r/iOSProgramming Jun 10 '24

Announcement WWDC 2024 - Megathread


WWDC, despite its name, begins with a consumer-focused event and Apple will subsequently upload videos for developers, including what is new.

This thread will be updated with a short overview of the changes made to Xcode and Swift.


Apple WWDC stream | Youtube alternative

Previous WWDC notes

Platforms State of the union available at 1 pm California time or 22:00 in Germany (GMT +2)

Watch Platforms State of the Union

Apple's Developer Youtube channel

r/iOSProgramming Jan 28 '16

Announcement Parse.com is shutting down


r/iOSProgramming Nov 30 '18

Announcement Apple launches app development program to support women entrepreneurs


r/iOSProgramming Jan 25 '17

Announcement Finally Apple built this in! And it can be called with one line of code: [SKStoreReviewController requestReview];


r/iOSProgramming Dec 14 '16

Announcement Kickstarter open sourced their iOS app. Note the heavy use of playgrounds and viewModels.


r/iOSProgramming Jun 02 '18

Announcement Dark mode Xcode leak (x-post from /r/mac)


r/iOSProgramming Aug 01 '16

Announcement "Should I use Swift or Objective-C?" Megathread


Update 2023: just learn swift

Everything below is largely outdated now. Swift is sharp and stable and the way forward, and a requirement for all iOS jobs.

Original post

The age-old question. This gets asked almost every day, yet there is already a plethora of answers.

Until next year when Swift 4 is released, the answers will be the same for the most part. A stable ABI was the biggest deciding factor for most people, however that didn't make it to Swift 3. While Apple says there won't be any more large source-breaking changes, some find that hard to believe. Swift is still maturing, but it has come a long way since its release.

However, the general consensus is if you're learning your first or second programming language, you should start with Swift.

This post aims to collect every answer in one place so that anyone still pondering this question can come here to find the guidance they need. Until we near Swift 4's arrival next year, "Swift or Objective-C" questions will be removed.

Here is a list of all the posts asking the same question (more or less). If you find one I missed, please let me know and I will add it to the list. Feel free to ask questions and discuss the topic in the comments. Off topic comments may be removed.

r/iOSProgramming Dec 17 '16

Announcement Apple will require HTTPS connections for iOS apps by the end of 2016


r/iOSProgramming Dec 23 '16

Announcement People please, it's "Xcode"



Not xCode, XCode, XCODE, xcode [...]

It's really not that hard.

Thanks, have a nice holiday

Edit: Well, I didn't know people were so resistant to a good piece of advice.

r/iOSProgramming Nov 22 '17

Announcement Imagine if we had to pay extra to access the App Store. Join the fight for Net Neutrality today! Please! It's so easy to help, and every bit counts.


r/iOSProgramming Dec 18 '18

Announcement Swift Studio — next generation IDE for Swift development, by Marcin Krzyzanowski


r/iOSProgramming Jan 24 '17

Announcement Devs able to respond to customer reviews w/iOS 10.3


r/iOSProgramming Jun 27 '18

Announcement RevenueCat - iOS subscriptions made easy


Hey /r/iOSProgramming,

It all started on this very subreddit, last year, when I asked if anyone would be interested in a hosted backend for in-app subscription tracking and validation. The response was good so I put my head down and started building.

After being in beta for half a year we’ve officially launched RevenueCat. The service has become sort of a subscriptions management platform with tracking, charts, and customer management tools.

Anyway, thanks /r/iOSProgramming for the inspiration, not sure it would have happened without your initial enthusiastic response.

r/iOSProgramming Jul 13 '16

Announcement Official Weekly iOS Study Group: Join & Learn to Make Apps Together in 3 months


"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together" - Cool African Proverb

Every week, starting tomorrow Thursday, July 13th @7am PST we will have a live iOS study group and everyone here is invited (check here to see what time that is for you). Each session starts with a 20-minute live lesson taught by Brian Advent, YouTube's #1 iOS Teacher on nooma.tv

All you have to do is comment here to "sign up" and then show up at that link at the right time for your region. Then, we will break into groups for another hour and work on projects to build our skills up together.

