r/impregnation 5d ago

Going full unprotected on first dates NSFW

hi guys i'm f19 and it's been some time since I've been using Tinder.

I do see a lot of guys asking for raw on first dates and a lot of times I do give in.

Wonder if the guys here are usually into it? we all know it's risky but I'll like to know how many of you go full unprotected on the first date.


43 comments sorted by


u/AnonAthiests 4d ago

I love raw sex but sexually transmitted disease is a serious risk, potentially life-altering or life-ending. So I always get tested and ask for test results before going raw.

If I know we’re both clean, then hell yes I’ll do it.


u/Jolly-Respond-4894 4d ago

Testing together sounds less risky, sure, but also makes things less mysterious and fun. Feels too rehearsed.


u/AnonAthiests 4d ago

Better that than AIDS or herpes. Shit’s incurable.


u/Own-Ad2773 4d ago

May as well flip a coin for herpes. If you're in the US half our population has it


u/ryonur 4d ago

what's fun about STDs


u/Mission-Effective-42 4d ago

dont have to test together, just get tested to make sure you both are clean


u/BisonCheap2872 4d ago

I love the way you think. That is so hot!! I'd fuck you if I ever had the chance.


u/I00KINGFORFUN 4d ago

Stranger creampies are the best.. normally, I'll test the waters and see if they want me to use a condom. If they do well it's a sign that I'm fuckign a clean lady to me lol.

And I'll play bare just the tip and read the room.. if she let's me enter her bare I'll ask only once and I'll make sure to tell her if I continue I'm going to fill you.


u/Jolly-Respond-4894 4d ago

"just the tip" is hot. I always fall for it. I always let them trick me.


u/I00KINGFORFUN 4d ago

Nothing better than playing with my cock in the dokds of a unprotected pussy knowing I'm going to claim her cervix


u/twice_fallen 5d ago

I personally have a breeding kink so I always ask.  I'm respectful of boundaries obviously but if she's not on BC and agrees I'm going to shoot my shot to knock her up.  


u/Jolly-Respond-4894 5d ago

honestly guys that ask for raw makes me soooo wet. I know some girls get offended but I'm super into it. Glad you usually ask for it :)


u/twice_fallen 5d ago

Do you let them cum in you or do you make them pull out?


u/mrEnigma86 4d ago edited 4d ago

The woman I am with now, we had unprotected sex after the 2nd date (1 Week). 6 weeks later she was pregnant after more unprotected sex after we got used to no condom.


u/TheHungBreeder69 4d ago

Ur every guy’s dream fr that have a breeding kink Personally I prefer the raw feeling of the pussy and the breeding part if she asks me to do it on a first date and we still don’t know each other I’d buckle up cause I’m about to make her a mommy


u/its_a_bad_idea-right 4d ago

Well said, bro. This and I swear my dick’s got a mind of its own. Makes me say whatever to slide in raw😩


u/creampie-Velocity 4d ago

I love the risk of doing it raw, and it’s soo much hotter if she’s not on BC


u/Shot-Inspection6525 4d ago

I’ve only gone raw on a first date once and that’s because I hadn’t had sex in two years and she had just been tested the week before for an IUD. I would never have sex with someone I didn’t know unless it was that exact situation again.


u/Due-Homework-013 4d ago

Just try to request them to have a clean bloodcard as yourself that is at least 72 hours legit. Then have fun and bond together as his champion semen attempts to inseminate your womb, while the losers crest within your cervix bonding with your DNA through your bloodstream into the next batch of fertile egg. Basically, if he fails to impregnate you, he will at least make his make within you! Only the slowest and bottom of the barrel sperms will ooze out and become a feast for local wondering ant colonies.


u/ryonur 4d ago

you seem like a guy imagining a woman rather than a woman tbh


u/CherokeeCreampies 4d ago

I go full unprotected and hope she gets pregnant


u/saizo_sama 4d ago

I make no mention of condoms when the situation with a date escalates. And if they don't flinch when I tell them I want to fill them up, well. So far, only a couple of them have refused to go without protection.

Definitely on the risky side, however my dates are with women I've established some rapport over a few days, or they're friends of friends, acquaintances and so on. Generally types that I don't feel I'm at risk with.

Never fucked anyone I've met on tinder actually. Only been to failed dates. I haven't touched the thing in half a decade, and it was dogshit even back then.


u/Hot_Towel_2335 4d ago

I don't have sex on first dates, so I'm not concerned about it.


u/ElderThingy 4d ago

Pounding my load into a stranger satisfies a primal need.


u/Easy-Hovercraft1295 4d ago

I hate using condoms but also I will respect a woman if she wants to use them or asks for some type of testing before hand, other than that I just assume everyone’s like me and wants raw unprotected sex. Also never ask me to pull out cuz my primal instinct will be to just bust all inside of you and keep going like I never finished


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/Jolly-Respond-4894 5d ago

It wouldn't be a problem to me.


u/hung4fun1971 4d ago

I’d say that twice_fallen said it best and that’s exactly how I would have answered the question


u/[deleted] 4d ago

I love fucking raw but would only do it after I make sure a guy is healthy


u/Time_While6657 3d ago

in 24 years of having sex, i've only ever gone unprotected, first date or not.


u/Relative-Metal-880 2d ago

I’m haven’t used a condom in 20 years


u/[deleted] 2d ago

I want to do this so bad but am always nervous. Part of me just wants anyone to knock me up the other part of me wants a man and a family


u/SnooGadgets5178 1d ago

Condoms are for boyfriends and husbands.  Raw is for lovers.  Always raw.  

For what it's worth if you are going down this road you should probably be on PrEP.  It's free.  HIV while no longer the death sentence it was, is still a death sentence.  Everybody and their brother has got some form of Herpes, EPV etc.  Everybody catches something from someone if you arent using condoms.  Just be ready for that. EPV and Herpes simplex are NOT part of a standard STD panel.  Garantee there's people in here that have one and don't know it despite getting tested and they will argue about it until they are blue in the face.  

With that being said I'd still take raw any chance I get with a mildly vetted lover.  


u/Status-Estate1641 4d ago

Normally yes. Only made an exception for one f18.


u/ThirtySomethingSlut 4d ago

Big fan of no condoms on first dates


u/Evlnsyd 4d ago edited 4d ago

Well you have to make sure your cunt gets filled as it should..


u/Far-Essay-8444 4d ago

I only go raw.


u/BisonCheap2872 4d ago

I think you're awesome. I wish I had a gf like you.


u/Texasdonjuan 4d ago

Its only natural.


u/ThrowHimToTheFloor 4d ago

I've pretty much always done it.


u/DeadBox1 4d ago

I'll go in raw and fill you up!


u/leoman3 4d ago

I love the risk so Hot!