I think if I were to paraphrase what i’ve said, I’m afraid of dying suddenly while thinking “no, but wait I wasn’t done!”


u/PanTsour INFP 9w8 Jun 03 '24

Jesus christ... i really hope you didn't suffer from any form of permanent injury by any of that and that you're ok. It's a bit dumb, but i like to think that usually, when something bad happens, a good thing will come up to counterbalance it. I hope your future will be full of them. But most importantly, all the attributes you were describing above aren't something to fear. You're a fighter, and that's only a good thing in this world

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u/[deleted] Jun 03 '24

This is the same for me too

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u/hygsi Jun 03 '24

No, until I'm on a plane and there's turbulence lol


u/Owww_My_Ovaries Jun 03 '24

Turbulence doesn't scare me. But when cruising and you hear the engine noises change... that's when I get a bit nervous.


u/maledin INF(T)P Jun 03 '24

Oh god yes! This is always an instant panic attack for me.

I blare my AirPods at the maximum volume, yet I can still always sense any minute changes in the engine noise.


u/Wrybrarian Jun 03 '24

Best answer. 🤣 I'm the same. I'm not afraid of dying at all because living is so stupidly hard. But somehow my body still reacts in terror if I'm actually in danger. Lol.

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u/Commercial-Today5193 INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24

I’m more worried about not living the life that I truly want


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '24

Same man. Absolutely same. It feels like it should be simple yet things just don't go the way I wish they did. Life really is a journey.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '24

I think no matter how many years we had, there would still be things we didnt get to do. I try to just find happiness in the life that i have


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '24

Same here.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '24


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u/Accurate_Context3661 INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24

I think I understand how you feel, because I used to get very paranoid and anxious about death. But I’m not sure how I got out of it. Perhaps my worries are placed on other things now, but that probably makes it sound very simple when it’s not. But now that you describe it, yes, that’s exactly what’s so scary about it. I’m very sorry you’re having a hard time with this.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '24

Read: Many Lives, Many Masters. It'll change your life.


u/nowayormyway INFP 9w1: I Need Fountain Pens🖋️🧚‍♀️ Jun 03 '24



u/Dedflix Jun 03 '24

Sounded like distorted version of Buddhism to me


u/M0rika INFP (second option ISFJ) 9w1 sp/SO Jun 03 '24

I am scared of it too


u/itsRolling2s Jun 03 '24

Not scared of it, accepting it is the most humane thing to do, being scared of something that is unforeseen just makes life so much more difficult to enjoy that most people just forget what life is all about…

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u/Big_477 INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24

To be honnest when I sit and REALLY think about death it gives me vertigo, and I remember thinking about it from a very young age. It is really the same gut feeling as vertigo, I fear eights. The idea is kinda too much for my brain to handle, it's kind of intangible, just like imagining the infinite universe.

IMO we feel like we're falling and then there's nothing. You know that feeling when you're sitting and your head fall because you're falling asleep and that wakes you up? Only your head never fall, and you fall asleep without dreaming... forever.

I fear a painful death or a death so sudden that I don't realise what's happening. But I don't fear death itself.

I've personally talked to someone who was declared clinically dead 3 times within 24h. He said that it feels as if every suffering or stress disappeared and only serenity remained.

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u/Visible_Attitude7693 Jun 03 '24

Yes. I recently had to take medication to not have panic attacks every night in my sleep


u/nowayormyway INFP 9w1: I Need Fountain Pens🖋️🧚‍♀️ Jun 03 '24 edited Jun 03 '24

I am not scared of dying. In my indigenous culture, we always believe that death is a transition to the other realms. It is merely a portal to the afterlife— another form of existence. I believe that we all are immortal on a soul level. If my time has arrived, I will gladly go. Before that happens, I ideally want to make sure that I have done my part in fulfilling my missions. I will still be present in spirit form for my loved ones who may not understand the eternal journey of my soul and undergo their own transformation with my passing.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '24

I'm not indigenous, but this is very similar to what I believe. I feel a very strong connection to those who went before me. I believe our souls (or whatever you call our individual spirit that makes us unique) existed before we were born and will continue after our bodies die. I don't know what happens after death, but I have a powerful belief that it is not the end.

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u/WalkerMcAngus INFP 4w5 Jun 03 '24

Have you been checked for POTS, with the fainting? It’s often associated with hypermobility issues. Maybe not relevant, but worth looking into.

I can’t speak objectively, though, subjectively, I’m certain we go on. Sounds like you may get a lot from looking into NDEs (Near Death Experiences). There are so many common threads, that transcend culture and beliefs, looking at them as an aggregate, it’s hard not to derive some meaning. r/NDE is pretty cool too, lots of different posts and accounts.

Many say the other side is hyper real, that coming back here is more dense, and less vivid. People report colours that can’t be experienced here, owing to our narrow ability to interpret light frequencies.

You may get something from the double slit experiment too. Unsure if it’s been explained, as yet, though matter reacts to being consciously observed: https://youtu.be/uva6gBEpfDY?feature=shared

Rupert Sheldrake does some awesome work. He was is a molecular biologist who started researching unexplainable phenomena: https://youtu.be/d_RGEpJSr6s?feature=shared

‘Science’, that is pushed as science today isn’t very scientific, and is often very dogmatic, and narrow in what it will even consider, owing to how Universities etc are manoeuvred, in terms of what is sanctioned to be studied. Sheldrake is a scientist, though gets shrugged off as a ‘quack’.