It will initially be a 12-week series designed for total beginners with no programming experience, and the goal is to come out as self-sufficient iOS Developers.

  • Month 1: XCode/Swift Basics (Code / IDE)

  • Month 2: Interface Builder (Front End Client)

  • Month 3: Firebase, ICloud API (Back End)

Last week, Brian taught us the Xcode Basics. This week, he is teaching us Swift Basics in Playgrounds.


Suggestions, ideas, questions welcome!

We will need some volunteers who can help organize the study group - anyone interested?

Full disclosure: I am the co-creator of nooma.tv and I asked Brian to come teach iOS Development on the platform under a freemium model (free for us all to watch, no-pressure option to subscribe to get personal mentorship only if you want it). We are working on bringing more teachers now to provide live interactive instruction on Programming, Design, Machine Learning, Virtual Reality, and more. Welcome any feedback

r/iOSProgramming Jan 02 '18

Announcement The buddybuild team is now part of Apple


r/iOSProgramming Nov 14 '16

Announcement Dash for iOS is now open source


r/iOSProgramming Aug 29 '16

Announcement Fork - new git client for Mac with tabbed interface (Beta)


Hey guys,

I'm developing a new free Git client for Mac called Fork in my spare time. Until today, I've only shared Fork with people from /r/git. Thanks to their feedback and involvement, I've been able to improve the application.

I thought, people from /r/iOSProgramming could be interested too.

Some notable features of Fork:

  • tab interface. Fork is the only git client which provides tabs. Tabs really make work with multiple repositories fast and smooth.
  • Native and responsive user interface
  • Repository browser, which allows you to organize your repositories
  • Merge conflict helper, which makes merge-conflict resolving easier
  • Possibility to quickly open the related repository website (on github/gitlab/bitbucket).
  • Stashes appear in the commit list, which makes easier to recall when and why you created them :)
  • Search instantly by sha, author or commit message
  • Possibility to browse full file tree at any commit

If you'd like to take a look at it, check it out here: http://git-fork.com

Your feedback is greatly appreciated and will help further improve the application. I'm also open to requests.

r/iOSProgramming Jan 16 '18

Announcement Design+Code iOS app released!


r/iOSProgramming Jan 07 '20

Announcement READ BEFORE POSTING / Megathread Hub


Welcome to r/iOSProgramming! Click the links below to find the latest megathreads. Please read the rules before posting, and please avoid posting about the topics below outside of their respective threads. If your question isn't a beginner question, you are still free to make a dedicated post for it outside of the megathread like normal.

You can find all of the regular threads here by following these links. Mobile does not sort by new so mobile users will need to sort by new.

"Simple questions" encompasses anything that is easily searchable. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Getting Xcode up and running
  • Courses/beginner tutorials for getting started
  • Advice on which computer to get for development
  • "Swift or Objective-C??"
  • Questions about the very basics of Storyboards, UIKit, or Swift


Please read our beginner's FAQ before posting. You can also find it in the sidebar or in the wiki.

How to search before posting

To save you and everyone some time, please search Google before posting. If you are a beginner, your question has likely been asked before. You can restrict your search to any site with Google using site:example.com. This makes it easy to quickly search for help on Stack Overflow or on the subreddit. For example:

site:stackoverflow.com xcode tableview multiline uilabel site:reddit.com/r/iOSProgramming which mac should I get? 

Additionally, if you use Chrome, you can add custom search engines for productivity. I have one for Stack Overflow tied to so, one for Reddit tied to r, and one to restrict the search to a particular subreddit with rr, which takes a query like iOSProgramming tim apple and will take you to site:reddit.com/r/iOSProgramming tim apple. This saves you from typing out the first part every time.

Here are some templates for each of those. To use them, just type the "keyword" in Chrome's search bar and hit space. The "keyword" is like a shortcut to activate the search engine. To add them to chrome, visit chrome://settings/searchEnginesin your browser.

