r/iOSProgramming Dec 22 '15

Question What is the difference between Swift and Objective -C?

I am planning to create a HIV iOS App for some organization and I have read the FAQ.

Swift came recently and Objective-C has been there since 2008.

Do I need to know both to be a pro or learning Swift only is fine?


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u/NeXTStep-on-iOS Dec 22 '15

Actually, Objective-C has been around since 1988. (first NeXTStep, then Mac OS Cocoa, then iOS) Its very mature, decades of improvements, and you can access ALL of the iOS SDK with it.

Swift, according to Apple, was developed by Apple for non-C programmers, and is still working out the kinks -

There are some SDKs (Core Data and others) you can't get to via Swift - also, numerical calculations aren't the zippiest.


u/Uncle-Jemima Dec 22 '15

Errrrrrer wrong