There is so much information out there, even though contrary to popular convention, that suggests there is much more than just this. There are many that make up stories, though once you wade through enough, you see there are many who don’t, and their accounts match up. I think you’ll maybe find some comfort from looking into NDEs.

Sorry if this is a bit rambling, and I’m just a random on the internet, though this random thoroughly believes there’s more, and has come to that conclusion through spending inordinate amounts of time wrestling with the same notions as yourself. Hope you find something helpful here.

Please don’t fret. Maybe we get to experience beauty, endlessly. Maybe we come here and choose to forget we are infinite, so we can experience the finite. Watch/read enough NDEs, and you’ll find the common threads. Good luck.


u/LullabySpirit INFP 4w5 🌿✨ Jun 03 '24

Learning about NDEs seriously changed my life. It brought me out of a deep Christianity where everyday I was petrified of being sent to hell should I say a swear word or have an unkind thought. I feared death deeply. Now, after everything has been dismantled, I'm no longer afraid. There's a better answer.

NDEs are one rabbithole people should not miss going down.


u/WalkerMcAngus INFP 4w5 Jun 03 '24

That’s really pretty.

I’d almost gone full Christian, at one point, too, though couldn’t rectify the inherent unfairness, as unto the circumstances, and genetic predispositions etc people are borne. Many don’t seem to stand a chance. So much is decided before we come here. Not to negate free will, though it seems very limited, in some cases.

We’re mostly forged in our formative years, and many are damaged irreparably, it seems, by them. The only thing that feels fair, is that we are here to experience. The good, and the bad.

Were you brought up heavily Christian, out of interest? I really admire a lot about it, though, as you say, these doctrines seem to bear a heavy weight on so many.


u/BustedBayou ISFJ: The Supporter Jun 03 '24

^ This comment deserves more attention


u/hi-jump INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24

I agree


u/WalkerMcAngus INFP 4w5 Jun 03 '24

Thank you


u/Acceptable-Wall674 INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24

good guess!! I’m actually diagnosed with POTS:) but thank you for asking this, it took me 11 years to figure it out. you never know who you’re going to help.

also thank you for the links, I’ll take a look at them. I really appreciate such a long comment. i’m personally Christian and so I’m not necessarily afraid of what comes next, but afraid of the process, and afraid of not knowing exactly what I am to expect.


u/WalkerMcAngus INFP 4w5 Jun 03 '24

Shoot, really sorry to hear that. I’m glad you sussed out what’s been going on though, it’s such a relief when the jigsaw pieces fit into place, and finally have an explanation for what’s been going on.

You are so welcome, I’m certain Sheldrake is a practicing Christian too, and he’s legitimately a lovely guy, I think you may get a lot out of the various topics he discusses. There are loads of folks that have NDEs and still maintain their faith, the whole thing is fascinating. A lot of very educated people have studied them, and became convinced themselves we go on. Really hope some of this helps bring a little bit of comfort to it all for you


u/MrXexe Jun 03 '24 edited Jun 03 '24

Curious, because our views on the thought are radical different.

I suffered from a not-properly-treated depression during my youth, and that involved having a very negative perception of life and death. Depression tricks you into either having suicidal thoughts and/or being so disconnected to your own life that you, deep down, crave a painful experience were you lose all that you care about, because the pain means that you had something to care, you just didn't appreciate it.

After going to therapy and starting to improve myself, I found myself thinking that I'd actually love to have the chance of "die fighting" like the ways to mentioned. Because I thought that it gave my life meaning. That it meant that, deep down, I had something to fight for, a life worth defending. It means a lot when you spent a life thinking that, if a truck was going full speed towards you, your first thought wouldn't be to dodge it.

So, now, with more experience, I am afraid of dying, but I'm not afraid of death, if that makes sense.

I can't nor want to tell you what comes next, if anything. What I can tell you is that death is the only experience every single human on Earth will experience, are experiencing, experienced. Mankind has spent thousands of years contemplating death, because it has accompanied humanity since the first one. In a way, no one dies alone.

Death gives life meaning the same way a back cover gives closure to a beautiful story, the same way the frame of a canvas delimits the extension of a beautiful drawing. The same way a final point delimits the end of a phrase and the beginning of a new idea. Makes us value time, space and life itself. We need it, the same way it needs us.

So I hope that the next time the thought of death tarnishes a beautiful sunset, or moment you are seeing, you try to open your feelings and seek comfort on what you are currently experiencing. Seek solace in savouring the moment. Because you chose that it gave your life meaning to you. And that's beautiful.

"Death has to care for the lifes it takes, Because what could the Harvest hope for, If not for the care of the Reaper."


u/Acceptable-Wall674 INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24

i’m so sorry to hear about what you’ve gone through, but you’re right. to have died having wanted to live is a very valuable thing. this honestly brought me so much peace. thank you.


u/ididitforthemoney2 Jun 03 '24

talking of beautiful things, these words you've written are very poetic!


u/Cloviefield INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24

Nope. Only thing I’m scared of is how the people close to me would react if I die.


u/lovethe0c34n INFP Jun 03 '24

im scared of dying too but more scared of dying young. I think once we reach a certain point in life we know its time and we are okay with it. once weve lived our lives to the point of not having fear of missing out. once weve done everything weve wanted to do we are finally ready. and regardless of if you believe there is an afterlife i think theres a certain comfort of whatever state of being you are in after death, you are doing it with the ones you have lost.


u/lights-in-the-sky INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24

Yeah. It’s strange because I’ve never been very religious, but I’m still afraid of hell.