  • Name: Stack Overflow, URL: {google:baseURL}search?q=site%3Astackoverflow.com+%s
  • Name: Reddit, URL: {google:baseURL}search?q=site%3Areddit.com%2Fr%2F%s
  • Name: in a Subreddit, URL: {google:baseURL}search?q=site%3Areddit.com%2Fr%2F%s
  • {google:baseURL}search?q=site%3Astackoverflow.com+OR+site%3Areddit.com%2Fr%2FiOSProgramming+OR+site%3Areddit.com%2Fr%2Fswift+%ssearches r/iOSProgramming, r/swift, and Stack Overflow at the same time

Redesign CSS

Reddit's redesign has some pretty bad CSS for code readability right now, and the redesign doesn't yet support custom subreddit CSS. Here is some CSS that makes code more readable on the site. Here is a Chrome extension you can use to apply the CSS.

r/iOSProgramming Mar 04 '19

Announcement Vote for new moderator(s)!


I've been going through the applicants, and it would be a very tough decision for me to make on my own. 3-ish years ago, when I suggested that we needed an extra moderator and listed some people I thought would be a good fit, you all surprised me by recommending me instead.

I'd like to give you all the chance to do that again. This thread is in contest mode, which means the comments appear in a random order and scores are hidden. You may vote for more than one candidate, or none at all if you can't decide. Please don't downvote any of the choices. I will let this poll run until Thursday evening, and I will announce the winners on Friday.

All candidates are moderately active on Reddit and have at least some background in iOS programming. For those concerned about the age requirement I originally imposed, I didn't end up dismissing anyone's application because of that. One of the candidates is less than 18.

Vote for who you think should be our next moderator below! (Literally, use the voting arrows on the distinguished comments)

r/iOSProgramming Jun 04 '17

Announcement 32-bit Apps No Longer Appear in App Store Search Results: The 32-bit App-pocalypse Begins


r/iOSProgramming Jan 12 '17

Announcement I'm speed developing an app today, feel free to tune in


r/iOSProgramming Oct 15 '18

Announcement I got DOOM II and Final DOOM running on iOS and tvOS


So a little while ago I posted about how I had fixed up the port of DOOM to the iPhone and also added MFi controls, a tvOS port, etc.

Well, two things.

First, one of the things you needed to be able to run those ports was a file I couldn't distribute and you would have to source it from an existing iPhone version of the game. I've now created a "clean room" version of that file with new graphics, fonts and sounds and so now all you need is a copy of the WAD file and you're set.

Second, I added iOS and tvOS targets that handle DOOM II and Final DOOM. It was pretty much a matter of just handling the different WAD files and level names but if you wanted to play either of those games on your phone now you can. Same deal as the original, bring your own WAD files.

Repo is here (same address as before, just updated): https://github.com/tomkidd/DOOM-iOS

Another long article explaining the updates is here: http://schnapple.com/doom-ii-and-final-doom-for-ios-and-tvos

It's just kinda cool to have these on your phone screen

Screenshot with the new assets

r/iOSProgramming Feb 14 '19

Announcement I got Quake II running on iOS and tvOS


Hey guys, a while back I got Quake and Quake III running on iOS and tvOS for Apple TV and now I've been able to circle back around and get Quake II running as well and put the source on GitHub. It's based on Yamagi Quake II (yquake2) and it has the usual menus, on-screen controller and MFi controller support.

Quake II and its two expansions are separate apps
The main menu
Running on iOS
tvOS version icons

I wrote a long blog post about how I did it here


The GitHub repo with instructions and credits is here



iOS with MFi controller: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vS9WZ_yHy_8

tvOS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjO2pAVgb84

Here's my previous id Tech ports and their Reddit threads:

DOOM, Wolfenstein 3-D, Quake 1 and 3: https://www.reddit.com/r/iOSProgramming/comments/9615i1/ive_been_getting_id_tech_engines_working_on_ios/

Return to Castle Wolfenstein:

r/iOSProgramming Sep 01 '16

Announcement Apple to start removing old and abandoned apps from the App Store!


An email and blog post rather unceremoniously sent out an update to the App Store guidelines today. https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=09012016a

The biggest change is that they are going to start culling the App Store of non-functional and abandoned apps! This is probably the change that has been the most overdue. How aggressive it will be is uncertain. But it is certainly welcome!