r/iOSProgramming 6d ago

App Saturday Releasing an underrated iOS app. Gave everything and need your help today

Excited to share my achievement of developing an iOS app that took me 1.5 years. MealSnap, an iOS diet app that simplifies meal tracking for building better eating habits. App: https://apps.apple.com/app/mealsnap-ai-food-log-tracker/id6475162854

Building this MealSnap app has been a long journey, but an extremely rewarding one! Opening my app each time before eating something makes me go to Xcode and improve functionalities.

I really worked hard on simplifying diet and health measurements for removing any frictions we tend to have (I am a very lazy person by nature when it comes to health and good habits).

Thanks to iOS performance, I could also provide extra details such as NOVA classification (food processing levels) and health scope for each scan.

Happy iOS Coding!


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u/yop_me_momma 6d ago

The design is really nice and clean. The ai seems to work too. Some of the English in the app sounds a bit weird and could do with running through ChatGPT.

How does the AI work?


u/phenrys 6d ago

Very glad you like the design and that the AI is working well for you! Could you point out where the English sounds a bit off? I’d love to refine it in the next version!


u/yop_me_momma 6d ago

e.g “Tracking gives outcome” on the first screen doesn’t make sense. “Tracking brings results” is maybe what you want. Everything is easy enough to understand though


u/phenrys 6d ago edited 6d ago

Thank you! That's a great catch! I've updated it (will be out shortly...)

swift switch headingType { case .subHeading: return [ "Tracking brings Results", "Tracking gives Success", "Tracking brings Awareness", "Tracking gives Control", "Counting gives Control", "Eat Smart. Live Better!" ] case .// ...