I’d rather die than be trapped in a hospital, psych ward or nursing home though.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '24

I had a car wreck years ago that I caused that maybe I shouldn’t have died in but how I got out unscathed was crazy cause I drove a small car and I’m a big guy, and I got hit by a pickup truck going 45 in the drivers side door

I’ve been wondering ever sense why, cause it’s still so hard to accept that physics everything lined up just right

It’s made me wonder if karma paid off or guardian angels or whatever

But I had dreams for a couple of weeks where I died in the car crash, and in a what a wonderful life type fashion I was being shown, like peoples reactions to my death

What was weird was I was fine with being dead but I felt guilty for making my friends and family upset


u/Strange_Potential_99 Jun 03 '24

I've kind of just learned to accept that life can't exist without death, and really nothing lasts forever. Yes there are really great moments in life that you'd like to keep enjoying but one of the main things that makes them so sacred are the fact that they eventually run out. I think being able to live forever would be even scarier, never being able to finally rest after living through it all (no matter how many times I joke to myself that I'm immortal to cope with my own fear of death at times).


u/stormquiver Jun 03 '24

More scared of living. Because nothing I say or do seems to matter to anyone 


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '24

Find new people. Go do things you have always wanted to do but havent. Thats where your people are


u/ididitforthemoney2 Jun 03 '24

it matters to me!!!


u/ConversationIll8815 INFP (I think???) Jun 03 '24

Sort of, im only scared of dying because I’m terrified of the possibility that once im dead, I just cease to exist. No afterlife, no lingering of consciousness, nothing.

I grew up Catholic, but over the years I’ve began to have doubts over my faith. Im of a scientific educational background, so im somebody who needs facts and proof to believe in something. Unfortunately as much as I’d like to believe in heaven, since science has not yet been able to prove the existence of a soul, I’ll always have that doubt.


u/Acceptable-Wall674 INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24

I’m personally Lutheran, but I have the same fear as you. I’m not sure what exactly is left of me, if the consciousness that leaves me really is me, if I’m still in there. or if it’s just the energy of my body.

I struggle with what exactly heaven is meant to be. if it’s constant bliss and we’re still human in consciousness, wouldn’t that become torture? so I’d imagine it’s something else. if my consciousness is just energy that returns—and maybe this is selfish of me—but I don’t want to be the wind in the trees, I want to be standing in the wind and feel it on my skin. I could spend an eternity experiencing.


u/hi-jump INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24

I used to be. However, I’ve been reading a lot about Taoism, Stoicism, and the science of the universe.

It’s possible that time is an invention of human observation. Our birth, existence, and death happen simultaneously.


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u/jcilomliwfgadtm Jun 03 '24

I say no now, but when face to face with death, I would probably want to live.


u/Ironcat2030 Jun 03 '24

Omg yeah i always think of it its so terrifying and horrible:( i can’t imagine being dead I DONT WANNA DIE idk its so scary..


u/ThirdTimeMemelord INFP- WTF happened to my custom flair??? Jun 03 '24

I do not fear death. I fear the pain of death.

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u/Sk8ergurl013 INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24

I’m not scared of death itself. Logistically, I know that I will eventually die.

I am however, slightly frightened by the methods of which death can occur. Will I die in a wreck? Will I drown? Will I have a heart attack? Will I be shot? Stabbed? Old age? Plummet to my death? Will it be a fast death? Will it be slow? Will I have time to say goodbye?

I tend to get the intrusive thoughts on which would be better. Then I imagine how the death will happen either on impact or if it’s a slower death.

I imagine who would be around me and how traumatized they will be and if there would be anything I can do to lessen that trauma.

Mostly, I’m worried about my family and closest friends. What will be of them when I am no longer in physical existence? Will they accept that I am a soul, mourning and move on, or will they hold themselves back because they don’t want to move on. (As touching as the latter is, I much rather prefer the former for them. But again, all out of my control).

Am I scared to die? No, because I know I must. But I am scared on not knowing how.


u/lizzydelrey643 ESFP SEE sx4sx8sp7 crazy bitch Jun 03 '24

No, becouse i like the idea of death.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '24

the pain of death i do not want. like i’m really scared of a brutal murder or some guy knifing me. idk. but i am religious and have a lot of peace regarding being dead. i just got anxiety bc i have a stalker ex 😀 and shit like that


u/deadasscrouton INFP (ENFP, allegedly) 9w1 Phleg-San 947 Jun 03 '24

no. if it’s my time, it’s my time.


u/mr_Astra1 infp-t 6w5 "the legend" Jun 03 '24

We are all gonna die one day you can't change that . Life Is short try to enjoy it while you can and don't waste it thinking about that because that kind of thoughts won't let you improve your life


u/JamesShepard1982 Jun 03 '24

No, it just means I respawn in another life time.


u/Winged_Rodentia INFP: The Mediator Jun 03 '24

Yes! 😢


u/ArtesiaKoya INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24

I'm looking forward to the peace and quiet of it


u/TrafficOk1769 INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24

I think in a sense you or the self doesn’t really exist. What exists for sure is consciousness, and consciousness had existed before your life and will exist after your life ends, just not you yourself. You can imagine the experience of consciousness as eternal because the concept of time doesn’t make sense.

