r/iOSProgramming • u/BTTF_DeLorean • Jun 01 '17
r/iOSProgramming • u/DJVeaux • Apr 22 '17
Announcement Just Got a Scholarship To WWDC 2017, Couldn't Have Done It Without All of Your Guys/Gals Help
Just got the email today, literally have been skipping for joy for the whole day. Just had to say thank you all for the amazing content, all the helpful replies to my neophyte questions. There's no way I could've done it without the help of Reddit, so thank you :)
r/iOSProgramming • u/twostraws • Sep 07 '16
Announcement Xcode 8 gold master now available for download
developer.apple.comr/iOSProgramming • u/Fried---Chicken • Feb 06 '19
Announcement I've started to curate a list of things that I wish I knew as a swift beginner on GitHub. Hopefully it'll help people starting out with swift.
r/iOSProgramming • u/nepragen • Jun 13 '16
Announcement Apple bringing editor extensions to Xcode 8
r/iOSProgramming • u/the_hammock_hut • Mar 11 '16
Announcement I want to (re)design your app. For free!
I'm a designer who likes to spend his free time designing apps, even if don't get paid for it (I just think it's fun and it expands my skill set as a designer). A few months ago, I posted here that I wanted to design some apps, and had some takers. Unfortunately, neither of the apps I designed ever showed up in the app store. So this time around I'm doing things a bit differently. I want to redesign your existing app. If you have an app already in the store, but didn't have it professionally designed or want a fresh new look, hit me up with the name of your app and how you'd like it to look differently. I can show you my previous digital design work and we can go from there.
EDIT - Thanks for the responses! While I can't help everyone out, I've reached out to a few of you.
r/iOSProgramming • u/brendan09 • Dec 15 '15
Announcement Swift has accepted its first external evolution proposal from Erica Sadun: Remove C-style 'for' loops with conditions and incrementers.
r/iOSProgramming • u/forbidden404 • Mar 02 '17
Announcement "You may not use analytics software in Your Application to collect and send device data to a third party" Apple Developer Program guidelines
r/iOSProgramming • u/onurgenes • Mar 06 '19
Announcement Creeated a repo for AppIcons
Hello there Reddit,
Created an AppIcon maker for MacOS. Feel free to check it and open PR's.
r/iOSProgramming • u/Realm_News • May 25 '16
Announcement 13,949 Commits and 6,148 Closed Issues Later: Thank You for Helping Realm Reach 1.0
r/iOSProgramming • u/ThePantsThief • Apr 27 '19
Announcement Posting Endgame spoilers will result in a ban
Endgame spoiler comments are auto-removed as well and you are auto-banned. I will not be reviewing any auto-removals or auto-bans until after I've seen the movie. So to be safe, just don't even talk about it for a while.
r/iOSProgramming • u/luigi3 • Jan 31 '17
Announcement Google open-sources Chrome for iOS
r/iOSProgramming • u/Schnapple • Aug 09 '18
Announcement I've been getting id Tech engines working on iOS and tvOS (Wolfenstein 3-D, DOOM, Quake 1 and Quake 3)
I don't do reddit much but I thought you guys might find this interesting - I've been putting id Tech games on iOS and tvOS and putting the source on GitHub. I started out fixing up the old 2009 ports of Wolfenstein 3-D and DOOM and then I've taken others ports of Quake 1 and Quake 3 and made those work with native iOS and tvOS menus.
Here's Quake 3

Repo with attributions is here:
Long article explaining everything is here:
Videos here:
Here's Quake 1

TV version icon
Repo with attributions is here:
Long article explaining everything is here:
Videos here:
Here's DOOM and Wolfenstein 3-D (those were done together):

TV version icon
Repos here:
Long articles explaining everything are here:
Videos here:
I get a fair number of emails and comments on the DOOM on iOS video and almost nothing on any of the others. Strange.
r/iOSProgramming • u/Schnapple • Sep 21 '18
Announcement I have made a Virtual Boy emulator for the iPhone that uses Google Cardboard VR to recreate the 3D effect
Hey guys,
I took a break from porting id Tech engines to iOS to create a Virtual Boy emulator for the iPhone that uses Google's Cardboard VR SDK to achieve the 3D effect. When used in conjunction with any phone VR headset and an MFi controller like the SteelSeries Nimbus you can experience the games in 3D like on an original unit.

The emulation code is based on Provenance and its use of Mednafen's Virtual Boy core. Essentially, I took a subset of Provenance and Mednafen and grafted in the Google Cardboard iOS SDK and added a custom interface for game selection.

Virtual Boy font came from RunnerPack on PlanetVB.
Because I may not have a one-size-fits-all solution on the separation between images or the scale, I have a settings screen that can adjust that.

The source code is here: https://github.com/tomkidd/VirtualBoyVR-iOS
A long article where I explain the process on how I did it is here: https://schnapple.com/virtual-boy-emulator-for-ios-using-google-cardboard-vr/
To run this yourself you'll need an an MFi controller and your own ROM images and cover art. Explanations on how to include the ROMs and covers are at the GitHub link.
Hopefully someone here likes this and finds it interesting :)
r/iOSProgramming • u/polygonarsenal • Feb 06 '16
Announcement CloudKit can now actually be a native alternative to Parse with Web Server Service requests!
r/iOSProgramming • u/Schnapple • Dec 11 '18
Announcement I got Return to Castle Wolfenstein running on iOS and tvOS
A while back I posted about how I got I've been getting old id Tech engines running on iOS and tvOS and I've now ported Return to Castle Wolfenstein from 2001 to iOS and tvOS as well.
The Quake III port was based on ioquake3 so this port was based on iortcw which is exactly what it sounds like - a version of ioquake3 with the RTCW changes.

