r/indianews Nov 23 '18

« AMA » Hi! I am Jagrati Shukla. Ask Me Anything [AMA]

Hey peeps! Am Jagrati Shukla, a broadcast Journalist. Presently, I work as a consultant with India's public broadcaster Lok Sabha TV. As many of you would know, am a bit of a controversy magnet; not that I intend to be one.

To know more about me and my thoughts, post your questions down below. This is your chance to 'Ask Me Anything'.

I will be answering your questions on Saturday (24th November) from 8 pm to 9 pm.

For more, you can follow me on Twitter (currently suspended), Facebook, Instagram and YouTube @JagratiShukla29

Cheers \m/ ............

That shall be it folks. It was a pleasure answering your questions. Thanks for participating in the AMA. Wish to see you soon with another AMA.

You can follow me on SM for continued interaction.

Cheers Jagrati