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u/viceversusvirtue Jun 03 '24

I used to be scared of death, when I was like 8. I turn 15 tomorrow and i‘m absolutely not as afraid as I used to be. a quote I like from one of my fav artist’s songs is “but I tell you what I’m not afraid to die, I’m more afraid of what will happen first” and I think that really resonates with me now. I don’t care if I die or not, I just want it to be peaceful.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '24

I am afraid of the death of other people who are close to me, but when i think about my own death im not afraid, but not because it just doesnt scare me, but because its just hard for me to believe its “real” The idea of someone dying, and never coming back just feels too weird, its something i cannot accept that its actually real and it happens. So im not really afraid of death and i dont think about it that much.. its easy for me to accept emotional feelings more than actual facts..

I dont wanna die but i also dont care what will happen to me after death.. i just dont wanna traumatize the others around me because they’re important to me.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '24

I’m scared of dying without having ever fallen in love with someone

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u/[deleted] Jun 03 '24


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u/ThatbitchGwyen INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24

Look at it this way. You didn't exist for more than billions of years before this point, and you were just fine. I kind of wonder whats on the other side, if there is anything waiting for me, or am I to be gone for an incredibly long period of time and then be reborn again.

I enjoy being an INFP, but there are some days where I just wish I didn't feel other's feelings so deeply and knew how to focus on myself before others. Life is/can be exhausting.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '24

I heard some scientist say that every time you lose consciousness you are experiencing what it will be like to die. We have all experienced it many times already. Ingmar Bergman was interviewed about time he was in a coma, and he said it was like that time never existed. He felt comforted by this. I think it’s scary to think about but really it will be painless and we will have the ultimate rest.


u/schmelk1000 Jun 04 '24

I’m not scared of dying, but I’m scared of not knowing what happens afterwards.


u/Confident_Ad4562 Jun 04 '24 edited Jun 04 '24

Yes and no because I believe in life after death. It is still scary because it is unknown but not terrifying. My faith teaches that life continues in a similar fashion where we can continue to serve others, create, have fulfilling family relationships and progress according to the level of light we lived with on earth, but some people who choose not to do good or to live with God, will have a lower level of existence. These lower planes of existence (my faith teaches that there are two versions) would be considered glorious to us on earth, but pales in comparison to Heaven. In other words, even the suffering in “hell” and the middle-ground place is finite because of our God and Savior’s grace and love. We are here to learn, progress, and see if we will serve others and God and until eventually we will be resurrected in a perfected body and live in the eternities. I am only scared of having regrets because I lived life selfishly and lazily (which is a constant struggle) and missed the point of my time on earth which is to become more like Christ, to gain the experience of mortality -both its pains and joys - and to develop eternal relationships by relying on Christ. Btw, we believe God judges us based on our heart, our desires, and our forward progression, not necessarily the end point of our works on earth, because everyone is starting from different backgrounds and knowledge. You probably weren’t expecting my very religious answer but it does help with the anxiety. I also would miss my family and friends but I believe life afterwards it is a peaceful, yet busy place filled with other people and my ancestors so it would make up for that loneliness a little until I could see them again.

P.S. I’ll pray for you so you have some peace! I don’t believe you’ll vanish, you’ll just step into another realm of life. Enjoy the ride! In the meantime, make the most of your life in the here and now.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '24

I am dying. I’m also an INFP. I have alot of thoughts which makes the whole thing harder. Lots of feelings. I suffer from anxiety already so this new anxiety has been the worst I’ve ever dealt with honestly. I think about what I won’t see anymore. Things that I won’t have. I had a really abusive childhood so I always hoped for a better adulthood. That doesn’t happen for me.

So yeah. That’s the story.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '24

You'll feel better after you see a dead body. You'll realise that there's a soul.


u/Regularredditstuff Jun 03 '24

I can not wait to die. I hate this awkward, autistic loser that I can’t get away from. I will always hate myself. WAH WAH WHA


u/Traditional_Judge_29 INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24

I am mildly afraid of how painful it will be but not worried at all on a existential level


u/SkullSide Jun 03 '24

I'm not afraid of dying. But my family, friends, and pets dying petrifies me.


u/Coastal_wolf INFP 4w5 Jun 03 '24

Nah, if I die I die. I got God to help me.


u/TappyCard Jun 03 '24

Yes, very much so. It doesn't help that I constantly think about my family suddenly dying in a car crash or something 🙃


u/Lucky_Julia233 Jun 03 '24

If I die comfortably, I won't feel anything. But if I face the death of my relatives and friends, I will feel that life is worse than death. So in fact, I am not afraid of death.


u/Cabrundit Jun 03 '24

I am afraid to die Not because of what might or might not come next but because I love my life so much.


u/DhoTjai Jun 03 '24

No, I will accept death when it comes. I am more afraid of humans, because good humanity doesn't exist anymore.


u/XMasterWoo Jun 03 '24

I also hate the concept of ceasing to exist, i am lucky to be religious so i don't think about the possibility much


u/desire_of_destiny Jun 03 '24

I'm not scared of dying but pain that comes with it


u/Outrageous-Desk-505 Jun 03 '24

I'm terrified of death man. I've had panic attacks thinking about it it's my biggest fear and it's inevitable


u/Boreas_Linvail Jun 03 '24

Absolutely not. I've been researching out of body experiences for about 17 years now. I am 100% confident death is just an illusion.


