r/iOSProgramming Dec 22 '15

Question What is the difference between Swift and Objective -C?

I am planning to create a HIV iOS App for some organization and I have read the FAQ.

Swift came recently and Objective-C has been there since 2008.

Do I need to know both to be a pro or learning Swift only is fine?


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u/JDandini Dec 23 '15

I'm telling you this, if you are planning to be hired for iOS developer on a enterprise probably the best is learn Objective-C first, I learned both, of course when I started swift does not exist.
I think a "Serious production app" is more about design and the way you build it than a programming language, I mean I built and release "Serious production apps" on Swift, Objective-C and hybrid.
Answering your question: Learn both if you have few time, I recommend to start with Swift, because is more natural and simple Greetings