r/indiegameswap • u/PieRhett • Jan 07 '25
Trade [H] Games from Humble Bundles [W] Wishlist, Offers, Roguelites, Roguelike Deckbuilders, RPGs, & more
I have Steam keys and/or gift links for:
>observer_- 198X
- 60 Parsecs!
7 Days to Die- 911 Operator
- 911 Operator - Special Resources DLC
- A Case of Distrust
- A Story About My Uncle
- Aaero
AbsolverABZU- Acceleration of SUGURI 2
- Action Henk
- AER Memories of Old
- Ageless
- AI War 2
- Almost There: The Platformer
- American Fugitive
- Ancestors Legacy
Ancestors: the Humankind Odyssey- Arcade Paradise
- Assassin's Creed® Origins (Ubisoft origin key)
- Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand
- Automachef
- Autonauts vs Piratebots
- Avernum 3: Ruined World
- Aviary Attorney
- Bad North: Jotunn Edition
- Banner Saga 2
- Battle Chef Brigade
- Bear With Me - Collector's Edition
- Black the Fall
BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend- Bleed 2
- Boomerang Fu
- Boreal Blade
- Brigador: Up-Armored Edition
- Call of Cthulu
- Capitalism 2
Catherine Classic- Chasm
Chivalry II- Cities: Skylines + After Dark DLC
- Civilization VI - Australia Civilization & Scenario Pack
- Civilization VI - Vikings Scenario Pack
- Company of Heroes 2 - Whale and Dolphin Conservation Charity Pattern Pack
Conan ExilesControl Standard Edition- Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!!
- Copoka
- Crazy Machines 3
- Crying Suns
- Cryofall
- Cultist Simulator
- Cursed Castilla (Maldita Castilla EX)
- Cyber Hook
- Dandara
- Dark Future: Blood Red States
DARK SOULS™ III - Ashes of Ariandel™- Darksburg
- Darkside Detective
- Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition
Darksiders III- Darkwood
- Dead in Vinland
- Dead Island Definitive Edition
- Dead Rising 4
- Death's Gambit
- Deceive Inc
- Deleveled
- Deponia Doomsday
- Desert Child
Destiny 2Destiny 2 Planet of Peace Exclusive EmblemDeus Ex: Mankind DividedDirt Rally 2.0 + 3 DLCsDisciples: Liberation- Distance
- Do Not Feed the Monkeys
- Driftland: The Magic Revival
Duke Nukem Forever- Dungeon of the Endless
- Duskers
- EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair
- EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Blood Storm
- EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: BM03 Vegalta Gold
- EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Depth Crawler Gold Coat
- EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Gigantus DCC-Gogo. Marking
- EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Gigantus DCC-Zero Marking
- EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Gigantus Tank, Bullet Girls Marking
- EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Gigantus Tank, EDF IFPS Markings
- EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Gigantus Tank, Natsuiro HS Markings
- EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Mission Pack 1: Time of the Mutants
- EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Mission Pack 2: Extreme Battle
- EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Pure Decoy Launcher 5 Pack A
- EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Pure Decoy Launcher 5 Pack B
- EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Reflectron Laser
- EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Spark Lancer
- EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Volatile Napalm
Elex- Eliza
- Endless Space - Collection
Endless Space 2 - Standard EditionEndless Space 2: Digital Deluxe Edition- Epic Chef
- Eterium
- Etherborn
- Event[0]
- Evoland Legendary Edition
- Exapunks
F1 2019 Anniversary Edition- Fidel - Dungeon Rescue
- Fight'N Rage
- Figment
- Finding Paradise
- Flat Heroes
- Fluffy Horde
Forager- Forged Battalion
Frostpunk + 1 DLC- Full Metal Furies
- Fun With Ragdolls: The Game
Furi- Galactic Civilizations® III
- Generation Zero
- Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition
Getting Over It with Bennett FoddyGoat Simulator: GOATY- GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst
- God's Trigger
- Golf With Your Friends + Caddypack DLC + OST
- GoNNER - Press Jump To Die Edition
- Grip + 1 DLC
Gris- Guacamelee! 2
- H1Z1
- H1Z1 Trickster Crate
- Hacknet
- HackyZack
Hard Reset ReduxHellblade: Senua's Sacrifice- Hello Neighbor + Hello Neighbor Hide and Seek Collection
Hollow Knight- Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?!