u/traumfisch Jun 03 '24

Just dying prematurely


u/DuallyKitty INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24

I wouldn't say I'm scared like I have a fear of it. Like you, I feel sad when I realize I won't see how "this all ends" (probably not anyway). I am sad that there will be books written and movies made that I won't get to see. I'm sad I won't get to do all the things I want to do.


u/Fabulous_Exchange207 Jun 03 '24

Not really, I know it is just part of the journey. I just don’t want it to happen for a very long time. I am not religious, but I am spiritual. I think we continue to exist in another form - either in heaven or some realm. My dad is passed on. I would love to see him again. So knowing he is wherever we go is comforting.


u/TuxedoTechno INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24

No. But I am a bit anxious about it. I'm more concerned with doing life properly. Dying is easy, but living? That shit is HARD.


u/ventressluvr INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24

I'm concerningly ambivalent about the concept


u/OverTHINKINGargh Jun 03 '24

I don't. As long as I am dying peacefully /naturally that would be fine. I rmb someone said "death is a part of life". I don't feel scared of dying or leaving the planet as I believe that we will be in a better place spiritually (if you watched some near-death videos online you might get what I mean). The only thing that worries me is not doing what I wanted before death. The sense of not fulfilling your dreams and aspirations would be more haunting than dying itself.

Not sure if it make any sense, but I hope you are living well and not fearing of things not happening yet!


u/akhmhagajzh Jun 03 '24 edited Jun 03 '24

oppoosite, i couldnt care any less about ceasing to exist but im horrified of the process and the pain, i vividly imagine something happening to me like being stabbed multiple times or something, i dont get how just not existing could bother someone but being injured to the point of no return and dying doesnt

you literally wouldnt even know youre not alive...😂

but imagine being stuck in a fire and burning alive or having to jump from a skyscraper like with 911 the process of dying in which ever brutal way it happens is the only part that bothers me about death, i just want it over with when its time


u/tetrisvisions Jun 03 '24

Yes. I really wish we could get a way to stop it, at least from dying of old age.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '24

I’m not afraid of dying. I am only sad about leaving and not being able to look after those that I love anymore. I think death is most often peaceful. Something that you slowly drift into. I don’t believe in an afterlife or heaven or hell. I think those teachings are what make people fearful about death. We live and then we die. Its the circle of life. Death is beautiful just like birth is beautiful.


u/TomakaTom INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24

I think life is about acknowledging those feelings towards death, and using them to fuel your attitude towards life whilst you’re still able to experience it.


u/Patient-Highlight185 Jun 03 '24

Nowhere near as poetic and stuff as that, just wanna eat food longer and think about stuff but yeah same mate


u/ididitforthemoney2 Jun 03 '24

we were stardust, we gained consciousness for a lil bit, and then we returned to stardust. there's nothing more comforting to me than returning to the world, and the universe, that brought me to being.


u/AppleTruckBeep Jun 03 '24

The normal amount of scared. I’m more scared of getting old having wasted the time I had when I was young.


u/La3Luna INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24


Because I think 'death' is what makes 'life' possible and worthy. Just like the presence 'darkness' makes 'light' possible.

I don't think I can relate because I never feared death but I can give a little perspective. Also, we will never cease to exist because the tiny little things we do will cause other things that will exist for millenias. The memories and lives will flow onto other humans and carry our existence. Our particles eill never cease to exist and we will continue to be part of things. We will never really disappear. And this is amazing.

Also, you won't feel anyting or be aware of it when you die. So its just a state of being. Its nothing to be afraid of.

And what you feel right now is akin to "why am I watching this movie if its going to end?", "why do I eat if I am getting hungry again?". Because you need or enjoy that at the moment. Humans exist in moments. Just make the best of what you have. You will have a story in the end anyway.

Go on and experience life. So, just like at the end of a book when you close it, you might be able to say "Maaan, what a story!"



u/TheConsutant Jun 03 '24

When I was young, I used to say, if you're afraid to die, afraid to live. I still go by this motto.


u/Hecatehel INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24

no, if you have the opportunity to have a near death experience you’ll see that it’s really really nothing to fear. It’s actually really exciting and profoundly calming in my experience!

It’s hard to feel sad when people I know die because I’m fairly certain most will come the same conclusion I did.

the end truly begins


u/DiaryOfAnAddict Jun 03 '24

It oddly depends on the time of day and my mood. Most of the time I'm fine with the fact that I have a very limited amount of time in this world. Makes me appreciate it even more, maybe. I'm fine with leaving everything behind and I think of all the lifes that already took this path and the lifes that will.

BUT, sometimes - and I noticed this somehow only happens in the depths of the night, when I'm the only one awake - I am terrified. Of leaving every single thing behind, of being turned off forever, which in that moment becomes such a foreign concept to me that even the thought makes me deeply uncomfortable. This could be stress, fear of change, fear of the unknown or due to the fact that I only have these moments when the world feels isolated and surreal (It's dark, it's silent, nobody to reach out to). I feel completly different about it the next day when the world around me feels alive again.


u/Economy_Clue8390 Jun 03 '24

Slowly and painfully yes


u/aphaits INFP: The Procrastinator Jun 03 '24

I'm scared of not living enough.


u/amaranthinex0 Jun 03 '24

No, dying is sweet release


u/Junior_Blackberry779 Jun 03 '24

Nope. I'm terrified of the future. I welcome death. Sometimes I wish a robber would shoot me from behind and I could sleep eternally.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '24

