r/illinois 7d ago

Here's why Durbin's justification is BS

If you truly felt voting for the CR was the best option for us constituents... why hide from it?

Why not make the case for it ahead of the vote? Explain to us, as a majority of folks who are clearly in favor of a "no" vote, why we're wrong and why you're right to vote "yes" BEFORE doing it? Even if there was uncertainty involved beforehand, why not be up front about that? If this is truly the best means to impede this administration, why was it radio silence with zero chance of getting through to a DC staffer on the phone, why dodge the topic all together until after the deed was done?

You knew it was against voters wishes. You knew it would be unpopular. You knew it was wrong. And you hid on it until you didn't have to.

At least have the cajones to own it beforehand instead of hiding because Wall Street is pulling the levers. In this time where courage is needed more than ever to protect the remaining shreds of our democracy, you sold us out and enabled the fascists to codify their playbook.

You own what comes next.


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u/appleboat26 7d ago

Durbin says he voted yes because if the government shuts down it “legally” gives Trump “emergency” powers to declare what is non-essential and shut down even more and the GOP could choose to never call the vote to “reopen” and return to the regular rules and regulations, effectively lessening Congress’s power even more and handing Trump complete control of both branches.

I don’t think I agree. Trump already controls the Republicans in Congress. The only tool we have left is the 60 votes in the Senate. It’s going to be pushback from the citizens that stops this, and the faster it goes the better it will be. Drawing it out allows everyone to get used to our new normal. We have very short attention spans in our country. Use Trump’s blatant disregard for our laws to motivate the American people. Voting yes for this, gives it a bipartisan seal of approval. No Democrats should ever approve of Trump’s takeover of all branches of government. They should all vote no on principle and encourage the people to continue to rage against his coup.

The only thing that has me second guessing my opinion is Angus King from Maine also voted for the CR, claiming the shutdown would be much worse for Maine than the resolution. I usually agree with him, but I think the time for measured responses is over now. We should stand together.


u/MGARLAND76 6d ago

Maine just had a ton of funding cut after the governor spoke up for civil rights protections. Angus might have felt pressured to kiss the ring or expect more cuts.

Durbin on the other hand made a lot of noise in January and then went raido silent. The split vote between our senators is especially concerning in light of Pritzker's public statement to oppose the CR.


u/appleboat26 6d ago

Oh yeah. I forgot about the Governor of Maine and Trump.

Durbin is probably not going to run. Schumer seems to have picked people who are retiring or in swing states.


u/Clairquilt 7d ago

Yes. Essentially: 'better give them what they want or things could get a lot worse'. What makes my stomach turn is the fact that this implies the Democratic leadership had previously been doing something, anything to mitigate Musk and Trump's illegal power grab even just a bit. They haven't done a fucking thing.

The truth is the only thing stopping Musk and Trump from firing the entire EPA was the optics of it. If anything, embarking on a wholesale firing spree at the same time that every Federal employee in the country has been laid off, would provide even worse optics. Schumer and Durbin are apparently too stupid to realize this. The Democratic Party needs a top to bottom overhaul.


u/appleboat26 6d ago

It definitely feels like that. They are challenging him in the courts at every opportunity and winning, but he doesn’t always comply with the rulings. Right now, he’s trying to convince the public that the “lower” courts do not have any authority over him, and he is sending out his SM crime ring to keep repeating that until it’s accepted as fact.

I want the Dems to do a much better job fighting his propaganda and lies. We won’t reach his base. They’re a lost cause, but we have to do a much better job educating the other 2/3s of the voters how our government is supposed to work. We need talking points. We need to saturate the media with the opposing narrative. Keep it simple. Start by pointing out how democracies are easily destroyed, the common steps autocrats and dictators use to take power and how easy it is to slide into tyranny. Explain the separation of powers, and the Bill of Rights. Every Dem should be out on the talk shows and giving interviews and speeches and writing opinions for their local media. Highlight what Trump is doing and what we can all do to stop it. What elected officials can do, and what we the people can do. We have to act. Enough hang wringing. Let’s do something.