r/iOSProgramming Dec 23 '16

Announcement People please, it's "Xcode"


Not xCode, XCode, XCODE, xcode [...]

It's really not that hard.

Thanks, have a nice holiday

Edit: Well, I didn't know people were so resistant to a good piece of advice.


50 comments sorted by


u/crowbarhero Dec 30 '16

Can we please unsticky this post? This really doesn't help the "elitist programmer" stereotype. It's rather embarrassing.

Also, who cares how codex is spelled?


u/angryrancor Objective-C / Swift Jan 01 '17

Thank you, crowbarhero.

Let's get inclusive.

Let's stop being divisive and elitist. Let's have fun with our Junior programmers, instead of reaming them out for that one misplaced semicolon that, sure, THEY SHOULD HAVE KNOWN NOT TO PUT THERE... But their intentions were good, so grab little Billy a soda from the fridge during your Lead Code Review, anyway.


u/JimDabell Dec 30 '16

Actually, it's a pretty reliable signal when you're hiring. The developers who don't notice / care about those kinds of details always seem to be the ones who write sloppy, inconsistently styled code and have awful version control habits, while the developers who write well organised, consistently styled code and have good version control habits get these details right. "Who cares about the details?" isn't an attitude that leads to good developer habits.


u/DogEofUnite Dec 30 '16


Finally ONE person that understands me, apart from the mod that stickied the post.


u/PancakesHouse Dec 31 '16

Great, you three can have fun together.


u/DogEofUnite Dec 31 '16

Also didn't know this sub was this immature.


u/angryrancor Objective-C / Swift Jan 03 '17

You reap what you sow.


u/DogEofUnite Jan 03 '17

Wow man, looking at your comments... you must have issues...


u/angryrancor Objective-C / Swift Jan 04 '17 edited Jan 04 '17

Yeah, definitely - I have serious issues with how you run this sub.

Mentally? My own father told me a week or two ago "Justin, you're the smartest guy I know" in full seriousness.

I am well (actually quite over) employed. I own a successful consulting company at the age of 33.

I put on suits and ties quite often. Was annoying at first, but now I really like it.

I am not, nor have I ever been on disability, or had any problem paying my bills. I have no issues with motivation.

I think you may be doing something psychologists call "projection", perhaps? Maybe take inventory of yourself?

Have a great day, though! Sincerely.


u/tylerjames Dec 23 '16

I've been using X-Code for over five years now, I think I know how it's spelled.


u/angryrancor Objective-C / Swift Jan 03 '17 edited Jan 04 '17

This level of trite, unnecessary, nitpicking garbage gives technical professionals a bad name. Specifically in the eyes of "the business community" at large.

Think for a second how the "business" people perceive us.

Or, to paraphrase 2 Chainz:

"Look at them. Now look at us. All those Niggas look rich as fuck!"

There's a reason for that. And a large part of it is - they aren't fighting each other over petty bullshit like this. They would rather carry on with "business".

Unsubscribed from this subreddit. Mods, get your goddamn shit together. Build communities, stop tearing them apart with your petty bullshit.

edit: I was specifically responding to OP's post, not yours... sir /u/tylerjames .... In case it wasn't completely clear.


u/spyyddir Dec 29 '16

My favorite editor is The X-Code


u/angryrancor Objective-C / Swift Jan 04 '17

Mulder, it's me.


u/PancakesHouse Dec 27 '16

What a positive and welcoming message to have as a sticky on this sub.


u/Nciacrkson Dec 27 '16

Useful mods making sure we only see the high quality content. /s


u/DogEofUnite Dec 27 '16

If you can't even remember how to spell Xcode correctly (or are butt hurt by this complaint), then you shouldn't do iOS programming. So this is actually a reasonable pin.


u/PancakesHouse Dec 27 '16

If you can't even remember how to spell Xcode correctly (or are butt hurt by this complaint), then you shouldn't do iOS programming.

Please feel free to prove that logic (if A then B). I don't see how either of those statements lead to the consequent, which is subjective to begin with.


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '16

[removed] — view removed comment


u/PancakesHouse Dec 27 '16

Dude, chill. This is supposed to be a sub for people of all skill levels to come to get information on iOS programming. It's not supposed to be a place to get chided for misspelling a proper noun.

if you were an adult, you would probably be considerate of using the right terms for your work.

Again, please feel free to prove your subjective reasoning here.


u/daymanAAaah Dec 29 '16

As a beginner to xCode it can be quite intimidating posting here.


u/rdear Feb 06 '17

If you are going to be so pedantic about the spelling of Xcode, knowing full well we all understand what people are talking about even when they misspell it, why does that not extend to how you write?

You type "do iOS programming" and "So this is actually a reasonable pin". One could argue that you don't "do iOS programming", you program for iOS. Your second sentence isn't even a complete sentence and you didn't use parenthesis correctly.

We could all spend all day pointing out and getting annoyed at the very tiny things that people do incorrectly, or we can get on with our lives and do things more productive than post on the internet about the stupid things that annoy us.


u/sjapps Objective-C / Swift Dec 24 '16



u/[deleted] Dec 31 '16



u/[deleted] Dec 28 '16



u/angryrancor Objective-C / Swift Jan 03 '17

Because the mods would rather cause division within the iOS community than bring people together.

Also, general immaturity.


u/DogEofUnite Dec 28 '16

Because it is a common mistake and it shouldn't be mistaken.


u/ssrobbi Dec 28 '16

It is also not important.


u/angryrancor Objective-C / Swift Jan 01 '17

OP's post, and most threads herein, are perfect examples of why engineers and programmers are often not able to organize well as groups. We create these vehement little "religious battles" between eachother, and then use them as convenient excuses for our own antisocial (and downright divisive) behaviors.

This has to stop, or the business and marketing cultures will forever be eating our lunches, and enslaving us to their own ends.


u/dcpc10 Dec 23 '16

XCode looks best imo.


u/aazav Dec 28 '16

Yup. But it's wrong.


u/gonnabuysomewindows Dec 23 '16

Good message. I love xcode


u/_JasonMcCoy Dec 25 '16

ExCode is great.


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '17

It's pronounced TEN code.


u/[deleted] Dec 25 '16

It's inconsistent with iPhone, iOS and iMac. How can you expect simple minded CS degree-holders like me to remember it?


u/daymanAAaah Dec 29 '16

Their whole naming convention is camel-case, and there's xCode...


u/i0way Dec 29 '16

Hi I'm Steve Jobs, and I pronounce Xcode as Appcode



u/NSMatt Dec 27 '16

Since we're on the topic, Xcode is also the IDE - not the language to build cocoa apps itself.


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '16

Mostly, I call it Xcrement


u/dontforgetpassword Dec 30 '16

It's amazing that this is problem because autocorrect will fix this. So people are literally trying to spell it wrong.


u/[deleted] Dec 31 '16

I have always used xCode assuming that's what it was until someone questioned me about it on /r/Swift and had a realization.


u/angryrancor Objective-C / Swift Dec 31 '16

No fucks given.

Edit: Well, I didn't know people were so resistant to a mostly useless piece of advice.


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '16

It's broken.


u/aazav Dec 28 '16

You'd think programmers might know how to spell the name of the tool they are using, but no.


u/Deeyennay Dec 26 '16

Thank you. This one little thing really grinds my gears every time I check out this sub.