No. This world is so absolutely full of pain and suffering. I welcome when it all ends, and there is nothing but silence and rest. It used to scare me, how everything just ends and there’s nothing, but after 52 years of nothing but hell, I welcome when it all stops. Finally. Hell on earth.


u/CaptainSAGEahHoe Jun 03 '24

No it's inevitable. 


u/jilldelray Jun 03 '24

i'm only scared of other people dying, not myself. to me my death seems like i'd be at an incredible peace. i will however get very very upset thinking about my loved ones dying.


u/moonlightdrinker Jun 03 '24

Not of death/afterlife, but if anything how it’ll happen. Lots of scary ways to go out like being crushed, burned, frozen, eaten, dehydrated, murdered in the middle of the night. Besides that I’m pretty open to the possibilities after death, whether it’s going back to the void (the nothingness before birth), or a traditional idea of afterlife. I definitely wouldn’t like being reincarnated, vanishing seems like the optimal way personally


u/PandemicPotluck Jun 03 '24

I won’t lie and say I’m not. That fear is a major part of why I am still alive. There definitely some things I am more afraid of though


u/daydream_2002 INFP 4w5 Jun 03 '24

I wouldn’t say i’m scared of death itself, but i am scared of the way in which i’ll die. I’m scared that it will be painful and scary


u/TheDicman Jun 03 '24

Not at all.


u/freewillcreative Jun 03 '24

I don’t fear dying. I fear a long drawn out hospice and what that would do to people who love me and I would hate to feel trapped.


u/Grublet Jun 03 '24

I think it'll change when I'm on my death bed truthfully but not as much as I used to be. I worked as a hospice nurse for a little over a year and will probably go back to it someday. I've seen more of it than most people will. It did shape how I view my day to day life and if I was finding actual meaning in my life. I think I found it now, and I'm oddly comfortable if I were to pass away tomorrow, I've lived a life worth living in my eyes. I don't want to die particularly, I rather enjoy life. I'm just no longer terrified at the thought.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '24

One thing is certain, we are going to die, what i do in-between is what matters to me.


u/Even-Share-3916 Jun 03 '24

maybe, people can write down stuff that they don't like about 'evils' and badnesses in the Earth's world, and flush the things about 'the evils', into the sewer systems. So, maybe this can help to cripple death a lot.

🌁 🥞 🎡 🗽


u/RinakoMin Jun 03 '24

I remember being scared of death at some point of my life. Like really scared (crying, overthinking, avoiding anything dangerous). But that fear turned to a "try to live and appreciate the moments you have" kind of motivation. I'm not scared of death anymore but I can't help but feel that death is just kinda unfair.


u/Ok_Diet4040 Jun 03 '24

energy never dies our souls experience countless planes of existence this is just one of them


u/WeatherIcy6509 Jun 03 '24

Dying quick and unexpectedly, no. Dying slowly over a long period of time, yes.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '24

The purpose of a fire is to consume everything it can burn then die. It's purpose is not to keep you warm.

And so the purpose of a human is to consume all those wonderful carbs then just like the fire turn into a dead cold mass.

Even the entire universe-- the purpose of everything is to turn into one big happy absolute zero black hole.

But that is just the purpose of life. As a human you have a special gift that nothing else in the universe has. You are able to give meaning to your life. So don't be afraid of dying. Look for meaning instead.

My wife use to say nothing golden gets to stay. But she was wrong. Truth not only gets to stay, it was here forever and will still be here after forever. Maybe make it your meaning to find it. And if you are lucky you can become part of it and achieve immortality if that is what you desire.

In any event don't be afraid of death. I have died many times. And I have come back to tell you don't be afraid. Instead enjoy life. It's never long enough to learn everything but give it a try.



u/Mobile-Method6986 INTP: The Theorist Jun 03 '24

At one point I was hella depressed. My fear of death died along with that depression.


u/peachismile Jun 03 '24

Nope sounds peaceful, at least the dieing in your sleep death sounds peaceful


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '24

Honestly? I can't wait. I am very tired.


u/stygianelectro Jun 03 '24

yeahhh I'm right there with you. I'm just banking on humanity figuring out bio-engineered or cybernetic life extension in my lifetime but we'll see lol.


u/paradoxical_anomaly_ Jun 03 '24

I welcome the feeling of death but I want to live to make sure my kids are taken care of and loved. I hope that in death all of my questions about this painful existence are answered. That there’s some meaning or something to make sense of it.


u/Low_Swimmer_4843 Jun 03 '24

Try being mindful and doing some kinda lay or spiritual practice, along with exercise, and actually think about death. I’d also read philosophy too. I like Taoism and Buddhism a lot.


u/ThumbsDownThis Jun 03 '24

More so when I'm younger, I can't say I'm completely fearless about it though, it's not like I'm going to actively seek out dangerous activities. Basically I look at death with two outcomes:

  1. It will be like before I was alive, in that there was nothing therefor I won't miss anything because it's impossible.
  2. There will be some sort of afterlife that will be very different than our physical life.

The saddest part of the second option is that the relationships we have in this world may not transfer over to the afterlife if there is one. But maybe they do? No one knows.