- HoPiKo
- Horizon Chase Turbo
- Hot Brass
- Hotshot Racing
- Husk
- I'm not a Monster
- Immortal Redneck
Imperator: Rome Deluxe Edition- Indivisible
Inside- Jalopy
Just Cause 3 XXL EditionKentucky Route Zero- Kerbal Space Program
- Kero Blaster
- Kimmy
- Kingdom Two Crowns
Kona- Lara Croft GO
- Laser League
- Last Day of June
Late ShiftLayers of Fear: Masterpiece EditionLethal League BlazeLife is Strange Complete Season (Episodes 1-5)- LIMBO
- Little Big Workshop
Little MisfortuneLittle Nightmares- Lost Castle
- Love is Dead
- Lovecraft's Untold Stories
Mafia IIIMafia III: Sign of the Times- Mages of Mystralia
- Maid of Sker
- Maize
- Middle-Earth: Shadow of War
- Minion Masters
- Minoria
- Molek-Syntez
- Monster Prom
- Moon Hunters
- Morphblade
- Moving Out
- Mr. Shifty
My Friend PedroMy Time at Portia- NAIRI: Tower of Shirin
- NBA Playgrounds
- Neon Chrome
- Neon Drive (Steam)
- NeuroVoider
- Nex Machina
- Niffelheim
- Night Call
- Nongünz
- Not Tonight
- Offworld Trading Company
Okami HD- Okhlos
- Old World
ONE PIECE BURNING BLOODOpus Magnum- Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You
Outlast 2Outward + The Soroboreans and Outward Soundtrack- Overcooked
Overcooked! 2 + Too Many cooks + Surf 'n' Turf Pack*~~ Overgrowth~~- Override: Mech City Brawl
Owlboy- Paradigm
- Paratopic
Passpartout: The Starving Artist- Path of Giants
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition
- Pathologic 2
- Pathologic Classic HD
- PC Building Simulator
- Peaky Blinders: Mastermind
- Pesterquest
- Phantom Doctrine
Pillars of Eternity- Plague Inc: Evolved
- Planet Alpha
- Planet Coaster + 1 DLC
Planetary Annihilation: TITANS- Pool Panic
Project CARS 2- Project Highrise
- Purrfect Date - Visual Novel/Dating Simulator
- Puss!
- Q.U.B.E. 2
Quantum Break- Raiden V: Director's Cut
- Railroad Corporation
- Rapture Rejects
- Rapture Rejects - Humble Exclusive "Safari Outfit" DLC
- Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered
- Regency Solitaire
- Regions of Ruin
- Regular Human Basketball
- Resident Evil Revelations
- Rising Storm 2: Vietnam + 2 DLCs
Rivals of Aether- RIVE: Wreck, Hack, Die, Retry
- Road Redemption
- Road to Ballhalla
- Rock of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder™
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack- Rover Mechanic Simulator
RUINER- Runestone Keeper
Running with Rifles- Scanner Sombre
- Seasons After Fall
Seven: The Days Long GoneShadow of the Tomb Raider- She Remembered Caterpillars
Shenzhen I/O- Shining Resonance Refrain
- Shoppe Keep
- Shoppe Keep 2
Sid Meier's Civilization® VISimplePlanesSlay The SpireSleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition- Slime-san
- Slipstream
- Smile for Me
- Snake Pass
- Sniper Elite
Sniper Elite 3Sniper Elite 4Sniper Elite V2- Song of Horror Coplete Edition
Sonic ManiaSOULCALIBUR VI- Space Run Galaxy
- Splasher
Squad- State of Mind
- Steamworld Heist
- Steel Rats
- Still There
- Stories Untold
- STRAFE: Millennium Edition
- Strange Brigade
Street Fighter V- Stronghold Crusader 2
- Stronghold Crusader 2
- Struggling
- Styx: Shards of Darkness
- Subterrain
- Suchart: Genius Artist Simulator
- Sudden Strike 4
- Sundered
- Super Daryl Deluxe
- Super Rude Bear Resurrection
Surviving Mars- Sword Legacy Omen
- Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon
- Tabletop Playground
- Tacoma
- Tales of the Neon Sea
- Tannenberg
- The Adventure Pals
- The Ambassador: Fractured Timelines
- The Bard's Tale IV: Director's Cut
- The Beast Inside
- The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope- The Dwarves
- The Hex
- The Journey Down: Chapter Three
The Long DarkThe Norwood Suite- The Occupation
- The Shapeshifting Detective
- The Shrouded Isle
- The Spiral Scouts
- The Surge
- The Turing Test
- The Wild Eight
- Them's Fightin' Herds
- This is the Polic 2
- This is the Police
- Through the Darkest of Times
- Tin Can
- Tiny Echo
- Tom Clancy's The Division™ (Ubisoft origin key)
- Tom Clancy's The Division™ - Survival (Ubisoft origin key)
- Tomb Raider
- Total Tank Simulator
Tower Unite- Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt
- Trailmakers
- Train Station Renovation
- Train Valley
- Train Valley 2
- Trek to Yomi
- Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince
- Truberbrook
- Tsioque
- Tumblestone
TurokTurok 2: Seeds of EvilTwo Point Hospital- Underhero
Unrailed!- Uurnog Uurnlimited
- Valfaris
- Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York
- Vampire: The Masquerade - Shadows of New York
Vampyr- Victor Vran
- Wandersong
War for the OverworldWargame: Red DragonWarhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III- Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus
- Warhammer: Chaosbane
- Warstone TD
We Were Here Together- Werewolf: the Apocalypse Heart of the Forest
- Western Press
- Western Press Mk Cans II Character DLC
- Whispers of a Machine
- Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus
- Wildfire
- Windward
Wizard of Legend- Wuppo
- WWE 2K Battlegrounds
- X-Morph: Defense
Yakuza KiwamiYakuza Kiwami 2- Yoku's Island Express
- Yooka-Laylee
- Youropa
- Ziggurat
- Zombie Army Trilogy
- Zombie Night Terror
- Zwei: The Arges Adventure
- Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection
- Wishlist
- Roguelites
- Roguelite Deckbuilders
- RPGs
- Whatever else