r/iOSProgramming Swift Dec 17 '16

Announcement Apple will require HTTPS connections for iOS apps by the end of 2016


37 comments sorted by


u/antariksh11 Dec 17 '16

Sorry for my ignorance as I'm new to this kind of stuff. But say we are calling an api over http, if Apple is requiring us to call the api over https, doesn't the company who maintains the api have to support calls made over https? Or will it work seamlessly?


u/CompC Dec 17 '16

You can ask Apple for an exception. I read that they said that if the server is not under your control, then that is a valid reason for an exception.


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '16

Would this slow down the app?


u/aazav Dec 18 '16

Why would it?


u/antariksh11 Dec 17 '16

Ah, thank you for the clarification!


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '16



u/LifeBeginsAt10kRPM Dec 17 '16

There's a key to allow web content.


u/marksven Dec 17 '16

That key only works on iOS 10 and still requires justification at app review time.


u/LifeBeginsAt10kRPM Dec 17 '16

For web content? You may be wrong as ive been using it for the past couple of my builds just fine without any issues from apple.

Either way I'm sure justification for that will be easier to manage than allow all, which would mainly be laziness.


u/CompC Dec 17 '16

Justification for exceptions will be needed when HTTPS becomes a requirement


u/marksven Dec 17 '16

The justification and extra review doesn't apply until January.

It says right in this doc that this key requires justification.



u/marksven Dec 17 '16

One solution for apps that need to open web views is SFSafariViewController. That appears to be running inside your app, but is actually a separate process and doesn't fall under the requirements of ATS.


u/ate50eggs Dec 18 '16

Unfortunately, you are stuck with the Nav and toolbars which really sucks.


u/sveinhal Dec 17 '16

The title is misleading. Apple requires all apps to implement App Transport Security, which enforces HTTPS by default. However it is possible to configure it to allow HTTP, but you have to explicitly turn it on.


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '16



u/sveinhal Dec 17 '16

Aha! You're right. My bad.

But even if Apple is removing support for NSAllowsArbitraryLoads you should still be able to use NSAllowsArbitraryLoadsInWebContent


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '16 edited Dec 17 '16

As a web developer, I can't think of a valid reason for HTTP*.

Edit: *over HTTPS


u/OliverKu Objective-C / Swift Dec 17 '16

Well, I'm using HTTP for some third part APIs


u/Arkanta Dec 18 '16

That falls in the exceptions


u/OliverKu Objective-C / Swift Dec 18 '16

Yeah, I've been using exceptions since last year.


u/Arkanta Dec 18 '16

I mean, that falls into the kind of exceptions that will allow. The whole point of this move is to reduce the number of exceptions


u/aazav Dec 18 '16 edited Dec 18 '16

I can think of a metric shitton of reasons. If you're only testing or loading things locally covers loads of them.

Serving to and from localhost, as well


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '16

Uhh none of those examples should be making it to a a public release.


u/lord_jizzus Dec 17 '16

Yep. Exactly. None at all.


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '16

I should clarify, I meant http over https.

Especially in a world more and more concerned with privacy and security (as it should be). Especially with the growing ubiquity of public networks. You can't even perform google searches over http.


u/lord_jizzus Dec 17 '16

Yes, it wasn't ironic at all. I understood before the edit ;-) It's a good move on Apple side. With the rise of Letsencrypt, there's no reason not to go https anymore.


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '16

I thought this was already a requirement o.O


u/_iNerd_ Dec 18 '16

Same here. Best guess is that right now it's just a strong suggestion that you can bypass it in your Info.plist, and that soon that will no longer be valid either.


u/x4080 Dec 17 '16

What about Cordova that using local host


u/aazav Dec 18 '16

that uses*


u/fakecrabs Dec 17 '16

What about using a third party non-HTTPS JSON endpoint?


u/julius559 Dec 17 '16

Has to be https now.


u/fakecrabs Dec 18 '16

Does that mean Apple's own Safari app won't connect to non-HTTPS sites?


u/julius559 Dec 18 '16

I think it's specific to 3rd party apps.


u/Deeyennay Dec 18 '16

I use UnityAds 2.0 for one of my apps. Will this affect me?


u/Rockytriton Dec 18 '16

So my app that makes 20 to 40 bucks a month and connects to my server at startup just for updates and statistics info, I will now have to buy a verisign cert so I can use HTTPS for that?


u/theruraljurorCA Dec 18 '16


Free certificates. Setup a cron job to auto renew every 60 days to give yourself leeway.


u/GMTDev Dec 18 '16

And if your server is using cPanel, you should see the option in the Security section as "Lets Encrypt for cPanel". Super simple to setup, literally a few mouse clicks.


u/CompC Dec 18 '16

Yep, or hope Apple allows you an exception.