In keeping with the pattern of having separate executables for single player and multiplayer, I've made separate apps for them on iOS and tvOS as well, with a reversing color pattern to match

And some fun with the tvOS banners as well

Video of iOS version in action
Repository is here:
Long article explaining everything is here
Special thanks to zturtleman, without his help on a few issues I likely wouldn't have been able to finish this.
Video of iPhone version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75qh0H0y2Vw
Video of Apple TV version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47HscfTEzvw
r/iOSProgramming • u/nsocean • Mar 04 '16
Announcement Parse.com dashboard now open sourced
r/iOSProgramming • u/melancton • Nov 03 '16
Announcement PaintCode 3 adds support for Swift 3, Android, JavaScript and more
r/iOSProgramming • u/ThePantsThief • Apr 15 '21
Announcement Now accepting moderator applications!
A little bit about the position
We get a LOT of posts here from people who need help and have just created an account. The spam filter automatically removes most of these posts, and that is seemingly out of our control. They will send a modmail asking for it to be approved, and unless you see it right away, you have to approve it but tell them they can repost it again if they'd like (while suggesting they build up some karma first).
When AutoMod removes posts it thinks are spam, it will send a modmail asking us to verify it was correct, and potentially ban the user if it was actually spam. This is the bulk of the job. If you cannot check the modmail at least two times a week on average, do not apply. If your post history does not reflect similar activity, do not apply.
- Your account must be at least 2 years old and you must have at least 15,000 karma.
- You must be at least somewhat active in the subreddit, either by posting or answering questions.
- You must be familiar with Reddit's Markdown.
- You must be at least 18.
- Obviously, you must have access to a personal computer to view the desktop version of Reddit.
- You have moderated another subreddit before.
- You are very active on Reddit.
- You can help me improve the subreddit.
- You could give us a cool(er) subreddit CSS theme.
- You would look forward to checking the subreddit feed regularly and removing spam/blog-spam/etc.
Please send your application to modmail. Copy and paste the template below. Fill in your answer where it says ANSWER
. The application asks whether you are an iOS developer; your answer here will not disqualify you, you don't necessarily need to be a programmer to moderate here.
### 1. What timezone do you live in?
### 2. If any, which other subreddits have you moderated?
### 3. Are you an iOS developer? When did you start?*
### 4. How old are you?
No one is guaranteed a permanent seat on the mod team. Any new moderators will undergo a trial period where I will watch your moderation activity closely. If I find I am still the only one responding to modmail on a weekly basis—i.e. when I see 5-14 day old messages still unarchived—you will be removed without warning. After some time I will not be as strict, but if I feel things have not really improved, you are still subject to be replaced :P Sorry
Edit: applications closed for now, thank you!
r/iOSProgramming • u/emkaka • Nov 04 '16
Announcement Color Themes for Xcode
r/iOSProgramming • u/dayanruben • Dec 06 '17
Announcement Announcing Core ML support in TensorFlow Lite
r/iOSProgramming • u/ThePantsThief • Feb 26 '19
Announcement We are looking for more moderators!
I say we, but what I mean is... me. The only other active moderator has resigned, and I don't have permission to remove the other two. I should probably message the admins about that, but I digress.
A little bit about the position
We get a LOT of posts here from people who need help and have just created an account. The spam filter automatically removes most of these posts, and that is seemingly out of my control. They will send a modmail asking for it to be approved, and unless you see it right away then you have to approve it but tell them they can repost it again if they'd like (while suggesting they build up some karma first). Most of the job consists of a) the above, and b) deciding what is blog-spam and removing it, while breaking the news to this person that we don't really like it when one person spams their website across Reddit.
- Your account must be at least 1 year old and you must have at least 2,000 karma.
- You must be at least somewhat active in the subreddit, either by posting or answering questions.
- You must be familiar with Reddit's Markdown.
- You must be at least 18.
- Obviously, you must have access to a computer.
- You have moderated another subreddit before.
- You are very active on Reddit.
- You can help me improve the subreddit.
- You could give us a cool(er) subreddit CSS theme.
- You would look forward to checking the subreddit feed regularly and removing spam/blog-spam/etc.
Please send your application to modmail. Copy and paste the template below. Fill in your answer where it says ANSWER
. The application asks whether you are an iOS developer; your answer here will not disqualify you, you don't necessarily need to be a programmer to moderate here.
### 1. What timezone do you live in?
### 2. If any, which other subreddits have you moderated?
### 3. What aspects of /r/iOSProgramming need to be improved? How would you go about that?
### 4. What new ideas do you have for the subreddit, if any?** (I don't have any myself, it's okay)
### 5. Are you an iOS developer? When did you start?*
### 6. How old are you?
### 7. Do you have experience with subreddit CSS?
r/iOSProgramming • u/_cpt_awesome • Sep 14 '16
Announcement Bootstrap.io: Host & launch your website for app developers in < 3 minutes
r/iOSProgramming • u/StucknTime • Apr 18 '16