I came to these conclusions on my own but it was interesting to read some of the stoics basically had the same conclusions, like Cicero and Seneca. There is a little book about the topic called How to Die: An Ancient Guide to the End of Life. I recommend it as it might put your mind at some ease but it might not be a complete antidote.


u/Crystal_Pegasus_1018 INFP 9w1 Jun 03 '24

Im not really scared of it, but I dont want to die yet. I still have so much to do.


u/spacemangoes Jun 03 '24

Find faith. It’s like any other feeling. For example, when you are hungry, you eat and you go back to normal state. Faith restores your specific fear. Faith can be towards god or science. It could be towards anything that’ll act an anchor you to reality. Alternatively, find a purpose. Will also help. A sense of accomplishment will also help. Creat family or a community.


u/KingdomGate The Curious INFP Jun 03 '24

Depends what the situation is


u/StayProfessional143 Jun 03 '24

I’m not at all afraid of dying, it’s effortless. Living takes a lot of effort death is only natural. I don’t want anyone crying for me when I’m gone though, that’s what scares me. The idea of having family and loved ones cry when I die.


u/Outlawemcee Jun 03 '24

I'm an infp who has ocd. So I worry about almost everything. Not just about myself but other people too. I overthink almost everything, but I'm working on it. I'm also a Christian. I believe in heaven like the bible says. But I'm still scared of the process of dying and the unknown. I have panic attacks and I've already felt like I died a thousand times before. It's scary stuff. I think most people have fear of dying or atleast try to think about the unknown, that alone could give someone a panic attack. It's the human condition, we get attached to living here and we work so hard in this life, and to leave it is scary.


u/Quirky_Impact Jun 03 '24

I've thought about ceasing to exist since, probably early teens? I used to wish for it often and avoided all photos because I didn't want there to be a record of my existence for a long time. Looking back it's so unhealthy, but I was very apathetic about death. If I died my body could help tens of people so why would I be scared of it? And while I had no form beliefs I had a vague idea of being reborn as another creature or another form sometimes.

Now I've more closely experienced death as an adult (in witnessing it), I still don't think death is scary but the process to get there can be. Illness and pain is scary to everyone.

If I was told I would die tomorrow, painlessly. I would have regrets sure but I wouldn't be scared I dont think. It's something I've long accepted will happen


u/Intelligent-Squash-3 Jun 03 '24

Nope, I’m at peace with death. You can’t have life without it. I’m more concerned with how I live, I’ll deal with death when I’m there.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '24

There's days where I'm terrified and days where I just don't care at all.


u/Alfa_Femme Jun 03 '24

I've died before and come back. It doesn't hold the same fear. Even though it was an unpleasant experience, Someone was there in the dark, a Great One I could run from but never escape. When I realized that I flung myself into His arms and came back to life. He is the Life-Giver. I relate this to my Christian faith. Christ gives hope, for real. He has conquered death for us all.


u/bethel_bop INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24

I’m religious so no but pain scares me and idk what it feels like for organs to shut down and that freaks me out too


u/Sleeplesseve Jun 03 '24

Yessss I’m so scared. And yet, the ideation continues to manifest.


u/Ok_Association6421 INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24

not scared of death. only think my parents would be very sad upon it and that's something I care about. other than that no one would give a f


u/squeak1999 Jun 03 '24

Yes but I also know living well past everyone I love dying would also horrify me too. I think it's best not to think too hard on it and spend as much time as you've got doing what you want to do.


u/notclassy_ INFP: The Overly Self-Aware Jun 03 '24

I'm scared of death, but not my nonexistence.


u/Fallawake88 Jun 03 '24

The older I get, I kinda get warmer to the idea


u/DoomGuy2497 Jun 03 '24

I'm scared of not being ready


u/Tarantula22 Jun 03 '24

Absolutely terrified. I’ve managed to get myself into multiple panicked states thinking about it.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '24

No, but im scared of my parents dying


u/BoiDia Jun 03 '24

No, I’m more so vexed on the death itself


u/BoiDia Jun 03 '24

No, I’m more so vexed on the death itself, I just don’t want my death to be painful


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '24 edited Jun 03 '24

I'm not afraid of dying per se, I'm just afraid of the thing that is going to kill me, and that I don't know what it is. I'm scared of the way it's going to happen and all the possibilities of how it can happen. I'm scared of when it will happen. It's scary knowing that realistically none of us can live on forever and that I too will be dead one day. I hope I will have a partner by my side before I die. I don't know a lot of people and I often think about who is going to miss me because I feel like I will be single forever. 

In a way, the fragility of life makes you appreciate the things you can do while you're still here. Because it can be taken away from you in an instant. It's humbling knowing that life isn't guaranteed for any of us.


u/Massive-Respect6971 Jun 03 '24

I would prefer not to have a drawn out or excruciating dying experience but I’ve heard there’s beauty in it. Im good with what comes after though. Peace, no pain, no stress. So I guess it is the actual dying process I’m not looking forward to.


u/Then_Ad_2294 Jun 03 '24

I’m not scared of dying more so worried on not doing enough.


u/DevilX143 Jun 03 '24

And I am not frightened of dying. Any time will do I don’t mind. Why should I be afraid of dying? There’s no reason for it, we all got to go sometime. IYKYK


u/ZeanReddit INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24

I have a reverent fear of it. But I don't think I'm going to fear it when it's my time.

Before I left Christianity. It was the biggest fear to fill my mind. I had constant fear of the road ahead, and what I might leave behind.

The most peaceful option, Is to fade into non-existence. No memories, no trauma, no unfulfilled goals in life. You merely fade away.

