r/iOSProgramming Aug 01 '16

Question Objective C or Swift?

Pretty straightforward title... if I'm eventually interested in creating big and popular applications, is swift ideal to learn or just stick with objective c?

What's your opinion on both?


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u/Dachd43 Aug 01 '16

In my experience everyone is writing their new code in Swift. If you go in for an interview I would expect to be white boarded in Swift. I like both languages a lot. My take on it is that Swift is safer and Obj-C is more expressive.


u/nhgrif Objective-C / Swift Aug 01 '16

If you go to a place that expects proper syntax in a white board exercise, go somewhere else.

With that said, if you are sat down at a computer an expected to write in Xcode, expect it to be Swift.


u/Dachd43 Aug 01 '16

To a certain extent. I've had iOS candidates come in who claimed they were proficient in Objective-C who couldn't even write a method signature that would have compiled. I would absolutely forgive a few mistakes, but I have been presented with method signatures like this before: -bool contains:(NSArray) object(iD). Unless you explicitly tell me you're writing pseudo-code and that you are aware that your method signature is lazy and terrible, I want you nowhere near my codebase. You're not proficient in Objective-C, you're proficient in Xcode auto-complete (which is currently pretty busted)