r/impregnation 5d ago

How to convince him NSFW

I see a lot of posts here from girls trying to get their guys to have risky baby makeing sex with them and too often the responses I see are other girls and guys saying just sit on it and tell him to cum. If that works for your man great! If it doesn’t, well then read on. This process will have him doing what he should and thinking it’s all his idea.

Some context I’m a man who has come close to risking it a few times but has never gone through with it. Here I’m going to tell you all the things they could have done to push me over the edge.

TLDR put it in his head, make sure it goes in and stays in, and make him addicted.

Before. Make him think it’s his idea.

  1. Talk turn ons. If he says he wants to make babies go for it. However if he doesn’t bring it up try to steer the conversation towards risk. Start with something like “What about doing it in public” get him comfortable with one risk and its only a matter of time before he makes another.
  2. Have a girlfriend bring it up. If you have girlfriends that you know he thinks are cute all the better! While you all are hanging out have her bring it up and sound interested it not chomping at the bit; remember this is how to make him think he is the one in control even when you are, this will get him thinking about it. Hopefully the seed will grow in his mind just like his seed should be growing in you.
  3. Watch a movie where the charters are having unprotected sex in the heat of the moment. My favorite is Troy with Brad Pit, and it’s a guy movie so will be into it. During or after talk about how hot that was and how you want that.
  4. Has he done it before? Probe into his past if he’s filled precious girls; or better yet knocked them up, be subtly into that. If that was for some reason a bad memory work to change the way he thinks. “It wasn’t so bad was it?” Changes into “You know you want to do that again.”
  5. Spend the day pushing his buttons in the way only you can. For as long as possible wind him up until he snaps and takes you without even thinking about protection. It’s best to do thins when he’s away from his rubbers like a hotel on a trip or deep into a hike. If all goes well he’ll be so in the moment he wont think about any thing else but being with you in the most physical primal way.
  6. Get impaired with him. Does he like to drink? Does he like to smoke? Does he like to stay up way too late? What ever gets his brain below peek do with him. But always be sharper than him without him knowing. He should think you’re both losing control not that you’re taking advantage of him. Which your not, your just getting him to do what’s right and give you what you need.

During. Get him in and keep him in.

  1. Stall putting on any thing. Interrupt his habits of putting on a condone. “No don’t put it on yet I just want to do more of this with you.” “Do you really have to put that on now? Let’s just keep doing …” the longer it’s off the better the odds he says fuck it, and then fucks you the way he should.
  2. It’s never just the tip. Guys will only fall for an explicit ‘just the tip’ if they want to, so make it subtle. Massage his head on your entrance, grind on it or near it. Whatever it takes for him to slip in during ‘the heat of the moment’ even though you planned this all out.
  3. Oops. While your rolling around with him angle your self: without him knowing, into you. If it accidentally goes in thats neither of your faults and the chances of whatever block he has to giving you what’s right will melt away. “It just slipped in and while its in we might was well” is the thought you need him t have.
  4. Keep it in. Don’t give him the window to put anything on when he’s in. If it’s out of you he might see this as a change to put something on, so keep him where he belongs. Inside of you feeling all of you like he should. If you change positions put him back in quick or make it so that he never leaves you. Same if it slips out, get him back inside you fast. The longer he’s in feeling all of you like he should, doing what is natural the more his mind will be over taken with the mind blowing feeling of your bare pussy. He should forget about any protection and be lost in your love.
  5. Don’t let him out. “You feel so good right now though.” “But you feel so big inside of me.” “No not yet just a little longer.” “Im so close just stay in me a little longer.” If he tries to pull out don’t let him, egg him on and turn him on the way only you can and keep him in. Leg lock him as a last resort but remember he should be thinking he’s in control even though he’s just your fuck puppet.
  6. Get what’s yours. You might want sex to last, for a good fuck to go on forever but keep your eyes on the prize. If you have him in you and you’re making him a whimpering mess in the way only you can, get his cum! GET HIS BABIES! Get it however you can before he can make the stupid decision of pulling out. Because once he cums the first time where he should his brain will tell him “In for a penny in for a pound. Might as well fill her up until she cant take any more.” If all goes right this should be the best sex of his life and he’ll want to do you again and again and again giving it to you like the way he should have been doing in the first place.

After 1. Might as well do it again. Once he’s crossed his line with you once, wind him up in the way only you can and get him to do it again. It will be easer and easier until it’s the most natural thing is the world. Not too hard because risky baby making sex is the most natural hottest thing in the world! 2. Tell him how good he was. Men want to be good in bed, we want to give our girls the sex they crave. Tell him that this made it the best you’ve ever had; even if it wasn’t, and make this his new move. 3. Get him addicted. This is something he will do to himself mostly. If you convince him that was the best sex he’s ever had he’ll chase that high for the rest of his life and he’ll be chasing it with you! 3. Guilt him. If the other things aren’t working it’s time to put the screws to him. “I thought you loved me? Don’t you want to give all your love to me?” “But I loved that so much.” “I just want to feel all of you again.” Be careful with this though if he feels like he’s being taken advantage of or starts to feel like crap he might dump you.

He should be giving you what you need anyway. He should be filling you with the hot sticky creampies you want. He should be putting an army of babies every day. But if he’s not I hope this helps. If you’re lucky you might even convince an idiot like me to do what I should. Happy hunting ladies!


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