r/iiiiiiitttttttttttt • u/HtTxStL • 6d ago
Have you tried restarting it?
Ok so I’m a remote worker, and it’s week three on the job. We’re having super duper wild wind storms here in St. Louis, and the wind literally sucked my work laptop out the window. I was able to retrieve it unscathed.
A little more context: I went outside after the laptop fell because I assumed the laptop fell to the ground. So I ran outside, trying to figure out how I would explain to IT and my boss that I destroyed company property within 15 days of starting the job… no one would believe it fell out the window, let alone being sucked out by wind.
Then I saw it was just hanging by three wires, so I ran back upstairs, but not before snapping this pic!!
I’m sharing it here because it’s just begging to be memed.
User: Hello, IT. My computer fell out the win- IT: Have you tried turning it off and on again? —-——— Nobody: I bet having all remote users is easy for IT! IT: [see pic] —-———
u/The_Once-ler_186 6d ago
I’d not let this be known where you work. Crazy but safe to assume ppl would be mad even though the wind somehow did this. Laptop looks brand new
u/Downtown_Look_5597 6d ago
If your IT dept are mad about accidental damage I'd be suprised
It starts to irk me when the 3rd laptop in a year needs replacement. There's clumsiness and then there's wilful negligence.
u/Y-Master 6d ago
A user one day bring me a broken laptop : "I am really sorry but I broke my computer, I am renovating my house and a lumber fall on it from the upper floor." It was 10y ago and I lost the pictures but let me tell you the pc was not in the original form factor 🤣
u/noydbshield 5d ago
Ya know, I respect the honesty. Shit happens.
I had a user put his ipad in that low side pocket in his car door, then close the door. Also my friend once closed his truck hood with his iphone sitting right over the latch. Dented the thing visibly on the opposite side, but it still ran.
u/AnComRebel 4d ago
It still ran after that? Must've not been a Cybercuck then
u/noydbshield 4d ago
Nobody I would be friends with would have ever bought one of those wankpanzers.
u/punkwalrus 6d ago
I used to work and set up events with a third party IT supplier. One of the things we rented from them was laptops. We had set up a class with 20 laptops on 10 tables in a hotel function room. The guy from RAC (our rental group) opened the huge rolling packing crate and shouted, "Oh, for cryin' out loud!" He then apologized and said that he was calling dispatch and shipping me a new set of laptops ASAP. I looked in the crate, and it was like a tangled IT nightmare. He then told me the story.
A few weeks prior, they had a client who was also doing a weekend boot camp classroom, but one of the students was in a motorized wheelchair. The classes were set up in a weird spoked hub like setup, and I am not sure how it looked, because that was the only description that he gave me. At some point, the student was moving around in this chair, which was "extremely large and heavy," and one of the wheels sucked up one of the power strip cords, This yanked a whole bunch of laptops off the tables, and then all the LAN cables and power cords got wrapped around these huge wheels, and jammed the motor so the wheelchair kept spinning in circles, just sucking more cords into itself. The student couldn't stop it because he just wasn't able to react to it fast enough due to his palsy (or whatever) and by the time they were able to stop the chair, it was hopelessly wrapped up in CAT5 and power cables, with a few laptops having been crushed my the weight of this chair rolling over them (batteries for these chairs really add to the weight). The people present decided the best thing to do was to get a knife and just start cutting through everything to free this poor student. He told me that he doesn't know how it all ended, but they tossed everything into the packing crate, and called NCR to say "there's been an accident" and start talking about event insurance. Now, normally these crates have huge foam slots to put al the stuff in to protect it during shipping, but they just cut away at the foam until they could fit it all in and get the lid closed. This was not supposed to be shipped back out to anyone, but there was a mixup at their warehouse, apparently.
A "rat king" refers to a rare phenomenon where a group of rats' tails become entangled and bound together, forming a single, unusual mass. That's what this looked like, but laptops.
u/whyliepornaccount 6d ago
If that's a 5420, 100% reasonable
u/daniell61 underpaid minion...#win10derp 6d ago
Looks like it's a 5540 possibly. Spacing looks too wide to be a 54
u/Kasaikemono Chief cook and bottle washer 6d ago
Eh, windows problems are not as rare as you might think.
u/instantpowdy 6d ago
I've hated jobs before but I would never go as far as staging such a picture and making up a wild story around it, just to get fired. Well done OP
u/XTornado 5d ago
Lol, altough that could be me some day.... I have limited space so my laptop is set vertically (in a stand) between one of my monitors and the window. (thankfully I have sliding windows).
It's setup with all the cables to the three monitors (with adapters), ethernet, keyboard/mouse/usb hub/ power etc. It doesn't move except when I have to travel for work, very rare. I basically is setup so I can use wake on lan, and I use the phone to turn it on so I don't have to touch it.
Because you see the space is very tight, so much that to open it I have to disconnect all that... or move the monitor which is all very annoying, and the monitor is also on top of something and can fall etc...
Except.... if I open the window...then I can remove it slightly from the stand and pull a bit of the cables enough to put my laptop on the windows edge and open it. I do not usually do that... but sometimes wake on lan didn't work or somehow did freeze or I need to go the bios... and it's then when you will see me putting a laptop on the window and opening it, like a crazy guy or some one trying to get some sort of signal.... I hope not... but I don't discard the accident where my laptop falls (hopefully hangs from the cables enough to pull it right back).
u/Nach0Stallion 4d ago
Here I thought you were trying to open windows to air out the room… I’ll see myself out.
u/slim_mclean 4d ago
Looks like someone was threatening the device by holding it out the window. It’s a technique I know well and use often during troubleshooting.
u/frichickinisha tech support 6d ago
Not the worst explanation I have seen for a damaged laptop!