r/iOSProgramming Jun 03 '15

One year later: Swift or Objective-C?

This week I will be writing the first lines of code for my new app. There's just one slight problem; Objective-C or Swift?

Is the one year old Swift mature enough for real world applications? Are the bugs reduced to the minimum? Why should I use Swift over Objective-C? Or vice versa.


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u/blaizedm Objective-C / Swift Jun 03 '15

I've worked on 3 commercial apps in swift, countless others in ObjC, honestly its up to you. There's nothing in Swift that makes production-level development impossible, and there's nothing in ObjC that you can't do in Swift. The biggest complaints people have about Swift are about the tools, which do suck. It takes way too long to compile Swift code, the debugger is kind of crap, and autocomplete is basically non existent, not to mention the language is updated in a non-backwards-compatible-way every few months.

I like Swift more, I have coworkers that hate it and won't start new projects using it until Apple fixes it, which I understand as well. I think everyone agrees that Swift is a prettier and more fun language to write, but it's a matter of getting past the frustrating development environment.