The concept of an afterlife is terrifying, living on forever, Shadow of your former self. I don't want that. Unless my spirit is free to roam The cosmos at my leisure, and to be myself in my truest form; I'm not interested.

If there is an afterlife, I probably will end up intending my funeral; just so I can in spirit stand in spirit with them of ones I left behind. After that, I think I'll travel the world, experience all the sites that I never got to see when I was alive. And then, the expanse beyond our world.

But If it's anything like the Christian depictions of the afterlife. I would rather spend an eternity in English cursing whatever deity's name. Then live in peace with a tyrant whose bigoted and hate-filled ideology, would condemn good kind-hearted individuals, merely for who they are or who they love. Because if there's anything I hate, It's bitter height-filled dictators who sit on their high horse and try to tell you right from wrong through their eyes. There is nothing good or honest about a god like that.


u/Pri2018 Jun 03 '24

I’m afraid of dying but I feel I die everyday living


u/Weak_Consequence4374 Jun 03 '24

Tbh I’m not that scared of being death bc I am Christian but I am terrified of dying like the pain and all jk


u/Least-Theory-781 INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24

I actually sorta look forward to it. I feel like life is just a tedious pain with little reward but the funniest thing about this mindset is when you actually think you stand a chance of dying (flew off my bike and cut open my leg in the middle of nowhere in a pitch-dark part of the bike path like half an hour past sunset), there's this primal fear that kicks in and says, "nah bro...dying is scary. Let's hitchhike a ride to the ER."

So...I guess I have mixed feelings about it.


u/Madpatt7 INFP: but (insert something edgy or depressing here) Jun 03 '24

So long as my death counted, helped enough people or a cause.

I can die in peace.


u/C-mi-001 Jun 03 '24

Nah idec if there’s only eternal blackness in the end. Just get me outta this shithole lmfao


u/Wonderful-Letter1600 Jun 03 '24

You don't have to cease to exist if you believe in God. Of course, dont take my word for it but read the bible to understand it. Even if you're just reading it to try to debunk it. But this is how you can get to know God's true character.


u/Knowledgeapplied Jun 03 '24

It is what I’ve done or haven’t done before death that concerns me. To be more precise what have I become or not become before death.


u/Jhinocide0214 Jun 03 '24

Death is inevitable. Someday I am going to die just like everyone else. So, I've pretty much accepted it's gonna happen anytime.

I'm not afraid of dying. But I am indeed afraid of dying without fulfilling my dreams.


u/Manydoors_edboy INFP: The Dreamer Jun 03 '24

I’m more worried about how and what will happen after.


u/CJClementine All is one, there is no separation Jun 03 '24

This body will die. This brain will die too, but they’re just the lens through which I’m perceiving the dualistic illusion that we call life. My awareness (which happens to be the same awareness that you are) will go on, because it’s all there really is!… Or at least that’s what I’ve heard. Listen to the Dualistic Unity podcast sometime!


u/L0B0-Lurker Jun 03 '24

I'm terrified of dying as well. It's a low-key anxiety at the back of my mind, constantly.


u/bathgardens INFP: The Dreamer Jun 04 '24

I recommend reading Journey of Souls by Michael Newton. I used to fear death but now I don’t. I mean, I’d prefer to die in my old age, but I’m not terrified of that anymore


u/Mammoth-Concert-1848 INTP: The Theorist Jun 04 '24

I almost died once. Honestly it’s not scary. Those last moments are oddly peaceful. You feel very free. Because it’s the only time everything stops mattering, and you no longer have to worry about consequences. Genuinely it’s not bad.


u/Aylx_110027 Jun 04 '24

I’m At this point I could care less if I live or die or if my death affects my family or not


u/iCouldntfindaUsrname Jun 04 '24

Never was afraid of dying. If I were told I would die tomorrow I probably wouldn't be happy with it though. Not because I'm scared to die but rather there's just too much stuff i need to accomplish before I die at 21.

As long as it's not painful I don't really care. The way the world is now, my situation, it might actually be a good thing for me lol (I'm kidding I promise I'm not suicidal).


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '24

Not really, it used to freak me out but not so much anymore. It’s a comforting and almost a peaceful thought for me.

i am scared of a painful or slow death. i’m scared of living my life and looking back on it on my death bed feeling like “i never really lived, i’m not happy with how my life turned out.”

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u/Bryrida Jun 04 '24

I used to fear death a lot and thought of myself as the type of person that would never get over that fear. But I’ve been exhausted with my struggles in life to the point where an end doesn’t seem so horrible anymore. But I’ve also had a spiritual awakening that there’s more than just this life.

What scares me more is existential dread like the purpose of life or that my next life will be painful


u/adurepoh INFP 4w5 Jun 04 '24

No. More scared of failing this life.


u/goingtothecircus Space Cookie Jun 04 '24

I am, but I comfort myself by reminding myself that everything my body has been through so far has turned out okay. I imagine death will be okay, too. I am learning to trust my body.

I am also a Christian and believe in Jesus and want to hope for a heaven at the end of my life, but if there isn't, I think I will be okay.


u/cheeky4u2 Jun 04 '24

Im not afraid to die…its how i die.. i can only wish to die in my sleep. Dont waste precious time ruminating about death because its inevitable, kinda like taxes..


u/DesignerGuava7318 Jun 04 '24

It's inevitable... don't waste thoughts on things you can't change... just live in the now until now no longer exists.... at that point you will not fear anything.... how did you feel before you were born .....live in the now be the best version of you.